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View Full Version : Grrrr - to Napa Auto Parts!

12-09-2014, 02:41 PM
Okay, I heard their current radio commercial, and it is anti-cat! The gist is, "Oh, no, it is Secret Santa time, and you got Karl. You know, Karl with kittens on his computer screen, kittens pictures on his wall, and kitten ears on his car. Buy him a XXXX-brand wrench set instead, and help him "man up." And maybe he can use them to take the %^&%& cat ears off his car."

I was appalled! Plenty of "real men" love cats. There's nothing wrong with a man liking cats. Or kittens. Tell Napa this is just plain wrong!!!! I think we should all protest! Grrrrr hiss - Nappa - Real Men Like Cats!

Yes, I have a sense of humor, this just isn't funny! It is as sexist as well!

12-09-2014, 05:39 PM
What an outrage!!! I agree with you, Karen, there's nothing funny about this. There are many "real men" right here on Pet Talk who unconditionally love their cats and give them only the very best care. One of these "real men" is Soncat who not only adores Amigo and all kitties, he's proud of it (I am too). He even has a few pictures of Amigo on his cell phone and has no reservations about showing our little guy off. How many real men help kitties in need, feed strays, and do whatever they can to protect them? I know this may sound harsh but maybe Nappa will lose some business because of this.

12-09-2014, 05:52 PM
My husband and I went to his staff party last week. This man, who I always thought was such a macho, arrogant kind of person, came up to us and showed us 4 pictures of his cat on his phone. Well... who knew. I like this big bad bodybuilder guy very much now :love: He's just a big sweety!

12-09-2014, 07:37 PM
Here is a link, send them a comment. I just did. I had to put it as "Other." Yes I did use my real name, email and phone, I may regret that if they mine contacts for emails lol.


Psst! Karen, remove the extra "p" in the thread title!

12-09-2014, 08:53 PM
Here is a link, send them a comment. I just did. I had to put it as "Other." Yes I did use my real name, email and phone, I may regret that if they mine contacts for emails lol.


Psst! Karen, remove the extra "p" in the thread title!

Okay, I did!

12-10-2014, 12:34 AM
Here is a link, send them a comment. I just did. I had to put it as "Other." Yes I did use my real name, email and phone, I may regret that if they mine contacts for emails lol.


Psst! Karen, remove the extra "p" in the thread title!

I did NOT use my real phone. Why do they need my phone for an email? I used 800-555-1212. I believe that's a 411 for 800 numbers?

I'm a rebel.

12-10-2014, 09:30 AM
AS a Cat Man I have herad this nonsense for years , Napa must be run by a bunch of Muscle Heads!!!
Man up indeed!!!:mad::mad::mad:

12-10-2014, 11:03 AM
I like my cat, He tolerates me.


The advert firm who put this campaign together are probably staffed by the metro sexual, cappucino swilling, guys that buy the mani/pedi gift cards, call their clothes by the first name of the designers, have one pair of shoes that cost more than all the shoes I have owned in the last 20 years and only dress in pastels.....

I pity the fools.;)

12-10-2014, 12:08 PM
I like my cat, He tolerates me.

I pity the fools.;)

Mr T!

12-10-2014, 01:52 PM
That ad is pure rubbish. To myself and many of the wornen on this site, a real man has at least one cat. Cat men are caring, kind, giving, brave, and very flexible with their time and attention. A man who has no cats is not a man to me. Love you cat guys!!!:love:

Here is the message I sent them: I will no longer buy ANYTHING from Napa. You ad disparaging men who love cats has completlely turned me off to your company and your products. My late fiance was a cat man. He was no sissy, either. He was a big, strong, macho man who held a black belt in karate. He also held and loved our cats whenever possible. You have desecrated his memory with this ad. I speak for all the women who love a man who loves cats: "Phooey on your company and your products. I no longer have any use for them. i will now shop at Auto Zone and avoid Napa products.

12-10-2014, 02:05 PM
That ad is pure rubbish. To myself and many of the wornen on this site, a real man has at least one cat. Cat men are caring, kind, giving, brave, and very flexible with their time and attention. A man who has no cats is not a man to me. Love you cat guys!!!:love:


12-10-2014, 02:16 PM
That's where the "brave" part came from. Hairballs and cat puke are not for sissies!

01-02-2015, 01:19 PM
That's where the "brave" part came from. Hairballs and cat puke are not for sissies!

When you grow up in a large family-hairballs, cat puke and turd boxes are child's play.

Wiping poop from the crevices of a squirming, crying child prepares you for EVERYTHING in life.:p

01-03-2015, 10:58 AM
Did they ever withdraw the ad?

01-03-2015, 02:06 PM
Did they ever withdraw the ad?

Ut was a holiday seasonal ad, so we will not know until next year if they actually got the message. I stopped hearing it, but do not listen to radio except when I am in the car anyway!