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View Full Version : not pet related--help me please!!!

12-26-2002, 12:46 PM
I am so jealous of everyone's posts and signatures and pictures. I do not know how to do ANY of that stuff. I tried posting pics of my babies on here, but it kept saying they were too big--then I created photo albums on imagestation, and someone else posted some of their pics, so that was cool, but I hate to send everyone hunting through the albums when I have a cute new pic to share. If anyone can help me out with the cute pics by your names, signatures, or anything else fun that everyone does here, I would greatly appreciate it!!

12-26-2002, 01:01 PM
Hi and welcome! When you put your pics on imagestation, I'll suggest you rezise them first - have you got a photoediting programme?

The picture you want to post from imagestation, you open and right click on it, copy the address, go back to PT, click on IMG write the text you want, OK, then paste the address into the next box and it should turn up on your posting page.

If you get stuck somewhere along this procedure, send me a PM and I'll help!

Good luck! :)

12-26-2002, 07:16 PM
you can email images to me and i will upload them to my site and you can link to my site. [email protected] :)