View Full Version : Everyone is invited

12-15-2014, 02:23 PM
Hi kitty pals,
We all know that the holidays are a time to celebrate and have parties. I would like to invite all of you to come to my place for a New Year's party. Soncat will provide plenty of cheezburgers and Meowmie said she'll be sure there will be plenty of fried chicken, crab legs, shrimp and salmon. We're not too far from Philadelphia and New York City so trips can be planned to see all those decorations and anything else you might want to see. A trip over to Quakerbridge Mall can easily be arranged if the lady kitties would like to go shopping. There will also be plenty of soft pillows and warm blankets so we can relax in comfort. Please be sure to bring your bagpipes, I'll be tuning up my fiddle so we can add to the fun - Sparkler, get your dancing shoes ready. Frankie, bring your baseball gear because if the weather is okay we can play some baseball in my back yard. Since we haven't been together lately, it will be wonderful to catch up on the latest news and gossip.
Please check in and let me know if you can come. Pinot, can I do anything to help you get the Catmobile so all of our kitty pals can make it? I really hope to see all of you for a real New Year's blast.

Your bud,

12-15-2014, 04:29 PM
All my gang except Chester want to come!!! We have had no sunshine for over a week and they are SO bored. Frankie is packing his baseball gear right now!!! Chester wants to stay here and enjoy a nice quiet time with no sneak attacks on his tail. Chip and Chuck are looking forward to the trip. Winnie and Angel can't wait to go shopping with their friends. I over heard something about after the holiday sales!!!:love:

12-15-2014, 04:49 PM
Mine are already packing for the trip! Can't wait!!!

And they want to know, will Haggis in a Hurry be catering, too? Or should we bring some from our branch?


12-15-2014, 05:24 PM
... will Haggis in a Hurry be catering, too? Or should we bring some from our branch?

Hi Sparkler and Bob, I checked with Meowmie about this. She said no Catmobile party is complete without Haggis In A Hurry doing the catering because it's an honored tradition. Right now Meowmie is going over their party menu then she'll get with Spencer the manager to work out the details.

12-15-2014, 06:24 PM
Oh, boy!!!!! Purrpurrpurrpurrpurrrrrrr!!!!!


12-16-2014, 10:27 PM
Kimba is packing both his bagpipes and his baseball gear as we speak! He wants to know if anyone is interested in a little pick up game of basketball? He's been working on his jump shot lately and wants to show it off.:D

12-17-2014, 04:37 PM
Oh, hi there Amigo,
We are Sammy and Andy, we are new here, but we remember our dear Auntie Sophie (RB) said that you guys were the coolest and the most magnificent bunch of kitty friends ever in the whole world and she was always talking about trips and stuff and funny things and great time and food and cool stuff, so, we were wondering if we can be your friends and hang out with you....

Our mom says its ok as long as we send messages and pictures on whatsapp so she knows were we are and stuff :rolleyes:
Also, we have a (her) credit car and know how to use it to buy food and stuff..

So, can we be friends and go with you?
Sammy and Andy

(Note from Sammy: Andy wants to know if there will be kitty girls :p he likes girls! he is so silly! ... shhhh... don't tell him I said it..)

12-17-2014, 10:05 PM
Hi Sammy and Andy,
Of course you can join us! I'm sorta new here myself, I was with Mommy Donna for awhile before coming to live in Trenton a year ago. I've been on one Catmobile trip and it was a blast - plenty of great food, music, dancing - we're talking major fun here. The PT Kitty Bagpipers will be here and I'll be on the fiddle, bring your instruments if you play. If the weather is okay there will be a baseball game in my backyard and even some basketball. Meowmie and Soncat will be here but they're cool - no problem there.
Everyone will be so happy to meet both of you. And yes, there will be girl kitties too. They love to go shopping on Catmobile trips so don't be surprised if they take off to Quakerbridge Mall. It gives us some guy time. Keep checking this post for details and updates.

Your bud,

Pinot's Mom
12-18-2014, 08:36 AM
Catmobile is a go! Amigo, let's chat about details!

12-18-2014, 08:50 AM
Hi Pinot,
Great to hear from you! I was pretty excited when Meowmie and Soncat said I could invite all of you here to celebrate New Year's Eve. When do you think the Catmobile can leave? We want to be sure to have everything ready when all of you arrive complete with some welcome to my place snacks. Maybe we can all go see the Mummers Parade on New Year's day, Philadelphia isn't far from here. Just a thought, maybe our kitty friends have some other ideas. And since you ladies like to go shopping, Meowmie says there are some new stores at Quakerbridge Mall. We're overdue for a party and I can't wait. Let me know what dates you're looking at so we can put some plans together.

Your bud,

PS: Hey fellow kitties, there's still time so check in and let us know you're coming!

12-19-2014, 02:17 AM
Chelsea and Franklin have already packed so I expect them to disappear soon:)
Franklin has a new number ready to play for the gang....Purple Haze on the bagpipes.....I think even
Jimi would be proud!
Chelsea wants to know if the party will be formal or casual. The Princess has a new tiara she wants to wear.....

12-19-2014, 11:30 AM
Hi Pinot,
PS: Hey fellow kitties, there's still time so check in and let us know you're coming!

Hi, Sammy here,
My brother and I are very excited (especially him because he wants to meet girls! :rolleyes: ) and of course we are going, mom says it's ok and gave us new backpacks to take our stuff. We don't know how to play baseball, but we are very good at catching balls and we can play football (you guys call it soccer), so we are taking our ball to play with you. Please tell us where is it that we have to meet and we'll be there.


