View Full Version : GranMom is wiffa Angels now...

Cinder & Smoke
12-21-2002, 04:11 PM
Hi, Ebberbuddie!

We're a lil sad :( rite now, but Dad sez we shouldn't be - he sez it'z a BLESSING :) in disguise...

GranMom got a New Job!

She gotta Call frum God onna Prayer Line reel urlee Thursday morning...

Seemz Sandy Pawz wuz havin trubbel gettin allua prezintz wrapped up in tyme fur Christmus an needed sum extree help startin up a Third Shift inna Wrappin Department atta North Pole. God sed he knew bout a Speshul Lady that wuz kinda waitin in line ta visit sum Old FurKidz atta Rainbow Bridge... God sed He'd Call an ask if she could start Wrappin rite away.

GranMom got the Call bout Midnight...
Wunna her an our Favorite Charge Nurseys wuz jest commin inna room to offur GranMom a sippa wadur an say hello. GranMom had a lil drink then closed her eyez - musta been talkin to God. The Village Chaplain, Doc Cindy, wuz down the hall wiff anudder lady - she rushed in an sat wiff GranMom an sang a kuppla hymms whilst GranMom wuz talkin to God.

By the time Dad an Smokey were ready to leave, Doc Cindy called back an sed GranMom wuz already onna way... Guess we won't get ta see her :( till we all meet atta Rainbow Bridge.

Dad had leeky eyes fur a lil while affore he left;
but he keepz tellin us she'll be a lot Happier werkin fur God an Sandy Pawz part tyme than she wuz hangin round inna Village. Smoke sez she wuz feelin purdy tired the last kuppla Sundays ~
We think she wanted a change a seenerie...

Dad sez she'll LIKE her new job - she wuz Reel GUD at wrappin prezintz - could cut the papur jest rite an fold it around a box wiffout uzin any stickie tape! Then she'd wrap the ribbin an tie it wiffout any 'cheater' knots - ya could untie Her ribbins by jest pullin the tail! ;)

Dad's gotta get reddy to go back inna morning - be gone till late Monday. We're stayin wiff Unka Pat an Cali Dawg uppa street. (Smoke might to go wiff Dad to callin hourz - hazint been cided yet. Question is where to 'park' him while they're inna big Church on Monday.) :rolleyes:

We're here sendin the wurdz to onna GranMom's hymns to they guyz to put in her Memorial Folder.
Wanna lissin to it? Click on
"His Eye Is On The Sparrow" (http://www.cyberhymnal.org/htm/h/i/hiseyeis.htm)

Doc Cindy is gonna sing it at the Servis on Monday. She's a purdy neet Preechur Lady! She loved GranMom :) almost as much as we did!

We're gonna get offa puter fur a while...
Dad's eyez jest started leakin a bit.

Membur ~ Don't be too sad - Dad keepz sayin GranMom iz in better place now. Finnerz werkin a lot better, feelin Young again, an wiff GranPaw...

Rest In Peace,
We'll all miss :( Ya!

Yap atcha Laterz...

12-21-2002, 04:29 PM
Awwww, fellas;
I know how much you will miss her. It's always hard to say good-bye. I had to say bye to my Dad three years ago. I know he is well now and so is your GranMom. Just think of all the animals they have to cuddle when they aren't helping God. I'm sure my Mom and Dad scooped Leroy up the minute his paws hit the bridge. I'm sure there are plenty of people as well as the animals that need a special GranMom hug. (maybe God needs one too)
Thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through saying the final good-bye.

12-21-2002, 04:41 PM
I've already PM'd you but I want you to know I'm here for ya if ya need anything at all!

Holding you in thoughts and prayers,

12-21-2002, 04:42 PM
Phred, Cinder, and Smoke -

I am so sorry. My heart is heavy for you :( You guys seem like you are handling it very well. At least she is at peace now and she has very important things to do. I know while she's wrapping those presents, she will have an eye on you all too.

Cinder and Smoke - make sure you guys are extra good for daddy and give him lots and lots of slurpy kisses, ok?

12-21-2002, 04:49 PM
I am so sorry. :(

You are in my thoughts and prayers.


12-21-2002, 04:54 PM
We are sorry you are all feeling a little sad. Remember that Grandma has lotsa doggies and animals at the Rainbow Bridge that were just waiting for her ... and I bet she's met MY mom, who is singing carols and baking cookies to help the spirits of those like your mom who are wrapping presents, as present-wrapping wasn't one of her strong points, like your Mom/Grandmom.

