View Full Version : How my mind trailed from the Osbournes to New York City!!

12-20-2002, 06:33 PM
It was easy really (lol), The Osborne show tonight was the Christmas one and it began in New York City! Brought back my longing to go there, especially at Christmas time. My late husband had been to New York, my son has been to New York, and I wanna go too!:) (Well, to anywhere in the USA actually.:D ) Going to do it too, one day!:)

12-20-2002, 08:12 PM
Mmmm I guess the grass is always greener on the other side of the ocean. :D I've never left the US (except once to Canada) and someday I would love to visit England, Ireland, Australia...and I'm sure there are LOTS of other places.

12-20-2002, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
Mmmm I guess the grass is always greener on the other side of the ocean. :D I've never left the US (except once to Canada) and someday I would love to visit England, Ireland, Australia...and I'm sure there are LOTS of other places.

Cookie I could have written this post. Every word goes for me too, including only having been in Canada, and the places we'd love to visit are exactly the same. Aaah yes, the grass is always greener on the other side. :)

12-27-2002, 10:59 AM
I know, let's start a 'program'...we can stay with each other when we travel...now, who wants to come visit Cincinnati? He he he..

12-27-2002, 11:06 AM
It was a lot of fun, last January, when I was visiting London, to meet Carrie out at Stonhenge! And when we went to San Diego, we met Daisy and Perry and Jackie and Don, such fun! Definitely anyone traveling to another country should check out the proximity of Pet-Talkers! :)

12-27-2002, 12:46 PM
Oooo I just LOVE going to other countries. I've stepped out of the US a billion times! LOL! Been to Canada, and England so many times I can't remember how many times! :o I've been to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia quite a lot of times too. And what else.......Oh yes. I've been to the UAE, to Wales, to Jordan, to Bahrain, and Qatar, and.....................I think there was one more country I've been to in Europe. Oh yes, Germany, but it was a one day transit, so I guess 24 hours doesn't really count does it? Well, I DID step in the country. LOL! My favorite of the countries I've been to is UAE, and my worst is Jordan....................second worst is England. :o Sure its beautiful with all that greenery and rolling hills, BUT, its just not...............I don't know. It makes me depressed. I guess its the dull weather, the old old houses in London that I can't even tell apart for miles :o, and the narrow roads..................so narrow than half the car has to be parked on the sidewalk. Being from the US, I guess I'm not used to these things. My uncle lived in a small town called Barnsley though. It was pretty nice. I guess I just don't like London.

12-27-2002, 06:45 PM
Originaly written by Karen
Definitely anyone traveling to another country should check out the proximity of Pet-Talkers!

Originaly written by Cataholic
I know, let's start a 'program'...we can stay with each other when we travel...now, who wants to come visit Cincinnati? He he he..
Karen, I couldn`t agree more! :) and Catholic.....me, me, me!:D

Popcornbird, what part of Wales did you visit?

I know my longing may seem like a `the grass is always greener` thing, but I truly believe it is more than that, but don`t ask me why, because I can`t explain it, at least not properly. I like, and yes, love my country, and am not making a comparison, no, we are different, and it is right that we should be. It is just..... I have never set a foot on her soil but all of America, her people, her land, her good face, her bad face are so special to me. I want to see her, spend some time with her, know her in reality....ok enough...as I said it is hard to explain!:D


12-28-2002, 10:09 AM
I've never been outside of the U.S. I'd love to go to Canada but maybe sometime in the future. My dad on the other hand has been to a couple different countries Canada,Mexico,North Korea,Ireland there is at least one or two other places his been but I can't think. He gets to travel all over the place because of his job.

12-28-2002, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by Tina
I've never been outside of the U.S. I'd love to go to Canada but maybe sometime in the future. My dad on the other hand has been to a couple different countries Canada,Mexico,North Korea,Ireland there is at least one or two other places his been but I can't think. He gets to travel all over the place because of his job.

Oh,yeah and he has been to Brazil. I think there is one more. I might think of it later.

Edwina's Secretary
12-28-2002, 04:54 PM
I have never set a foot on her soil but all of America, her people, her land, her good face, her bad face are so special to me. I want to see her, spend some time with her, know her in reality...

How eloquent...I understand how you feel..and your brought back such memories!

New York City! Brought back my longing to go there, especially at Christmas time.

New York is magical at Christmas time -- is it all the movies??? A few years back my parents and my siblings and I (along with assorted signficant others) meet up for a few days in NYC right before Christmas. My younger niece was 3 or so at the time. We went to see the Rockettes...the look on her face! when the tin soldier number came on she said "Don't shoot!" It was so cute...afterwards we went to dinner and she stood on her chair to say..."my compliments to the chef!" (Too much TV??) My sister who lives in NY knew someone so we had a backstage tour as well. Of course we went to Fifth Avenue, Rockefeller Center, Macy's, and a carriage ride in Central Park. I always try to go to Ellis Island for the museum when I'm there. My grandfather entered the US there and we had his name put on the wall.

My (now) husband wanted to see the police station from NYPD Blues (????) I got even on our honeymoon in London. I insisted on seeing the house on Eaton Square from Upstairs Downstairs!

So Chris....just DO IT!

The Cat Factory
12-28-2002, 06:16 PM
I've nevr left Canada :) I want to go to New Zealand someday :D