View Full Version : Opossum in our back yard

02-25-2015, 04:47 PM
All 4 dogs were out in the back yard barking up a storm. I looked over and saw what the issue was.

The ONLY one to come when I called was Belle! GOOD GIRL. We both went inside and I got hot dogs (Belle got lots!) and some leashes. I also grabbed the camera on my way out, so there are no pics with Belle.
http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20002%20Small_zpsfdjamggn.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20002%20Small_zpsfdjamggn.jpg.html)

Tasha was the next one to come in. But it took time for her, as she is still leery of doorways, plus I was a bit 'wound up,' and she heard that in my voice and thought perhaps going in wouldn't be a good idea. Here you can see she has moved away from the 'fun,' and is paying attention to me.
http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20003%20Small_zpsz4fatf2a.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20003%20Small_zpsz4fatf2a.jpg.html)

But she returned a few times.
http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20004%20Small_zpsczyrheax.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20004%20Small_zpsczyrheax.jpg.html)

Everyone was making lots of noise -- including me! Dogs were barking (including Belle, in the house, up on the sofa back, looking out the window). Possum was growling and hissing.
http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20005%20Small_zpsqmedpequ.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20005%20Small_zpsqmedpequ.jpg.html)

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20006%20Small_zpsdzp7qspw.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20006%20Small_zpsdzp7qspw.jpg.html)

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20007%20Small_zps45zqle2g.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20007%20Small_zps45zqle2g.jpg.html)

I went as close as I could -- the snow is quite deep where they were. Nearer the house there is almost no snow, and I could walk easily. Out where the possum was, the snow was almost to my knees, and I did in fact fall back (sat down) once as I moved away from the house. Decided I did not want to fall and be close to the possum, and risk being bit. So I could not go and GET the dogs, as I usually do. Yep, this possum visits my back yard regularly. Eventually, Willy turned towards me and I was able to get him in to me and put a loop over his head. Got him in, whew! Just one left.

Edit to add: I did some work on the photos and now have 7 of them cropped and close up. Wow the teeth on this possum are HUGE! So glad none of us got bit.

Willy is left rear, facing the camera; Riley has her back to me. Tasha is on the right.
http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20002%20A%20Small_zpsb9txwdsg.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20002%20A%20Small_zpsb9txwdsg.jpg.html)

This is the one with Riley sticking her nose right in the coat to get a good sniff. I could just imagine her thinking, "What are you? You won't play with me like a dog and you won't run from me like my cats at home, I gotta figure you out!" Ha haaa Willy is behind Riley. Tasha is on the left.
http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20004%20A%20Small_zps3lwjjvse.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20004%20A%20Small_zps3lwjjvse.jpg.html)

These last 2, Tasha is far left, Willy is middle / rear, and Riley is on the right.
http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20005%20A%20Small_zpsfjovp02q.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20005%20A%20Small_zpsfjovp02q.jpg.html)

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20006%20A%20Small_zpsv5acmtxc.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20006%20A%20Small_zpsv5acmtxc.jpg.html)

02-25-2015, 04:49 PM
Riley would NOT listen, would NOT stop barking, and several times she definitely touches the possum, not sure if she nips or not. I was NOT pleased with her response. And I also worried that now it was one on one the possum may attack. It certainly was growling and hissing. Eventually Riley was getting tired. I started tossing bits of hot dog out to her, and then closer and closer. Still, I had to grab her, she was ready to return to her 'fun.' In all, this was a 45 minutes I could have done without.
http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20008%20Small_zpsjk0eylgv.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20008%20Small_zpsjk0eylgv.jpg.html)

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20009%20Small_zps19unohws.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20009%20Small_zps19unohws.jpg.html)

You can see the 'circle' where they were all circling.
http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20010%20Small_zpsiegyqdp8.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20010%20Small_zpsiegyqdp8.jpg.html)

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20011%20Small_zpsarufzzav.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20011%20Small_zpsarufzzav.jpg.html)

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20012%20Small_zpscsjxnsvb.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20012%20Small_zpscsjxnsvb.jpg.html)

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20013%20Small_zpscoci7b90.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20013%20Small_zpscoci7b90.jpg.html)

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20014%20Small_zpskykkqzsf.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20014%20Small_zpskykkqzsf.jpg.html)

Few more pics.

Edit to add - more cropped and close up pics.
Left is Tasha, smiling at me, Willy in rear, Riley on right.
http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20007%20A%20Small_zps8sbbksl9.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20007%20A%20Small_zps8sbbksl9.jpg.html)

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20008%20A%20Small_zps6tbdbzie.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20008%20A%20Small_zps6tbdbzie.jpg.html)

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20017%20A%20Small_zpsebh1y8oj.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20017%20A%20Small_zpsebh1y8oj.jpg.html)

02-25-2015, 04:51 PM
http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20017%20Small_zpsldnqnioe.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20017%20Small_zpsldnqnioe.jpg.html)

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20018%20Small_zpsnm3hawyv.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20018%20Small_zpsnm3hawyv.jpg.html)

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20019%20Small_zpsakerjzuq.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20019%20Small_zpsakerjzuq.jpg.html)

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20020%20Small_zpshtyxzmot.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20020%20Small_zpshtyxzmot.jpg.html)

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20021%20Small_zps5vfzlc0g.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20021%20Small_zps5vfzlc0g.jpg.html)

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20022%20Small_zpsntswsg5i.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Feb%2025%20Opposum/Possum%20022%20Small_zpsntswsg5i.jpg.html)

Possum rested while, then moved to the chain link fence, climbed up that and waddled along and off out of sight -- this is the way it ALWAYS leaves my yard.

That was 45 minutes I did not need to live through.

02-25-2015, 05:06 PM
Good gracious! Possums are generally peaceable unless they feel threatened, and Riley was threatening as much as she could! Sheesh, guys, just leave each other alone, you'll spare mom some heart palpitations, at least!

02-25-2015, 07:18 PM
Oh My! How exciting and a bit aggravating I'm guessing! Good for Belle; she came when you called. I can just imagine your trying to get to them and I couldn't help but notice ALL THAT SNOW. I'm short and would have disappeared LOL. I'm glad you finally got all your fluffs back in the house and that no doggy was hurt. Maybe now that this happened, the opossum will not come in your yard for awhile.

02-25-2015, 08:55 PM
Wow, drama I'm sure you could have done without! Thank goodness all of your fluffs are ok. We had a possum outside of the fence one night. I hope nothing is ever IN my fence when we go out!

02-26-2015, 03:41 AM

that was prolly just as scary for the opossum as it was for you.
glad no one got hurt ^^

Felicia's Mom
02-26-2015, 06:30 AM
That was scary! Glad everyone is all right!

02-26-2015, 07:06 AM
Yes it was clear the possum was weary of all this interaction.

In good weather, I can get all 4 dogs in about 5 to 6 minutes. So no one -- possum, me -- gets tired, nervous. Often once I pick up the final dog, I just stand still and watch it leave.

I suspect one reason Belle came right away was due to size -- definitely bigger than her.

02-26-2015, 10:04 AM
What an ordeal, you need to get yourself one of those possum signs with a big old line across it for the fence!:p:D

02-26-2015, 03:48 PM
Ha ha haa, wonder if possum has attended possum school and learned to read such signs! ;)