View Full Version : What Life as a Working Mom Is Really Like

12-03-2014, 01:08 PM

<cite id="yui_3_9_1_1_1417632771153_598" class="byline vcard">By Babble | Yahoo Parenting

</cite>Life as a working mom is … … panicking when your child walks in to your bedroom to wake you up on a Monday morning and says, matter-of-factly, “Mommy! It’s 7:45! Don’t you have to get up?”

… putting your hair into a low ponytail, once again — the unofficial hairstyle of working moms everywhere.

… wondering, once again, what your sitter thinks about you as you run out the door and she says, “You forgot your phone/iphone/purse/head!”

… arguing with your husband, on a morning when your child is sick, over who’s going to take off from work (read: who has the crazier day at work) to get him to the pediatrician.

… realizing, during your train commute to work, that you forgot to sign the field trip form and calling your child’s teacher to beg for an exception.

… opening your work tote and finding that your child has inexplicably decided to fill it with Polly Pocket pieces.

… feeling entirely too excited about taking a bathroom break, because nobody is banging on the door and asking you where her purple hoodie is.

… running to the store during lunchtime to pick up the supplies your kid needs for his class project, then running to the next one when the first is all out of white poster board.

… staring at the drawing pinned up on your office bulletin board that your child made on the day he came to work and relishing the cuteness.

… not really having too much time to think about your kids because you are determined to plow through everything and get out the door at a reasonable hour.

… getting a breathlessly urgent call from your child about just what she would like for her birthday as your boss walks into your cube.

… having to take off a half day from work to attend your kid’s school event and wondering why the school thinks it’s OK to schedule events in the middle of the day.

… freaking out when you see the pediatrician’s number crop up on your cell phone. Except they’re calling to tell you the credit card on your auto-pay form has expired.
… running through the train station en route home and shouting into your phone at your husband, over the din of the crowds, “SPLAT THE CAT!
The book for her book report is SPLAT THE CAT! S-P-L-A-T! It’s on her bureau!” Because it’s your husband’s turn do to the book report this week.
Question is, will he even be able to locate the book?

… feeling the bliss rush of how psyched your kids are to see you when you walk in the door.
And feeling a little glum on those days when they don’t even pick their heads up from their books or iPad to acknowledge your presence.

… not feeling at all guilty that you consider “takeout” an essential food group.

… feeling a little guilty that you have to do homework with them so late in the day when they’re a little tired … and you are, too.

… loving your children so much it hurts — yet being exceedingly happy when they are asleep. But then, that’s every mom.

By Ellen Seidman, for Babble.com (http://www.babble.com/parenting/what-life-as-a-working-mom-is-really-like/?cmp=elp%7Cnone%7Cnatural%7Cyahoo-shine%7C2014-10-30%7C%7Clife-as-a-working-mom)