View Full Version : Angel has some ouchies

Lady's Human
01-17-2015, 02:51 PM
Axel was walking Angel this afternoon and a strange dog was in the yard. Before the boy could react, Angel was off and after the other dog. When she came back she was bleeding from a cut on her hindquarter.

She's at the vet now getting stitches.

Dear vet techs:

You have a strange dog, in a strange place, who's hurt in the rear quarter. I understand you need a general wellness survey, but given the situation, did you REALLY think it was wise to try to take her temp?

01-17-2015, 04:13 PM
Uh oh, Angel pup! I hope you feel much better soon!

01-17-2015, 04:59 PM
Oh, Angel, we know you feel the need to defend your yard, but next time, some great big barks will do the job just as well, I bet! We hope they stitch you up nice and clean, and when you wake up, you will already be on the road to recovery!

01-17-2015, 10:51 PM
You have a strange dog, in a strange place, who's hurt in the rear quarter. I understand you need a general wellness survey, but given the situation, did you REALLY think it was wise to try to take her temp?

Paul asked, "Why don't they use one of those "swipe thermometers"? They are advertised specifically for pets!

Lady's Human
01-18-2015, 12:39 AM
We're home, disoriented and groggy from anesthesia, but home.

Her hind quarter is pretty well bruised in addition to the lacerations, and the tip of our tail is shaved as there was a cut there as well. The rest of the pack is on puppy watch, sleeping in the livingroom as she can't sleep in her usual places.

01-18-2015, 02:45 AM
We're home, disoriented and groggy from anesthesia, but home.

Her hind quarter is pretty well bruised in addition to the lacerations, and the tip of our tail is shaved as there was a cut there as well. The rest of the pack is on puppy watch, sleeping in the livingroom as she can't sleep in her usual places.

Awww, hope the night passes peacefully, and I am afraid she may have to wear her coat tomorrow, as her body has suffered major trauma. Sending prayers her way, oh, Angel, you sure know how to scare your humans, pretty girl! I'd give you a snuggle if I could, maybe your boy will give you one for me?

01-18-2015, 08:21 AM
Poor Angel. :( Pawsitive thoughts and prayers headed your way that you will heal quickly.:)

Angel's Human
01-18-2015, 08:37 AM
I guess the doctor's orders don't apply to pups! So far, our dear little goofus has jumped up on my bed twice and has jumped up onto the couch and is currently curled up there. Go to sleep, little girl!

01-18-2015, 08:59 AM
I guess the doctor's orders don't apply to pups! So far, our dear little goofus has jumped up on my bed twice and has jumped up onto the couch and is currently curled up there. Go to sleep, little girl!

Awwww, how sweet. We need a picture of her sleeping all curled up! :)

Angel's Human
01-18-2015, 03:15 PM
Long story short, we didn't want our picture taken.

Angel's Human
01-18-2015, 03:58 PM
Important Message:
Never ever leave your already stressed puppy inside with other people if you are his/her favorite person home. They will come looking for you.

All dogs should come with a warning label that says this. Angel did this to mom and Axel this morning. I had gone out to shovel a pittle area so someone wouldn't freeze our bum off in the snow, therefore leading to the first time she jumped up onto my bed. I was informed this shortly after I came in.

01-18-2015, 05:50 PM
Important Message:
Never ever leave your already stressed puppy inside with other people if you are his/her favorite person home. They will come looking for you.

All dogs should come with a warning label that says this. Angel did this to mom and Axel this morning. I had gone out to shovel a pittle area so someone wouldn't freeze our bum off in the snow, therefore leading to the first time she jumped up onto my bed. I was informed this shortly after I came in.

Awwww, but at least she is able to do it, even if she's not supposed to! That means there likely was not too much muscle damage, and we already knew she'd pay very little attention to the bruising!

01-18-2015, 07:58 PM
Poor pup, no more picking fights!

I know a temperature seems silly, but I know here in FL it's actually by law that we have to get a temperature, pulse, and respiration on every animal that walks in the door. Trust me, it's the last thing we want to do on an upset patient!

Lady's Human
01-18-2015, 11:30 PM
The more I listen to Axel's chain of events, the more I'm convinced it wasn't another dog, rather, it was a coyote.

Given that I'm going to assume it was a coyote, I'm thankful he lost control of the leash, and also thankful that the pup did her job.

As to the attempts to take her temp, there are, shall we say, less invasive methods of taking a pup's temp than a thermometer shoved...

Technology has advanced, guys. The instruments may be more expensive, but they also involve no consumables, as there's no contact with a pet with an IR thermometer.

01-19-2015, 05:39 AM
Well, all I know is, I was enjoying sitting on the loveseat with a puppy on my hip all day. It was very warm and toasty.

I am also thankful that the boy let go of the leash and that the pup was able to come back to the house on her own. It could have been a lot worse than it was. And I have one very boy who is very happy his puppy is home and feeling better.

Lady's Human
01-19-2015, 11:35 AM
This is NOT the time to decide pills are bad...

01-19-2015, 04:12 PM
I guess the doctor's orders don't apply to pups! So far, our dear little goofus has jumped up on my bed twice and has jumped up onto the couch and is currently curled up there. Go to sleep, little girl!

Angel pup, I'm glad you are feeling good enough to get on the bed or the couch :) Please take your medicine, please please.

01-21-2015, 04:46 PM
Dear Angel and your humans, how is Angel doing today? :)

Lady's Human
01-21-2015, 10:56 PM
Well, Angel's short human has discovered that peanut butter masks pills wonderfully, so she's taking them without issue (finally), and this is te WRONG time of year for an already short furred pup to have a shaved butt.

I put her out after breakfast this morning for her morning pee break before bed, and she ran down back, did her business and passed me on her way back to the house. She looked at me from the deck as if to say "Dad, whatcha doing? I'm done, let's GO IN!"

She still refuses to act like a convalescing pup, which is good, I supposed, but she makes me nervous about her pulling out the stitches with her hyperactivity.

01-21-2015, 11:40 PM
Aww, sounds great! :) And hey, what's a teensy scar between friends, if she can still be a wiggle butt like normal.

Lady's Human
01-30-2015, 11:26 PM
Someone went to the vet for a checkup/removal of stitches.

We walked in, and she HAD to say hello to the people in the reception area, jumped up on the counter to say hello to the receptionist, and in general is back to her wigglebutt routine.

She still looks rather silly with a half-shaved butt, and it's the wrong time of year for an already short-furred mutt to be missing what little she has back there. That snow is COLD!

01-31-2015, 02:33 AM
Someone went to the vet for a checkup/removal of stitches.

We walked in, and she HAD to say hello to the people in the reception area, jumped up on the counter to say hello to the receptionist, and in general is back to her wigglebutt routine.

She still looks rather silly with a half-shaved butt, and it's the wrong time of year for an already short-furred mutt to be missing what little she has back there. That snow is COLD!

Aww, that's good! Sounds like all she needs is to grow that fur back now! How funny she jumped up on the counter - she really does think she is part kitty, doesn't she?