View Full Version : George is 9 mos. old-pics

11-25-2014, 04:42 PM
Nov 25 2014
I can hardly believe it but George is 9 months old today. He is a big boy and still growing I think. He is ALL CAT & gets into trouble sometimes. Yesterday he climbed one bldg & I guess jumped onto another bldg. (see photo). I called him, looked outside & couldn't believe I was seeing him on top of the shelter where we keep lawn mowers, tractor, etc. We had to go to the lower bldg. and coax him down.

I hate to tell you this but George is quite a hunter. Beware bugs, birds, and mice! So far he has caught 2 birds that I know of (he brings them up) & that makes me unhappy because I love my birds. Also he's caught 1 mouse outside which is fine. He wears a bell but I guess the birds haven't caught on that there is an orange killing machine outside. With my old Luke they did not have to be afraid but George is a different kind of cat--active and quick. I already dread spring time and bird nests and baby birds.

Here's some pics:

11-25-2014, 04:56 PM
Happy 9th months old,, George. You are sooooo handsome. :love:

The big ones here were a year old last Saturday. They are still growing, and super-sized Luke is bigger than Wolfy. Don't know what he weighs now - about 14 pounds, since he was over 12 pounds about 6 weeks ago. :eek:

11-25-2014, 05:55 PM
Oh, George, you're beautiful!!!!

Happy 9 months, dear Georgie!!!


11-25-2014, 09:20 PM
I love that pic of him on the building roof! He looks as if he thinks he is right where he should be - and even a bit proud of himself!

Cats are juveniles until they are 2 years of age. His killing of birds etc distresses you I know. The only ideas I have are to make him an indoor cat (yeah, good luck with that!) or search the internet for ideas for outdoor cat enclosures. Materials can be very inexpensive and George can have his outside time - and pounce on any mouse that crawls into his enclosure! ;)

11-25-2014, 09:55 PM
Aww, George! You are absolutely adorable! I like the second picture of you, sweet orangey boy!

11-26-2014, 07:28 AM
You're a cutie George! It looks like you're gonna keep the family busy!:D

11-26-2014, 09:34 AM
Aww, happy 9 month birthday George!! I love the pix of him all sprawled out on the couch. Lil Girl doesn't look too pleased in that first one though. :)

11-26-2014, 09:35 AM
Wow George , 14 pounds or in England a full stone and still not officially a Cat yet!!!
We have the life of Riley with Your Dog Companions ,and you are going to be a Great Cat.
All we Found Cat are pleased to make all three of you as Our Friends!!!:love::love::love:

11-26-2014, 12:34 PM
Excellent pictures! George just keeps gettin' better, he sure looks confident and content in his kingdom! Probably cuz of his excellent staff. :D

11-27-2014, 01:33 PM
Great pictures of your handsome boy. It's nice to see him sleeping next to the dogs. (his buddies);) maybe George can be "grounded" during the
peak baby bird season to give them a chance to grow & learn flight.

11-27-2014, 04:10 PM
He is so cute. He is so lucky to live out where he can be outside. A catio or enclosure would be safe for him and the birdies.

11-27-2014, 04:51 PM
Nov 27 2014
George is one curious cat and climbs whatever he can. A few days ago he was on top of a shelter (photos already posted).

Late today he was on top of the greenhouse--not a good place to be--because it's made from some kind of plastic & George weighs probably 14 lbs or so. He must have jumped on the round table at the greenhouse & then jumped nearly straight up onto slick hard plastic. I didn't see it happen--just saw him on the greenhouse.

We have a picnic table near the house & one day I will not be surprised to see him on top of our house (just shaking my head).

Here are pics:

Felicia's Mom
11-27-2014, 06:24 PM
Happy 9 month birthday, adorable George.