View Full Version : Embarassing Commands

12-20-2002, 02:13 PM
Anyone ever assign a somewhat silly name to a command
for your dog? And it doesn't seem so bad at the time, until
you have to say it in front of people. Then you realize
how silly it sounds and wonder what you were thinking.

Here's a couple of my most embarassing ones:

Scooter Pooter -- To get Murph or Maddie to move.

You Eatie -- For when I want Maddie to eat a pill from my
hand. Once when she had to stay at a kennel for a couple of
days, while I was on travel, I told them she'd eat the pill from
their hand. They couldn't get her to do it and I was too
embarassed to tell'em what the command was.


12-20-2002, 03:38 PM
*giggles* I think they are cute!

Of course 'Scooter Pooter' is a nick name for my parents cat, Scooter. :D

12-20-2002, 04:45 PM
lol :D

we don't have any really silly commands but it is kinda embarassing when mickey peed in the house and we took him outside. because he's so small you couldn't see him as we yelled, "no poo-poo in the house!" my neighbor kinda gave us a weird look :p

12-20-2002, 04:47 PM
No Licky -- for those moments when you *just* don't want to be drooled on... (ie this morning as I was getting ready for work! lol)

Cisco's Mom
12-20-2002, 06:39 PM
My hubby makes fun of one that I have for Cisco. It is just when I take him out to do his buisness I say, "lets go pee-pee". He says I should have taught him lets go out or something besides pee-pee. :)

12-20-2002, 08:19 PM
hi ramanth!

Now see if we stopped at Scooter, we'd be fine. That's quite
cute. It's the lil' added extra Pooter part, that's embarassing.:)


12-20-2002, 08:21 PM
hola prima!

Yeppers I'd be turning red if I looked up to see my neighbor
staring at me as I yelled "no poo poo in the house".:)


12-20-2002, 08:24 PM
hiya zippy!

It's just hard not to add "Ys" to the end of phrases ain't it?;)
I find myself saying "no licky", "no bitey", "no scratchy" and "no chewy" from time to time too.


12-20-2002, 08:30 PM
hey there Cisco's mom!

Well the bathroom thing is the one I made a conscious decision
about what to say, because I knew I'd have to use that in
front of people. So I went with "You hurry", which sometimes
morphs into "You hurries". So I'm with your hubby on this one,
cuz I know I wouldn't be able to say "pee pee" without turning
3 shades of red.:)


12-20-2002, 08:42 PM
I don't think I have any embarassing commands, maybe "go potty" could be depending on who your around.

12-20-2002, 09:20 PM
Louie has the "NO PIGGIES" command. When he was a puppy we used to play "this little piggy" with his paws.... He is allergic to grass so his little "piggies" get itchy and he will itch them and lick them. He sometimes does this if he is bored too.

Funny thing is if he's licking our toes and we say "NO PIGGIES" he stops immediately. At times he's just too smart.;)

12-22-2002, 12:38 AM
In the puppy class we were taught to say "Yes!" (extremely happy and excited) and "Uh-Uh!" I find myself saying "uh-uh" ALL the time now...and not just to dogs lmao. Sometimes it's turned into more of an "ehhh".....reminds of a "Sorry, that is incorrect" gameshow buzzer or something hehe. I get strange looks.

When I'm trying to get him to "go" I normally say "Go potty." But since I never really taught him a command word (bad me) I don't say anything most of the time...just wait. He will NOT go anywhere but on the grass.

12-22-2002, 08:12 AM
I have a silly command to , but it is in Dutch ... So it won't sound funny to anyone I guess :rolleyes: ;) :rolleyes:

I say : YAMMEKES DOEN !!! whenever I tell my cats it is eating-time ! This is pure baby-talk ...:rolleyes: :cool: :rolleyes: ;)

12-23-2002, 06:33 PM
hi turner!

yeh I went the "you hurry" route, cuz I knew I'd be embarassed
saying "go potty" out in public. :)


12-23-2002, 06:35 PM
hi there Loudlou!

okay "no piggies" definitely beats out "no lickys" in the
embarassment department :D


12-23-2002, 06:43 PM
hola wolfq!

I'm doing a lot of the "unt uhs" and "ehhhs" too with Oz. Lately
because he's tall enough now that he's discovered the wonderful
world of counter surfing. And also that it's really really fun to poke
Maddie with his nose while she's sleeping, of which she's none
too thrilled.


12-23-2002, 06:46 PM
hey there lut!

Now see that's what i need to do, put mine in a foreign language
so most around me won't know what I'm saying.:)


12-23-2002, 06:49 PM
hiya mugsy!

I know what you mean. I've got in a bad habit of calling Oz
"Mister", when I'm telling him "No" about something and this
weekend I caught myself doing that to my nephew, when
he was misbehaving. argh!


12-23-2002, 10:13 PM
The only weird thing I say is I call Hercules "Pooie" short for pooh bear. Well at work I'll be telling co-workers "well my pooie was so cute today..." then I realize how weird that sounds LOL

12-24-2002, 08:30 AM
hiya ownerof3dogs!

I've got a bunch of silly nicknames too, but so far I've managed
to only reveal those to a few select friends and family, that I don't
mind knowing I'm totally nutz about my puppers.:)

I don't use "Pooie" for any of'em, but Maddie gets called "Rooie"
a lot, which came out of "Maddie Roo"... "Mooie" for Murph
from "Murpher Moo"... and "Wooie" for Oz from "Ozzie Woo"...
And the universal "Booie" for all 3.:)
