View Full Version : me and my cast

david p
03-10-2015, 08:00 AM
As some of you might know, about a month ago I broke my right wrist in two places. Anyhow, last sunday morning I woke to use the bathroom and I looked on the rug and saw my cast laying there!! It had fallen completely off my wrist. I figured the swelling really went down. Did anyone else hear of this?

03-10-2015, 08:39 AM
Huh, never heard of that happening! Did you have to get a new one put on?

david p
03-10-2015, 08:52 AM
Huh, never heard of that happening! Did you have to get a new one put on?

Karen, the nurse is going to set up an appointment for me today to get another one.

Lady's Human
03-10-2015, 09:28 AM

I've seen casts get very loose, but not to that point.

03-10-2015, 10:13 AM
As some of you might know, about a month ago I broke my right wrist in two places. Anyhow, last sunday morning I woke to use the bathroom and I looked on the rug and saw my cast laying there!! It had fallen completely off my wrist. I figured the swelling really went down. Did anyone else hear of this?

No, but how swollen was your wrist? It takes a while for the body to remove any of the bruising, not all of which you seem except what may look like darker skin of an odd color.

When I broke my hand more than 4 years ago, the sovs put a splint or removable cast. I had to wrap the bandage tight, but it allowed for adjustments as the swelling fluctuated. I had a full arm splint as I had smacked the whole arm and wrist fairly well. The wrist couldn't support the hand.

I hope your arm is doing well. And you, too.

03-10-2015, 11:49 AM
I never heard of this happening either. When I broke my right wrist and had to have a cast, I had to go back in every 2 weeks for a new one, to compensate for the reduction of the swelling. When I broke the left one, it was so badly fractured that it had to be surgically repaired/set, and an external metal outrigger affixed and screwed into my hand and arm. My family called me the Terminator. After 5 weeks in that it was more surgery to have it removed and then in a cast for another week. That was not a fun ordeal.

Hope you get fixed soon.............:)

Felicia's Mom
03-10-2015, 09:03 PM
I never heard of it happening either.