View Full Version : tidycat litter

04-24-2015, 02:21 PM
Has anyone noticed the lack of clumping ability in Tidycat litter.??
Having a terrible time with the litter separating.

04-24-2015, 06:23 PM
It clumps fine for me. It might be your cat(s) that are causing it.
I know someone that told me her cat digs and scrapes so much she breaks up the clumps.

Maybe try to make the litter deeper in the box. I keep mine only about 1 - 2 inches from the top of the box edge. Of course mine are hooded so I don't have a mess around it.

OH, and one time I had a box of TidyCat and noticed after I got it home that the pull tab was gone. When I opened it I discovered it was NOT TidyCat! Someone filled it with another kind of litter and returned it to the store! So now I check for the pull tab to be intact.

04-26-2015, 10:30 AM
I also have covered boxes and four cats, one who insists on standing,. (female).

I have been using TC for years just lately noticed this problem, normally can hardly pick up the litter bag, now its not even half full, just full of loose litter.????

04-28-2015, 08:38 AM
Have switched litter to a store brand, works 100 % better, will stick with this altho a little dusty.

04-30-2015, 03:33 PM
I used Tidy Cats litter for over 15 years. Just recently switched to this one: Dr. Elseys Precious Cat litter, the one in the BLUE packaging. You can read about it here:

There is also a place on the above website for a free bag -- you mail in the UPC from the bag and your store receipt, and they mail you a check.

Sale on it here just now:

It is also available on Amazon, and at some pet stores.

The difference in dust level is stunning! Tidy Cats really has a lot of dust!

And this one has firm clumps.