View Full Version : Skinny dogs..??

12-23-2002, 07:12 PM
Are some dogs just skinny, no matter what you feed them? Zeke, like Rufus is really skinny..We always left food out for Rufus, he'd just eat when he wanted, but he was also really sleak..Zeke seems to have the same body..He's not under weight I'd say, he's not skin and bones, but Jo is quiet a bit bigger then him..I probably sound crazy..?

12-23-2002, 07:41 PM
You aren't crazy I know exactly what you mean. Winter is skinny and she gets the same amount of food as Smudge and here's actually a higher fat content but she's as skinny as a rail...or as people say she looks underweight but she really isn't she's actually the ideal weight at least for her.

Tama's really skinny as well, in fact we have to try to put two more pounds on him because he's a little to skinny. So I really do know what you're talking about.

12-23-2002, 07:54 PM
I think some dogs are just skinny, it depends on the breed. Like greyhounds for example, they are always skinny. And I'm not talking about the poor greyhounds that are running in races. They are just a very skinny breed.

12-23-2002, 09:23 PM
Muskwa looks like I never feed him and I actually feed him more than the other dogs. He has an incredible metabolism and he burns every calorie he takes in. He often won't eat for a couple days. I have asked my vet about it and he says not to worry unless there is a change in his behavior. Muskwa is full of energy, pulls a sled for miles, runs, plays and is generally a happy boy!

12-23-2002, 09:57 PM
I now what you are talking about, Zeus was the sme way before he was neutered. He was about 59lbs now he is 75lbs. He just wouldn't gain weight. I think that he was just so active that he burned all his calories instantly. I even tried food for active dogs with extra calories but that didn't even work.

But when I went to agility classes with him the trainer said he was an ideal weight for agility and even used him as an example for all the other dogs there!

Now Zeus has calmed down and gained some weight.

12-23-2002, 10:29 PM
Thunder is skinny. She looks like I starve her. I've tried everything. All the other dogs are fine ... a couple of them are even a little on the plump side.

Dog are just like people. Some of them gain a pound every time you turn around, and some never gain an ounce no matter what they eat. (I hate people like that, BTW. ;) )

12-24-2002, 08:02 AM
Originally posted by Glacier
Muskwa looks like I never feed him and I actually feed him more than the other dogs. He has an incredible metabolism and he burns every calorie he takes in. He often won't eat for a couple days.
Roxey is the same way! But it seems now as the weather gets colder, she has been eating more...and staying outside much longer than she usually does. She loves this cold weather!

12-24-2002, 03:52 PM
I too know exactly what you mean..when it comes to weight, my girls are day and night. Sadie can eat, whatever, whenever and stays really thin. Cincy is on reduced calorie food, gets smaller treats, and yet she keeps gaining weight! We were sure she had lost weight, but the vet said she gained 2lbs!!! She's just our little hunk-a-chunk :)

12-25-2002, 01:37 AM
Honey, my brother's puppy, is waaaaaaaay skinny. She's a piggy though! She eats like crazy, she acts as if she's nevr drank water befor in her life!! I think it depends on the dog, you know how som humans can burn fat faster than others, well i guess it's the same with dogs.

12-25-2002, 10:46 AM
Gee, so this is normal and i thought there's something wrong with my Beethoven..... :o She's skinny no matter how much she eat.