View Full Version : Pets in snow/ice-video

02-21-2015, 02:46 PM
Sat Feb 21 2015
Here's Sissy Pom, Annie dog, George cat, LilGirl outside today. Our small snow + ice = maybe 2 inches has lasted since Mon Feb 16. At one point George cat chases Sissy pom. George cat will be 1 yr old Feb 25.... Kay

Pets outside in snow/ice 2.21.15


02-21-2015, 03:10 PM
Is George always that much of an instigator, or just outside?

02-21-2015, 06:28 PM
Hi Karen,
If George doesn't start it, Sissy Pom does. They have their "interactions" inside and out. The only surprise today outside was that Sissy was not barking loud and often at him because that's what she does inside. Just about every time George cat goes out or comes back in, Sissy goes nuts barking at George. If George jumps on the couch which he does often, Sissy Pom goes ballistic with barking yet she doesn't really hurt George or vice versa..... Kay

02-21-2015, 08:51 PM
I loved that video, it was SO cute! Made me laugh out loud,thanks.

Felicia's Mom
02-22-2015, 06:50 AM
They are sure having a lot of fun! Thanks for posting.

02-22-2015, 12:29 PM
They sure are having so much fun, right now in Canada , it is far too cold for that .:(:(:(

02-22-2015, 02:33 PM
Nice crew you have there! Looks like an enjoyable walk!:)

02-22-2015, 03:02 PM
What fun!


02-22-2015, 03:32 PM
Well, Kay, Poms are a breed that bark quite a bit. I had a friend who had 2 and anything and everything would set them off. They are a beautiful breed, though. Smart and playful. All of your furkids are lovely! George looks like he is a little stinker. He sure doesn't back down from the dogs, does he?:D

02-23-2015, 12:21 PM
Thanks for your comments; I'm glad you enjoyed it. Yes, I imagine we look like a train when we walk. There's Annie dog out in front, then my husband walking Sissy... then me with LilGirl... and bringing up the rear usually is George cat. Of course, George just can't help but run up and say "Hello" :) to the little dogs. It's fun though especially when it's warm good weather.