View Full Version : Chicago news: Purrfect! Couple’s short wins $10,000 cat fest prize

02-05-2015, 06:15 PM
“French CATastrophe,” a film by Chicago-based husband and wife team Michael Gabriele and Alana Grelyak, snagged the prestigious “Golden Litter Scoop” award at the 2015 Catdance Film Festival in Park City last week.

Clawing over hundreds of submissions to earn the $10,000 check that comes with the honor, the four-minute short stars an unusually vocal grey striped puss named “Rocky” as a French foreign exchange student who arrives in Chicago with something other than education on his mind.
Founded by Fresh Step litter in 2013, Catdance is part of the company’s “Million Meow Mission,” a program to help homeless cats.


02-05-2015, 06:43 PM
I want to go to the Catdance Film Festival! Seriously, though- I wonder if their film will be screened at the Chicago International Film Festival in the fall :)

02-06-2015, 09:29 AM
That will certainly buy A LOT of Cat Food and Treats , those Cats will be living high off the hog.:love::love::love:

02-08-2015, 07:27 AM
Here's a link to the winning film (thanks, Elyse!) - https://www.freshstep.com/promotions/catdance-festival-2015/.

It's delightful!
