View Full Version : Fireworks and my kitties...

07-04-2017, 01:34 PM
Fireworks are great for humans to enjoy, but so many pets are terrified. Several of my kitties are no exception. I stocked up on Composure treats yesterday. I also use them for thunderstorm anxiety.
I will start the cats on the treats here shortly.

07-04-2017, 03:20 PM
Oh, I remember how scared Fister was on New Years eve. The loud bombs were the worst, but he also hated the small ones that make a sizzling noise. As years went by I got 2 mg. Diazepam from the vet to give him, that helped a little. I would also cover a box with a duvet and blankets with just a small opening for him, which I put own my bed. He already loved boxes, so he would sometimes hide in there.

I feel so bad for all these poor pets... and other animals who are so frightened. :(

Good luck calming yours down. I send kisses to them all. :love:

07-04-2017, 04:29 PM
Someone was blowing some off not too far from my place last evening, and Sparkler kept looking at the window when one went off, wondering what the hell this was. Fortunately there weren't too many, and they didn't continue for long.


07-04-2017, 08:18 PM
Lots of fireworks going off right now. The cats seem to be ok, especially Willa who's laid out right now on the living room floor. She's the only one who's not afraid of the vacuum cleaner, either.

07-05-2017, 12:57 PM
My cats had been asleep in the bedroom ALL day. When the fireworks started they both came out to the living room looking around like they were confused. I did have the slider door open back in the bedroom, so the fireworks were probably the loudest back there. So they just hung out with me and the dogs where it was quieter. I had the TV on and loud and also the whole house fan going to help drown out the noise. Zeplyn (dog) was not a fan of the noise either. Taggart (dog) is so laid back, he wasn't bothered at all.