View Full Version : Now, 2 legs of NA!

09-30-2001, 09:04 AM
Yes! Now I have 2 legs of my NA (Novice Agility) title! And this time I did even better than last. I was the only one in Novice A 24 inch with a CLEAN RUN! So I got 1st PLACE! I'm so excited!

For jumpers, her run was absolutely beautiful until I got to the end. The last bar was a double bar jump and she knocked it down. :-( (Knocking down a bar is disqualifing.) But I'm still pleased with her because the rest of her run was beautiful!

Well, I couldn't get into any agility trials for awhile, so that'll be it for awhile!

09-30-2001, 09:13 AM
Congradulations Becky and Iris, what a wonderful, super Dog, we are very proud of you. :)

Daisy's Mom
09-30-2001, 11:33 AM
Congratulations! You guys are amazing.

09-30-2001, 11:37 AM
Congratulations!!!!! You guys really are wonderful and amazing! You are soooooo lucky to have such a wonderful dog, that can do all these things!! :) Hugs and kisses to the beautiful, amazing Iris, and you! :D


09-30-2001, 01:22 PM
That's awesome, ShepherdLover! :D What a talented team the two of you make!

We're going to join an obedience/training club soon that does some agility, and hopefully Eli will take to it. If not, I'll have to just enjoy your success vicariously!

09-30-2001, 03:11 PM
Thanks for the congrats everyone! :D That's great that you're getting started, kobieeli! If Eli is a Border Collie, I'm almost positive she'll love it!

Your other dog (Kobie?), what kind of dog is he?

Thanks for the congrats again! :D :D :D

09-30-2001, 04:04 PM

Eli's a black tri Australian Shepherd, but he gets mistaken for a BC all the time! He's quite the frisbee dog athlete, so we have high hopes for his agility future....Kobie's an Australian Cattle Dog/Husky mix who loves to clamber all over playground equipment whenever it's around--she will even slide down a slide! Who knows, maybe she might enjoy agility too.

How much obedience work did you do with Iris before starting agility, and is she titled in obedience? It's pretty crucial to have a well-trained dog BEFORE starting the obstacle work, isn't it? Eli'll need a refresher course in obedience, I'm sure! :rolleyes:

[ September 30, 2001: Message edited by: kobieeli ]

09-30-2001, 06:18 PM
Fantastic! I am so happy for you :) How exciting! Isn't agility fun? I bet Iris simply adores it too.

Again, congrats to you and congrats for the athlete, Iris.

09-30-2001, 07:40 PM
I was the only one in Novice A 24 inch with a CLEAN RUN! So I got 1st PLACE! >>>>>>>>

Woo Woo Woo!!!!

Congratulations to you both. :)

10-07-2001, 05:04 PM
omg! way to go Becky and Iris!!!

10-08-2001, 05:30 PM
Wow! Great job girls!!! Yippppppppeee for Becky and Iris!!!

10-08-2001, 08:58 PM
Belated Congratulations to You & Iris!!!!
You should be very proud this achievment.
I always love watching Agility trials on TV.
Continued success in future trials!!!
Oh, I have been meaning to tell you what a
TERRIFIC picture that is of Iris in your Sig.
She is one Beautiful GSD!!!!

[ October 08, 2001: Message edited by: lizbud ]

10-15-2001, 12:02 AM
p.s. (from another thread) happy birthday and anniversary!!!)

10-15-2001, 11:06 AM
I'd like to say one more big THANK YOU TO EVERYONE!!! I did find one more agility trial on November 17th. I get you guys updated!