We know you will all miss her terribly, but at least she's not tired or sick any more, and she can see again. All those doggie snuggles helped her while she was here, Smokey, and I'm sure all the tails - uh, tales - she heard about Cinder and Boots when they couldn't visit, kept her in good spirits. Weekends will be different now, but don't you dogs be naughty jest to get Dad's attention, okay? Because Santa is still watching ... and Grandmom can unwrap presents, too!

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

12-21-2002, 05:06 PM
Goodbye GranMom - Rest easy and be proud all you gave to people along the way.

Your Phred is something to be especially proud of - how he helps people with his fireman work, how he cares for critters that need love and attention, and how he uses his special writing talent to help interpret the wonderful antics of Cinder and Smoke and Boots the Kat.

It has been a pleasure to hear about you here at PetTalk, GranMom.


Phred, special prayers for you. I'm so sorry for your loss.

12-21-2002, 06:04 PM
I'm so sorry, Phred. Granmom is in a better place, but I know from experience, it's hard not having her in your daily life.
Prayers and good thoughts are with you all.

12-21-2002, 06:05 PM
Dear Phred, Cinder, Smokey and Boots...We all know how extra, extra, special your Mom and G'Mom was and we're very sad to hear of her passing:( Through you and the tales of Cinder and Smokey we all came to love her like one of our own. I have a picture of her and Cinder on visiting day, saved in my album. God sure must have needed someone very special to help with all the Chirstmas wrapping, cookie baking and all around G'Mom love dispensing needed this time of year. We know how sad you all must be. But how blessed and happy are all of those Furkidz and folks needing some of her special brand of love and good cheer there at the Rainbow Bridge. She graced the lives all who knew her on this earth and now she graces heaven. God called my Mom home too; on this very day. I know my Mom is there, along with Karen's Mom and Connie's Dad, welcoming her with love and hugs. My thoughts and prayers are with you Phred and family. Cinder, Smokey, Boots, you stick tight to your Dad now. He needs an extra big dose of your loving right now.

G'Mom, it goes without saying that you must be so very proud of your son. His tireless efforts, helping those in need, both human and furry, is a loving, living tribute to the very wonderful Mom you were. We are thinking of you all with love. Sandra

12-21-2002, 06:47 PM
I honestly don't think I have ever had someone tell me about a loved one's passing in such a beautiful way.

Phred, who never asks for anything but a few prayers for his furkids and makes all of us laugh and smile.

Yes, GranMom is pretty busy now helping wrap those presents and greeting so many she has missed. And yes, she is feeling pretty good now - up and around and even laughing!

But she has left a son here who is really going to miss her, especially on the weekends.

So I know that all Prayer Pawtrollers and all others on Pet Talk who would care to join in - will join our hearts across so many miles and stop and say a prayer if you wish, or just send good thoughts to Phred who has been such an incredibly loving son.

Phred, you are much loved on this site and everyone of us is here for you.

Gini and Rascal

12-21-2002, 07:13 PM
Phred, Cinder, Smokey, and Boots, I am so very sorry that your precious G'Mom has had to leave you. Yes, she is in a better place, but that is sometimes hard to remember when you want to talk to her or get one of her pets. We know you will miss her something fierce. She must have been a very special person to have raised up our Phred so good. His unique talent, dedicated service, varied interests, and sincere compassion are a testament to this lovely lady. Cinder, thank you for letting us know what has happened. You know we love you all. I wish I could wrap my arms around all four of you, and bring you a casserole to put in the fridge. But all I can do is say if you ever need to talk, you know where to come. Our hearts and prayers are with you.

12-21-2002, 07:28 PM

I am so very sorry:(

As others have said before me, your Mom surely must
have been a very Special lady. Love, hugs & prayers
from Liz & Smokey Joe.

12-21-2002, 07:38 PM
Dear Phred and guys,
So sorry to hear of your loss. Your tribute was beautiful, and a testimonial to G/Mom and her impact in/on your life. May your heart by lightened a little bit by the thoughts and prayers coming your way.

12-21-2002, 08:42 PM
Phred, Cinder, Smokey, Boots,

I am so sorry:(

Tonight me and the furkids will light a candle for your (grand)mom. I bet she is thinking of all of you all the time. Maybe up there, she will meet my grandmother too. And when all the prayers from us Pet-Talkers and lots of other people and furkids all over the world reach her, I bet she will have a big smile on her face. Our prayers are with you. God bless.
Britt, Floppsy, Lady, Sally, and Kelsey

12-21-2002, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by FloppsyLadySally89

Tonight me and the furkids will light a candle for your (grand)mom.

