View Full Version : Amazing Athena!

12-24-2014, 03:35 AM
What a surprise it was to get your nomination, Athen, and we are so happy to be able to feature you - you are the first arachnid wearing a Santa hat we have ever had nominated for Pet of the Day! And you even got to meet Santa, and have the photographic proof! I sonde if you are the first tarantula that has ever gotten to meet Santa! You really are a beauty, and we can see why your mom was doe cited to get you, after looking for so long. And we know you are as loved as a spider could be - and that was even before you gave her the birthday present of an egg sac! Wow, that is a lot of babies, thank goodness she knew how to care for them once they hatched! You look best with the green hat, I think, Athena - it shows off your reddish coloring perfectly! Congratulations, you are our Christmas Eve Pet of the Day!

12-24-2014, 06:59 AM
Happy Pet of the Day, beautiful Athena, and Merry Christmas to you, your mom and family!:)

I can't tell you how happy I was, Jewel, to see your precious Athena being honored here today!!! She already was a local celebrity, her story and pic with Santa having been heralded by the newspaper! And now the whole world knows what you've know all along, just how special she is! I didn't know that, that she gifted you with eggs on your birthday!:D A special girl, that she is, and so very blessed to have you as her devoted guardian!

Happy Pet of the Day and a very Merry Christmas, Athena! I know your mom has some extra special festivities planned for you and the kids today and tomorrow, so enjoy!:D Love to you, beautiful Athena, our very special and most deserving Christmas Eve honoree! Love, Sandra:love::love::love:


12-24-2014, 08:06 AM
Congrats on being POTD Athena! I never thought I'd see a spider with a Santa hat on or with Santa!:cool:
Merry Christmas to you!:D

12-24-2014, 01:39 PM
She now has more text - go back and read - she has even become a spider ambassador!

12-24-2014, 10:45 PM
I am so happy that there is finally an arachnid being featured. Congrats on being pet of the day!

12-25-2014, 08:10 AM
Wow!! That is one gorgeous Pet of the Day! A spider, even a spider wearing a santa hat! :)

Congrats on being Pet of the Day, Athena! I always liked your kind, but I hope people who don't will reconsinder after seeing your beautiful picture. :)