12-19-2014, 09:08 PM
Hi, Sammy here,
My brother and I are very excited (especially him because he wants to meet girls! :rolleyes: ) and of course we are going, mom says it's ok and gave us new backpacks to take our stuff. We don't know how to play baseball, but we are very good at catching balls and we can play football (you guys call it soccer), so we are taking our ball to play with you. Please tell us where is it that we have to meet and we'll be there.


Hi Sammy - don't worry about a thing, Pinot and I will get you here. We'll be in touch.

Hi Pinot,
Get in touch with me as soon as you can so we can arrange to get our new friends Sammy and Andy here for the festivities.

Your bud,

12-20-2014, 09:40 AM
The Found Cats , Porchies and Angels will be there too , bringing take out galore!!!!:love::love::love:

12-20-2014, 03:21 PM
Kimba is very excited that the Found Cats, Porch Cats, and Angels will be there. I swear, this cat is a party animal!

12-23-2014, 08:59 PM
Hi kitty pals,
I don't know what's happening but I hear that Meowmie has arranged a big surprise for us. Even Soncat isn't talking and I can always count on him to spill the beans. Hmm, maybe if you sneak around you might hear your purrents leak it.

Pinot, do you konw when the Catmobile will arrive? Anytime after Monday is fine here. Any kittky coming in by train can take the Amtrak to the Trenton station to be picked up. Let me know what time you'll be arriving. Can't wait to see all of you again!

Your bud,

12-30-2014, 03:17 PM
Hi fellow purrents,
Just want to let you know that the Catmobile has arrived full of kitties ready to party big time. The lady kitties are in awe of Chelsea's beautiful new tiara! Our musicians are setting up and tuning up while Soncat is picking up the cheezburgers. Amigo is busy greeting each of his guests and already the girls are talking to the Catmobile driver about going to Quakerbridge Mall. Frankie and Kimba are explaining baseball to Sammy and Andy and telling them how to use a bat and a glove.
And there's a big surprise in store for our guests but they won't know until they reach their destination. Spencer, the manager of the Haggis In A Hurry Shoppe, told me the head coach of the Trenton Thunder baseball team is a frequent customer and good friend. Tomorrow afternoon the kitties are invited to the Thunder field where they'll play a few innings with the team. Tonight Soncat and the Catmobile driver will sneak their baseball gear out of the house and into the Catmobile.
All of our kitty guests have been told to check in with their purrents. Since they seldom share what they do while on these trips, please let us know if you hear from your sweeties?

12-30-2014, 04:05 PM
I got a text from Frankie saying: Sammy and Andy are naturals at baseball. WHEEEEEEEE!!!!!

I assume they are all having a grand time!!!!:love:

12-30-2014, 08:21 PM
Bob and Elmer are tuning up the bagpipes, and Sparkler has her dancing shoes on and is practicing some new steps..

12-31-2014, 02:05 AM
Kimba finally texted me today (he says he's been busy with his bagipes and his baseball practices :rolleyes:). Anyway, he asked me to send some more baseball gear to him,. I don't know if he knows about the special plans or just wants to make sure there are enough gloves and bats to go around for everyone. Whatever it is, the stuff is on it's way and should be there sometime today.:)

01-03-2015, 10:16 PM
Hi fellow purrents,
The kitties are wonderful guests - they're on their best behavior. Frankie and Kimba were thrilled about playing baseball with the Trenton Thunder, the Yankees farm team. Winnie, Angel, and Chelsea were the cheerleaders. The Thunder players gave all the kitties some useful tips on how to improve their game and Sammy hit a home run! A player from the Rutgers University basketball team stopped by and got into a pick-up game with Kimba and a few others. He was very impressed with Kimba's jump shot and wanted to learn how to do it.
Yesterday the ladies went to Quakerbridge Mall to do some shopping. Apparently they found some great sales and came back with shopping bags full. They even treated themselves to lunch at the Cheesecake Factory.
Right now Pinot and several others are in with Soncat watching the Ravens football game. When they were at the Mall, Pinot had her nails done with the Ravens logo. Those not watching the game are in the kitchen playing kibble soccer. The bagpipers are ready to celebrate a Ravens win.
We'll remind them to check in with their purrents. They're having a blast! :love:

01-06-2015, 12:21 AM
My two never text so I'm happy to have the updates.....

Pinot's Mom
01-06-2015, 08:05 AM
Can't wait to see Pinot's nails!

01-06-2015, 10:40 AM
Update purrents -
The Catmobile planned to bring everyone home this morning but it's snowing in Trenton and some roads aren't in good shape. The Catmobile driver is watching weather reports and road conditions closely and wants to wait until he's sure it's safe to drive. Several of the kitties want to go outside to play in the snow but they understand it's way too cold and they have to stay inside. All your sweeties are safe, warm, and well fed. A few are currently taking a nap. Will keep you updated on their travel plans.

01-26-2015, 03:19 PM
Can someone please tell Andy or Sammy to text me? Last time they did was almost 3 weeks ago and I'm worried, especially since Andy texted "mom, don't get mad at us please" :confused:
When are they coming back home?!

01-26-2015, 03:36 PM
When is the Super Bowl and where is it played? Just wondering! :confused::eek:

01-26-2015, 05:02 PM
Please keep safe and warm and dry, Catmobile kitties and Amigo and Momcat and Soncat, and everyone and all kitties and other critters in the storm's path.