I like that idea. I think I will do the same.

12-21-2002, 09:45 PM
Phred there's not much more that I can add that hasn't already been said. I lost my Dad just a few days before Christmas many years ago and I liked to think of him in heaven with Jesus just in time to celebrate His birthday. You have brightened our lives here at Pet Talk and I know you brightened hers. I know there will be some loneliness in the days ahead and if you feel like talking, we're here as we always have been. {{{hugs}}}

12-21-2002, 09:49 PM
Phred, Cinder & Smoke,

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. She sounds like she was a very special person, and your tribute to her was beautiful. I hope that you will find especial peace in the next few days....

Anna, Malone & Marigold

12-21-2002, 10:29 PM
{{{Phred, Cinder, Smokey, Boots, G'Mom}}}

A beautiful tribute to a special lady who will be sorely missed. Holding you all in our thoughts and prayers.

12-21-2002, 11:38 PM
Phred and family, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care.

12-21-2002, 11:52 PM
Oh, Phred, Cinder, Smokey and Boots,
Words cannot express how sad I am for you today. Your Mom was a special lady and she instilled in you her "specialness". She is with you always now, in your heart. {{{HUG}}}

Miss Meow
12-22-2002, 02:06 AM
Phred and family, I'm teary and smiling at the same time. That was a lovely tribute. I'll think of your G'Mom when we are opening presents on Christmas Day. I'm sure she'll be the one putting the curl in the ribbons and a little bit of glitter in everyone's gifts.

12-22-2002, 06:35 AM
I know what it's like to loose you grandmom around Christmas time, but your right, she is in a much better place now, no more hurts or pain.
Sorry I can't say more, I'm getting leaky eyes too.
Take Care, you'll be in our prayers
Anna, Angus, Roxe & Huney

12-22-2002, 07:43 AM
Dear Phred, Boots, Cinder & Smoke. We're so very sorry to hear you lost Gran mom! :(

Phred, it was with teary eyes, but also smiles, we read you wonderful tribute to Grand mom, we know how sad you all must feel! She must have been a wonderful person! :)

John and I have both lost our parents and know what you're going through - only time can ease the pain. We hope it will be a comfort to you during this difficult time, to know that you have all been there for her, when she needed you. We bet she was very proud of you, Phred! Dear Gran mom is not tired or sick anymore, but getting settled in at the RB and welcomed with open hands and paws by everyone! :)

As Aly says, while she's wrapping those presents, she will have an eye on you all too! So give each other lots of hugs, slurps and headbumpies - and she will smile down at you and she be happy to see you pull through.

Thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time of saying the final good-bye. - And remember, we'll all be here for you when you need us!

Rest in Peace Gran mom!

Hugs to you all from
Rand, John and Fister :)

12-22-2002, 08:18 AM
So Sorry to hear about your loss. What a beautidul tribute you wrote to a wonderful lady. You are in are thoughts and prayers.

12-22-2002, 09:01 AM
phred, cinder and smoke, i am just so so sorry to read that G'Mom has left for the gift wrappers. last year, there were pictures of G'Mom and smoke opening presents, and smokey was looking at her waiting for her to open her gift. i am glad i saw those pictures. i am glad that her boy and his dogs have those memories, but i am sad that that she is not here to see them today. please accept my deepest sympathies, joyce, alex, duke, & the kits

12-22-2002, 10:23 AM
Phred, Cinder, Smoke, and Boots.

I'm very sorrry to here about G'mom. You'll all be in my thoughts and prayers.

Tracy, Smudge, Winter, and Tama.

Cinder & Smoke
12-22-2002, 10:23 AM
Thanks, Everyone!

Just stopped in for a pick-me-up on the way to Calling Hours...

Got "leaky eyez" now - but all your Kind Thoughts mean an awful lot right now.

I'll tell Mom you all said *Hello*.

God Bless.

/s/ Phred

12-22-2002, 10:38 AM

Wanted to say a pass on a few more thoughts that
tears & sadness at your loss prevented me from saying
yesterday.I lost my own dear Mom last June 27th and
although it was a peaceful passing & also a Blessing to
be released from pain and the other indignities of old age,
we all miss her everyday. We miss her smile & her loving
nature. It hurts the heart to see them go, but there is some
comfort in knowing that they are at peace with God & will be
in the company of Angels. Please know you & the furry gang
will be in my thoughts and prayers in the days ahead.

Love & Hugs of comfort from Liz & Moki.

