View Full Version : An addition to the wildlife sightings

Lady's Human
02-24-2015, 01:04 PM
We were outside for a piddle break this afternoon, and a screech caught Angel's attention. I looked up to see a pair of rough legged hawks looking for a meal. I had to loook them up in the field guide to birds to figure out what they were.

A link to some info about them:



02-24-2015, 02:39 PM
Wow, cool! Never seen one of those that I know of here, but then again, usually the hawks I see are either perched on trees near the highway, or hovering, curling over interchanges!

02-24-2015, 02:39 PM
They are beautiful, we have them here too. I saw one 2 weeks ago on a telephone pole.

02-24-2015, 04:46 PM
That is so neat! Angel, you and your family have the most interesting wildlife sightings!

02-24-2015, 05:16 PM
Right now, outside our window/sliding glass doors in the dark is a little wild bunny who looks like she could be related to Miss Hoppy, as she has shorter ears than wild rabbits traditionally do, She is very wild, and very skittish, and only comes by when it is too dark for pictures, but she has made two tunnels in to the snow bank outside our door, so she can travel beneath the snow safely away from the eyes of predators! We know she comes by more often than we see her because of the bunny dropping she leaves!

We call her Ilsa, the winter bunny!

02-24-2015, 06:18 PM
Ilsa.. how nice! :love::love::love::love::love::love:

02-24-2015, 07:40 PM
Karen, I hope a hawk doesn't get the cute bunny you mentioned.

02-24-2015, 09:23 PM
Karen, I hope a hawk doesn't get the cute bunny you mentioned.

She has dug tunnels well under the snow, so no hawk is able to see her, as the tunnels emerge under the overhang of the porch above us! ;) So until all the snow melts, she's about as safe as a wild bunny can be! Our back yard is rather narrow, so it would be uncomfortable compared to the open mashy areas that are not far from us for a hawk. The hawks around here - red-tailed, mostly, also tens to hang out near highway interchanges for the field mice and critters that live in the grassy median strips, and the like, and we are only a mile from both a major highway, and a reservoirs and woods as well!

Ilsa.. how nice! . Thanks, I figured being such a pretty little bunny who was smart enough to discover the bird seed but stay hidden so well, and then created tunnels in the snow so neatly, she needed a good Scandinavian name!