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12-29-2014, 06:50 PM
Soon after i got the first series of snow pictures we got a warm spell that melted all the snow back off for several weeks. we didnt have snow on the ground for Christmas even. thats 'very' rare here.

rain! i like da rain

meep meep!(her tail so reminds me of the Road Runner when held like that)


catch me if you can

*slams on the brakes*

but now the warm spell has ended an its been drooping below freezing pretty much everyday/night an we got blessed with that fine powdery like snow that whirls an blows around in the wind. i think its pretty looking but it certainly makes for plowing/shoveling it one big pain in the rump,, cuz if a gust of wind blows back in the direction you just plowed or shoveled... *face palm*

Pixie acted like it was her first time seeing snow again. she was like "'whats this stuff?' *steps out on to it* oh yeah! the crunchy water stuff.'"

was too cold for me want to stay out any longer so thats the only snow ones i got

weirdo LOL

so am i creeping you out yet?
LOL she gives me that look often too. its either her 'play wiff me' look or her 'i really need to pee. take me out!' face. figuring out which one it is is sometimes a challenge

the black an white blanket is electric. she tends to go paws up when she gets too toasty. regardless if the blanket is on or not though she still likes to lay with her paws out there on my desk like in the previous picture though. shes a weird dog all around LOL

12-29-2014, 07:48 PM
Black and white Pixie, black and white blankie! Sooooo cute!

12-30-2014, 01:11 AM
Aww, glad she has an electric blanket to warm up with! She's a cutie, snow or not!

12-30-2014, 11:16 AM
Pixie is so cute. She looked like she was having a great time running & frisking around.

Sometimes my old dogs just go crazy & get really excited running through the fields jumping around & barking at the beginning of a walkies then on the way home everyone is lagging behind me. Then they take a long long nap. :D

12-30-2014, 03:09 PM
Aww Pixie, can you get any cuter?:love: We have only had snow on Thanksgiving. Layla and Jake ware wishing for snow!:cool:

12-30-2014, 05:03 PM
Yes, Pixie is adorable!!!