12-22-2002, 11:34 AM
Dear Cinder, Smoke and Boots:
I'm so sorry to hear your Grandma will not be with you to open presents this Christmas, but I'm sure the ones you get would have been wrapped with great love by her in Heaven.
Dear Phred:
I know how much you'll miss your mom. When my dad died I also thought it was a blessing for him, to stop all the pain, but it wasn't any less painful for me. She must have been very proud of you and will continue to watch over you and the kids in the company of angels.
My thoughts are with you.

12-22-2002, 11:44 AM
We are all here thinking of you. Thanks too for shareing Granmom with us all here the last few years, we all feel like we knew her.
Smoke,Cinder,and Boots you be very helpful to Dad the next few weeks will be hard for dad.
Corinna and Merlin
PS Boots did she take the Oyster stuff with her?

12-22-2002, 12:18 PM
Phred, Cinder, Smokey, Bootz, I am soo sorry to hear about your loss. What a hard thing to have happen around Christmas. My grandpa died 2 years ago about 2 weeks before Christmas, I imagine that your mom and him and everyone else's loved ones are looking down on us smiling as we read your words. If you ever need to talk we all are only a short email away.
God bless you and your fur and skin family right now. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

12-22-2002, 03:40 PM
I prayed it wasn't you who started this thread when I saw the title. :( I'm so sorry Phred...

But, you are so right, such a better place. There with my grandma and lots and lots of sweet furries.

God bless you and your family Phred.

12-22-2002, 04:45 PM
Im so sorry.thats very sad.we'll be thinking of you!:(

12-22-2002, 06:10 PM
Phred, Cinder, Smokey and Bootz please know that our deepest sympathies are with you right now. I am so sorry for your loss.
I'm sure Grandma is up with the Angels helping them care for all the little souls at the Rainbow Bridge who needed a Grandma to help them out. Again you have our deepest sympathies.
Jackie, Don, Miss Daisy and Perry

12-22-2002, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by TheAntiPam
Goodbye GranMom - Rest easy and be proud all you gave to people along the way.

Your Phred is something to be especially proud of - how he helps people with his fireman work, how he cares for critters that need love and attention, and how he uses his special writing talent to help interpret the wonderful antics of Cinder and Smoke and Boots the Kat.

It has been a pleasure to hear about you here at PetTalk, GranMom.


Phred, special prayers for you. I'm so sorry for your loss.

How beautifully phrased. Phred, I am terribly sorry for your loss. I lit a candle and said a prayer for a dear woman who was responsible for bringing my friend Phred into this world.

I grieve with you, friend. :( She is in a wonderful, beautiful place right now.

Dixieland Dancer
12-23-2002, 08:08 AM
Dearest Phred, Cinder, Smokey and Boots,
I am so sorry to hear of GranMom's passing. I also thought the way you so gracefully gave a tribute about her passing was very touching. I really wish I would of seen this post earlier so I could of offered to help. I know that GranMom was staying somewhere near where I live and I would of offered to have the furkids stay at our place during the church service. My prayers are for you Phred during this difficult time. Please let me know if I can help and if you ever need someone in the Pittsburgh area to do anything please think of me. I would be more than happy to help you in any way I can!

12-23-2002, 08:32 AM
So sorry to hear about this loss ... ; I will think of you all in these days , the days of Christmas & new hope !
Take care !!!!:)

12-23-2002, 08:42 AM
Phred, Cinder, Smokey and Boots

I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your dear GranMom:( You all will be in our thoughts and prayers.

12-23-2002, 10:13 AM
Many thoughts, hugs, tail wags and pup kisses from my family to yours.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

I bet GrandMa will wrap your presents extra special. :)

Edwina's Secretary
12-23-2002, 10:56 AM
Dear Phred,

She must have been a very special lady to raise such a very special son.

May she rest in peace.


12-23-2002, 12:14 PM
Dear Phred - So sad to hear this news. Holding you in my thoughts and sending {{{HUGS}}} across the miles. xx


12-23-2002, 05:26 PM

Just in case anyone has missed this thread.

Cinder & Smoke
12-23-2002, 09:02 PM
Dad'z Back...

Wish "we" kudda been there wiff Dad an GranMom... :(

Dad sez the Callin Hours were a lil tuff, but lotsa Folks stopped by - buncha his FireBudz drove over which wuz reel nice. So THAT'z where Unka Pat an Miz Joan went on Sunday! Severul of GranMom's CareGiverz frum the Village came - awful nice of them, too. Lotta her Church Buddies came. Last in wuz Dad's ole Cub Scout Den Mom an her daughter - wunna Aunt Nancy's skwel budz. They stayed till clozin swappin GranMom Tailz.

