View Full Version : Posssible HSR Bus Strike 95 % say yes

03-23-2015, 09:28 AM
For the poor old Cat Man.
This will keep me away from the computer as my foot is still too sore to walk too far.
I will miss the PetSmart and seeing the Cat of the Day and reading all the threads.
And going to medical places will be impossible.
I pray My angels can help me:love::love::love:

03-23-2015, 10:08 AM
We are all sending along our prayers and good wishes that this strike does not happen.

And if it does, that some alternative transport becomes available for people like you, Gary (and there must be many others), who are totally dependent on it, at least to get to medical appointments and get groceries. Are there any agencies that help seniors and disabled people in Hamilton?


03-23-2015, 11:09 AM
Prayers on the way! About what issue are they planning on striking?

03-23-2015, 11:48 AM
Gary, here are some transportation services in Hamilton.

DARTS -Please feel free to contact us at DARTS by email at [email protected] or by calling 905-529-1717. Gary - a person has to qualify for DARTS and there is a fee, but it is likely low.

Red Cross - fees vary. http://www.hnhbhealthline.ca/displayService.aspx?id=81944 905-522-8485 ext 1216

There is a new application for Accessible Transportation Services. Your doctor or his/her assistant can help you with this. https://www.hamilton.ca/NR/rdonlyres/E9AE6F08-7922-47F2-A126-4BEB1A7474C8/0/2014ATSApplicationREVISEDMARCH.pdf

Eligible status for the above can be temporary - so is transit goes on strike and you still need to attend medical appointments, you would qualify.

There is a Taxi Scrip service, but you'd have to qualify for the above Accessible Transportation Service.

By the way - is your toe healing?:)

03-24-2015, 09:20 AM
Thank You Catty I , I will look into those.
At least I am close to Wal Mart , our store!!!
And a great Sausage stand for lunch.

03-24-2015, 09:40 PM
I so feel for you Gary! I am at the mercy of our towns bus too! People who don't rely completely on it for transportation don't realize for us it's vital for our existence! Our town drives me crazy! They can buy and fund a golf course that only a few muckity mucks use AND pay to have water and sewage facilities put in at a baseball park that probably will not be used over a year, two at most. They can not afford to help fund our bus line though!:mad:

03-24-2015, 10:22 PM
I so feel for you Gary! I am at the mercy of our towns bus too! People who don't rely completely on it for transportation don't realize for us it's vital for our existence! Our town drives me crazy! They can buy and fund a golf course that only a few muckity mucks use AND pay to have water and sewage facilities put in at a baseball park that probably will not be used over a year, two at most. They can not afford to help fund our bus line though!:mad:

Seems like it is time to vote out the incumbents! Grassroots campaign to fire the bums!

03-25-2015, 02:22 PM
Consider yourselves lucky you don't live here, in L.A.. I don't think it is possible to survive without driving here. Our trains are great, but they don't go everywhere a person needs to go. Our buses are a joke. One an hour, every hour, except on Sundays when many lines don't run at all. We learn to drive here much sooner than people in the rest of the country. Without a car you cannot shop, go to the doctors or to work, visit friends unless they live close, go to any theme parks, etc... Everyone drives here and you're considered weird or infantile if you don't. Not saying that this attitude is correct, but it is just the way it is. I hope the bus strike doesn't happen, Gary. That would be more than just inconvenient for you, it would be a major life crisis.

03-26-2015, 09:29 AM
The thing is that the people of Hamilton only vote about 35 % in the municipal elections so the same Alder Thieves get back time after time , and they do not care about the older and poor people who take the bus.
66 % of Hamiltonian would not take the bus if it was free , they are glad that the buses are not in the way.
Thank You so much for your threads , I realize that I am not alone.
I am praying My Awesome Angels will come to my rescue.:love::love::love:

03-26-2015, 11:52 AM
No, you are not alone, Gary.

More prayers that the bus service doesn't get hit by a strike.


03-27-2015, 04:56 PM
One thing I have noticed here is that people don't really care about things that don't directly affect them or their family! Who cares if there is no bus, they don't need it. Let them need one though and it not be there, well then that's an entire different kettle of fish!:rolleyes:

03-28-2015, 09:23 AM
You are right momoffuzzyfaces people are rather self centered, and Thank You Pat Scrappy Two mews Hello.
We are going top Swiss Chalet for Spare Ribs , Baked Potato Soup and a salad and we know that a certain Tuxedo will be there with a whole flock of Angels , many visiting from Georgia.
At least there is a library fairly close and Wal Mart is just around the corner , although we will miss PetSmart.

03-30-2015, 09:27 AM
But my Dear Awesome Angels have made things easier on their Dear Old Cat Dad, as they are starting a Family Practice clinic near me where the Block Buster once stood.
There is always a silver lining when you have Angels on your side.:love::love::love:

03-30-2015, 09:46 AM
Oh, that's good news about the nearby Family Practice Clinic starting up!

Sydney Angel tells me he was right out there making that happen, for his dearest Scrappy Two and her dearest Dad.


03-31-2015, 09:28 AM
And I know that My Awesome Angels Companion Army will be thw wind beneath my Wings and will guide me towards the Library , and help me all they can.
WE got a great deal on Whiskas Pouches , I will miss that PetSmart.:eek::eek:

03-31-2015, 10:50 AM
Gary, the strike will be over at some point. Keep the faith!:)