View Full Version : baby to adult

12-23-2002, 07:55 AM
I know their ages are older than we are and Rocky is 6 months old now but I was wondering...when is he actually an adult cat? a year? 2 years?

12-23-2002, 08:00 AM
It is dependant on the breed of cat. Most are sexually mature at 9 months, but usually they do not compeletly mature until about 18 months. :) Some are a little slower at fully maturing until they are at least 2 years old. I'm thinking of the Maine Coon breed, and I just recently learned that Russian Blues, are also slow to mature.

12-23-2002, 08:59 AM
My Maya , who is about 11 months now , is almost mature . The vet says she is fulgrown . She weighs a 4,45kg , which is super !


Inka , that is another story ! She is a Main Coon ; she is rather tall already , but still so very much a kitten ; silly Inka !!!


12-23-2002, 01:32 PM
I think that they are fully mature when they begin to ignore you and no longer respond to their name.

Seriously though - its been my experience that they seem full grown when they are around a year old but actually continue to grow a bit more for the next year or two - depending on breed.

12-23-2002, 03:25 PM
I think the answer depends on what part you are referring to- the sexual maturity, the social maturity, or the physical maturity. I thought cats reached sexual maturity earlier...like at 6-7 months, then, socially, I would guess closer to one year. As to physical maturity, I think that is closer to two years. My 'kittens' are 2 years 4 months. They are totally all grown up! Finally! But, they still act like the kittens of the bunch.