Had Callin Hourz a lil bit this mornin, then took a long drive thru Pixburg to a place Dad calls God's Garden. He sez they Planted a Rose in God's Garden...

Then they all went to the Fambly Curch an Doc Bill an Doc Cindy had a Memorial Servis fur GranMom. Doc Bill an GranMom's Pastor Assistant told sum Church Tailz bout GranMom - she wuz reel aktive in Church Bizness fur mennie yearz. Then Doc Cindy (frum the Village) did her great solo of wunna GranMom's favorites ~ "His Eye Is On The :) Sparrow". (http://www.cyberhymnal.org/htm/h/i/hiseyeis.htm) Wuz a almost Sunny Day, too. Thankx, God! :D

Smokey thinkz they jest might drive over Chrismus Eve so Dad can go to Candle Light Servis at the Village Vespers. An maybe help drive summa our udder GranMoms either to dinner or to Vespers. Then Dad goez back on Thurzday fur anudder Memorial Servis Doc Cindy is havin fur GranMom atta Village Chappel. We hope a lotta GranMom's Village Buddiez attend - kuz they don'y have ta leave the Village to attend. An Doc Cindy iz gonna sing the Song agin! :D

Gotta run - we need ta do sum Kuddlin wiff Dad :)!

Oh... PS: THANKX!! fur allua Kind Wurdz sent to Dad ~ Sure iz Helpin him rite now!

12-23-2002, 09:55 PM
I sing because I'm happy
I sing because I'm free
For His eye is on the sparrow ...
And I know he watches me.

That was one of MY Mom's favorites, too! And it's such a great song to sing, it really soars just like a sparrow should!

Cinder & Smoke
12-23-2002, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by Karen

I sing because I'm happy
I sing because I'm free
For His eye is on the sparrow ...
And I know he watches me.

That was one of MY Mom's favorites, too!

And it's such a great song to sing,
it really soars just like a sparrow should!

:) :D

Spread your wings, Mom...
You can Soar with the Eagles and Angels now!

Rest In Peace, Mom.
Love Ya!

12-23-2002, 10:36 PM
Phred though those who are left still must mourn, in the words of St. Paul....."Absent from the body to be present with the Lord." Grandmom is in a beautiful place. {{{hugs}}}

Sara luvs her Tinky
12-24-2002, 12:59 AM
So sorry to hear of your great loss.... but like Cinder and Smokey pup so tenderly put it.... she is in a wonderfully better place now. And one day we all will meet again. I love that hymn too... and I know she hears you singing it in your heart for her..
{{{{ HUGS }}}}}

12-24-2002, 08:46 AM
I am so very sorry!
With a heavy heart,
You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-06-2003, 10:38 AM
I know this is extremely late, but I thought it might be good to bump this anyway incase anyone else was away for the holidays and missed it.

Phred, Cinder, Smokey & Boots. I'm so, so sorry to hear about GranMom. :( It's true she is in a better place, but that doesn't stop the you from missing her. She, indeed, must have been a special lady to have raised such a special son.

You guys and your GranMom are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope she had lots of fun wrapping all them presents, and is now visiting with all her friends that she hasn't seen for awhile. Someone told me long ago "Instead of mourning for their death, rejoice for the wonderful life they led, and the time you had together, for it will remain with you forever."

Rest in Peace, GranMom.

:( :(

01-06-2003, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by joycenalex
phred, cinder and smoke, i am just so so sorry to read that G'Mom has left for the gift wrappers. last year, there were pictures of G'Mom and smoke opening presents, and smokey was looking at her waiting for her to open her gift. i am glad i saw those pictures. i am glad that her boy and his dogs have those memories, but i am sad that that she is not here to see them today. please accept my deepest sympathies, joyce, alex, duke, & the kits

I remembered those pictures, Phred, when I read this news, plus all the stories of the adventures to visit Grandmom that you had with Cinder and Smokey. I thought what a lucky lady she was to have a family (including Cinder and Smokey) who loved her so much. She obviously was a wonderful lady and I know you will miss her so much.

Please accept my apologies for being so late in responding to this. But know that you and your "kids" are in my thoughts and prayers.


01-06-2003, 02:26 PM
Phred, I somehow missed a reply to this thread. You have my belated sympathy in the passing of GranMom. I think you have many many good memories of her. We miss you posting more often with your stories Phred so post when you can.