View Full Version : In Methuen, new outfits

01-11-2015, 01:42 PM
Still driving up and down the highway doing work on the house in Methuen. Usually go up on Thurs and stay through Sunday.

So here are the fluffs on the bed up here:
http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Jan%2011%20Fluffs%20in%20Methuen/fluffs004Small_zpsd0b95d64.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Jan%2011%20Fluffs%20in%20Methuen/fluffs004Small_zpsd0b95d64.jpg.html)

I went to Pet Edge as they have the Bargain Center open, and one week only all clothes were $1.50. I went a bit over board, lol, picked up more Halloween costumes and several outfits. Very pleased to get the water proof pants with bib, as I've wanted these for some time now. These have the velcro along the spine, and the undercarriage is completely covered and stays clean and dry!!! Pink for the gals, blue for Willy.
http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Jan%2011%20Fluffs%20in%20Methuen/farmwalknpetedge045_zpse21454eb.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Jan%2011%20Fluffs%20in%20Methuen/farmwalknpetedge045_zpse21454eb.jpg.html)

The girls also got new jackets, these are Zack & Zoey Heritage Collection, black velvet jacket with pink detail.
http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Jan%2011%20Fluffs%20in%20Methuen/fluffs008Small_zps2c67f295.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Jan%2011%20Fluffs%20in%20Methuen/fluffs008Small_zps2c67f295.jpg.html)

Belle (2 views)
http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Jan%2011%20Fluffs%20in%20Methuen/fluffs009Small_zps8b2ba80c.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Jan%2011%20Fluffs%20in%20Methuen/fluffs009Small_zps8b2ba80c.jpg.html)

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Jan%2011%20Fluffs%20in%20Methuen/fluffs010Small_zps8cf5ef4a.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Jan%2011%20Fluffs%20in%20Methuen/fluffs010Small_zps8cf5ef4a.jpg.html)

It can be difficult to find something for Willy to wear when the girls get a new outfit if there is not a male version of the item. I chose this turtle neck sweater with black in it for him.
http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Jan%2011%20Fluffs%20in%20Methuen/fluffs011Small_zps93010bc1.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Jan%2011%20Fluffs%20in%20Methuen/fluffs011Small_zps93010bc1.jpg.html)

Here are the 3 girls. The jackets have the button hole slit for the leash, which I always look for now. Belle, Tasha and Riley.
http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Jan%2011%20Fluffs%20in%20Methuen/fluffs012Small_zps910c2868.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Jan%2011%20Fluffs%20in%20Methuen/fluffs012Small_zps910c2868.jpg.html)

Willy declined to move from the recliner so this was the only way I could get all four ha haaa.
http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2015/Jan%2011%20Fluffs%20in%20Methuen/fluffs013Small_zps3f938cb7.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/user/sfsamm/media/2015/Jan%2011%20Fluffs%20in%20Methuen/fluffs013Small_zps3f938cb7.jpg.html)

Thanks for looking.

01-11-2015, 03:21 PM

Aren't they stylin'! Adorable, all of them.


01-11-2015, 06:34 PM
Hee hee - the best-dressed Bichons around!

01-11-2015, 07:32 PM
Hello, Fluffs! You look very nice in your outfits!

01-12-2015, 05:11 AM
Wow, the Fluffs will be in style for a long time with all those clothes! They look adorable!:cool:

Sandie, did you buy yourself any new clothes?:D

Felicia's Mom
01-12-2015, 06:16 AM
Nice outfits! They all look so adorable.:love:

01-12-2015, 09:34 AM
They have more outfits than I do! ;)
I love Willy's sweater. We just got Zeplyn a coat that has the same camo pattern, because it matches her.

01-12-2015, 12:11 PM
Wow, the Fluffs will be in style for a long time with all those clothes! They look adorable!:cool:

Sandie, did you buy yourself any new clothes?:D

Of course NOT! All my money goes on the fur kids! :rolleyes:

They have more outfits than I do! ;)

They have one closet plus 2 full drawers of the chest. Will have to start a 3rd drawer for them.

It is SO hard to resist when each item is only $1.50!!

01-12-2015, 02:15 PM
Hello, four fluffs posing for your picture on your bed! In the second picture I like the snow pants, they have such bright colors! :)

01-13-2015, 01:37 PM
WOW Fluffs -what a haul you guys got. Do you think that you could talk your Mom into taking me shopping???

You all look adorable all dressed up - wish you could convince Wolfy that he would look even cuter than he usually does - if only he would dress. He has a cute nylon quilted rain jacket with an attached hood, but acts like I am trying to torture him if I try to make him wear it. Yet he hates getting wet in the rain. :rolleyes:

Sparky loved getting dressed up - especially in sweaters. Myndii tolerated it at best - and only for holiday pictures. Three different dogs - with 3 different opinions....... :rolleyes:

01-13-2015, 07:58 PM
WOW Fluffs -what a haul you guys got. Do you think that you could talk your Mom into taking me shopping???

You all look adorable all dressed up - wish you could convince Wolfy that he would look even cuter than he usually does - if only he would dress. He has a cute nylon quilted rain jacket with an attached hood, but acts like I am trying to torture him if I try to make him wear it. Yet he hates getting wet in the rain. :rolleyes:

Sparky loved getting dressed up - especially in sweaters. Myndii tolerated it at best - and only for holiday pictures. Three different dogs - with 3 different opinions....... :rolleyes:

He must be trading notes with Angel pup - who shivers in the cold, but acts like the pretty little coat they bought her is worse punishment than going without supper!

01-14-2015, 08:18 AM
Thanks Elyse.

Ellie, Karen, my dogs dress fairly often, especially now we visit the nursing home. So they get used to it.

Funny thing, I was recently online chatting with Belle's former HuMom, and I asked if she ever dressed Belle. She said they tried, but Belle was so resistant and put up such a fuss they gave up. Hmmm, Belle doesn't give me an issue lol!

01-14-2015, 09:11 AM
She said they tried, but Belle was so resistant and put up such a fuss they gave up. Hmmm, Belle doesn't give me an issue lol!

Two words: Peer Pressure!