View Full Version : Adorable Oliver

11-30-2014, 01:07 AM
What a cutie you are, Ollie, although we think your full name is bigger than you are! We love that you may be your person's first Yorkie, but you do not consider yourself a small dog one bit! It is nice you are such a good snuggler, and you are friendly to everyone - many Yorkies are not that way! We are glad you get to go everywhere with your mom, as keeping her smiling is an important job! Congratulations, Oliver! Is it your big day to shine!

11-30-2014, 06:49 AM
Congratulations on being Dog of the Day.
You are one handsome fellow.
Your Mom is crazy about you and I'm sure
you will get extra treats and hugs to celebrate
your very special world famous day.

11-30-2014, 08:01 AM
You're adorable Oliver!!!:love: Congrats on being DOTD!:cool:

I hope you and Hallie have a fun day celebrating!:D

11-30-2014, 09:34 AM
Congrats little, BIG Ollie...

A well deserved DotD!!!!

I love the fact that you growl at your kibbles and then pounce on them to devour them...

Keep on snuggling little, BIG Oliver!!!!

11-30-2014, 01:47 PM
Hi there Oliver! Happy Dog of the Day to you, cutie pup!:D

Awww, if you aren't the most precious little man, small in stature perhaps, but giant sized when it comes to spirit and heart! 7lbs of pure love! Just goes to show you, oft times the best things come wrapped in the smallest (and furriest) of packages! And don't I love you name, sweetie! I once had an Oliver, a.k.a "Ollie," and so I know first hand that they don't come any cuter than an "Ollie!" OK, my Oliver was a kitty, though you are just about his size!;)

That photo of your pretty mommy cuddling you is beyond heart melting, Ollie! How very loved you are, and understandably so! You're irresistibe, and the love and comfort, the smiles and joy you bring to your mommy's life, is a priceless gift indeed!

Great thanks to your mommy for sharing your precious little self with us today, giving us the chance to honor you for the beautiful best friend and loving companion that you are! I hope you're enjoying an EXTRA special day of celebration, sweetheart; playing endless tug-o-war with pretty sister Hallie (with you winning of course, hehe), savoring some tasty treats, being loved and pampered to pieces! You sure deserve it! Lots of love, cuddles and kisses to you, adorable Oliver, Dog of the Day EVERY day!:love::love::love:

P.S...That story of you vs the evil kibble is hysterical!:D


11-30-2014, 02:07 PM
Oliver is SO cute, what a wonderful DOTD!!! The whole family is lovely.

Felicia's Mom
11-30-2014, 04:28 PM
Congrats on being DOTD cute little Oliver.

11-30-2014, 05:17 PM
Congratulations on being selected as today's very special DOTD. You are adorable and I especially love your "sleepy shot". You sound like a fun little guy - not only for your Mom, but for your big playmate. I love ALL dogs, but I'm partial to the little guys. My Wolfy is part Pom and "something else" - and I've always suspected that it was probably Yorkie.

Keep on being happy and spunky little one, and may you have a very long and healthy life with your adoring family. :love: