View Full Version : Seeing eye dog...

12-23-2002, 09:08 PM
I was just at the grocery store, and there was a seeing eye dog in the store. It was so hard not stare (not at the poor lady, but at the dog) because he was SO cute & SO well behaved!! I was under the misguided impression that Labs & Goldens and such were trained for this service, but this was a Boston Terrier. He was so little!!! There were children running around (at one point a 3 year old ran up and poked him in the eyes & ears :eek: ) , and total chaos in the mad last minute Christmas rush, and he just stood so patient and waiting, watching his partner for a cue to go. It really brought tears to my eyes, he was such a good dog. I was so amazed and impressed, and just wanted to share.

12-23-2002, 10:32 PM
I've never seen a small dog as a Seeing Eye Dog, either, that's neat!

I'm afraid I would have slapped that child! Where were its parents?!? Sheesh!!

12-24-2002, 06:13 AM
Originally posted by Twisterdog

I'm afraid I would have slapped that child! Where were its parents?!? Sheesh!!

I'm not sure, but I wondered if he was part of that group. If so, then the poor pup was probably used to that kind of behaviour. The store was so crowded, and there were about 8 or 9 children right in that area jumping around & screaming. It was so chaotic that I had to get out of there because I don't handle things like that very well.

12-24-2002, 07:32 AM
thanks for a great story! thats so sweet! i wish my puppy was like that! can i get one? lol

~ Jess ~

12-24-2002, 07:49 AM
I've never seen a small seeing eye dog either. It's unbelievable how dogs can ignore ignorant children!
Thank for sharing!

Cisco's Mom
12-24-2002, 08:08 AM
Wow, a BT for a seeing eye dog? I have never heard of a small dog giud either. Well, I suppose anything is possible with time and tender loving care.:)

12-24-2002, 09:39 AM
i have also never seen one. :eek: amazing.

those inconsiderate kids...:mad:

i love it when you see a dog helping out people just like that. it just shows you, it's how you treat or train the dog to be able to do something. :)