View Full Version : A PINK slug! Never seen one of those before

11-19-2014, 05:00 PM
It is on the just-out updated Endangered species list. Slugs are on my short(2 only) list of animals I dislike, but for that one I would make an exception!



11-19-2014, 05:59 PM
It's still a slug, though! Slugs are slimy and eat garden plants :eek:

11-19-2014, 08:28 PM
We hoomins probably don't look too cute to them either! :D;)

11-20-2014, 05:27 PM
A slug is a slug is a slug - no matter what color he/she is.. They are still nasty and give me the creeps, and even if this pretty pink one who is on the endangered species list, showed up here, then there would be one less of this variety to protect, and it would meet the same fate as all the other slugs who made the mistake of visiting this piece of real estate. :p

Slugs are disgusting................

11-20-2014, 07:11 PM
Gee, I'm so glad someone said it first. They have ruined so many of our plants, they are SO nasty. I don't believe they have one redeeming quality, not one. I think the hot pink one is even freakin' creepier! Slugs...they are simply revolting to me :D

11-20-2014, 09:27 PM
Hey, folks, the only one of us that has even a remote chance of running into one of these is Carole, and I don't think she's into going hiking in the upper reaches of Mount Katupur in New South Wales, Australia!

11-20-2014, 09:34 PM
Is the other one fleas by any chance ? Slugs and fleas, nightmares are made of these 😱

11-20-2014, 09:44 PM
Is the other one fleas by any chance ? Slugs and fleas, nightmares are made of these 

No, the other one is leeches.

11-20-2014, 10:09 PM
Ooooh. Yuck, forgot about those. We use to have to check for them after we went swimming in Spring Lake in Sask. My Aunt Penny would have to put a lit ciggy on them to make them let go. Must have blocked that out till just now, thanks a lot!!!!

11-21-2014, 08:27 AM
Hey, folks, the only one of us that has even a remote chance of running into one of these is Carole, and I don't think she's into going hiking in the upper reaches of Mount Katupur in New South Wales, Australia!

Stranger things have happened. :eek:

Color has nothing to do with it - I'm not prejudice. :D Any slug - no matter what color - will be dealt with as others have been that decided to come visiting. Did you know that they like dry cat food? When Sherbie was still alive, the slugs would get in his dish (outdoors) at night and finish off anything that he hadn't eaten. Sometimes they would still be by the dish in the early morning, and of course they always left slime behind. Disgusting! :eek::eek::eek:

11-21-2014, 09:05 AM
I've never met a light pink slug
and wouldn't want to be one?
Is it a snail or maybe a bug?
I'd never want see one.


Just a thought, Get one for Breast Awareness Month and amaze your friends with a lapel pin that's alive?:eek:;)

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-21-2014, 09:48 AM
I've never met a light pink slug
and wouldn't want to be one?
Is it a snail or maybe a bug?
I'd never want see one.


Just a thought, Get one for Breast Awareness Month and amaze your friends with a lapel pin that's alive?:eek:;)

Great reply Richard!!
I don't like slugs either:eek: , and as about my hobby, he HATES those creatures :mad: !! During Spring, they eat so many young leaves of flowers and more...! They love our lily's and sunflowers the most:mad: