View Full Version : This Horse And Its Owner Endured Three Hours Of Muddy Terror Together

11-18-2014, 11:05 AM

Nicole Graham, a mother from Melbourne, Australia, recently went for a leisurely horse ride along the beach with her daughter. However, the afternoon quickly shifted from a relaxing outing to a living nightmare. Graham's horse, an 18-year-old steed named Astro, ventured into unexpectedly treacherous mud and was followed by her daughter's horse before she could warn them. Graham was able to get herself, her daughter, and her daughter's smaller horse free, but Astro remained stuck.

Graham spent 3 hours clinging to the horse as he continued to struggle. http://images.viralnova.com/000/092/501/desktop-1415911689.jpg
Newspix / Rex Features

At over 1,000 lbs, attempts to free the horse before help arrived only resulted in both becoming more stuck. http://images.viralnova.com/000/092/500/desktop-1415911690.jpg
Newspix / Rex Features

Once help arrived and she was freed again, Graham remained by Astro's side, comforting him. http://images.viralnova.com/000/092/502/desktop-1415911690.jpg
Newspix / Rex Features

They had to fight time to get the big guy out before the tide washed over him. http://images.viralnova.com/000/092/503/desktop-1415911691.jpg
Newspix / Rex Features

Fire crews arrived, assisted by veterinarians and a nearby farmer, who loaned his tractor. http://images.viralnova.com/000/092/504/desktop-1415911692.jpg
Newspix / Rex Features

Astro was sedated so he wouldn't continue exhausting himself while they worked to free him. http://images.viralnova.com/000/092/505/desktop-1415911692.jpg
Newspix / Rex Features

They tried several different types of equipment and even had a helicopter on standby. Nothing would budge in the mud. http://images.viralnova.com/000/092/506/desktop-1415911693.jpg
Newspix / Rex Features

Fire lieutenant Roger Buckle said the mud was "like quicksand." http://images.viralnova.com/000/092/507/desktop-1415911694.jpg
Newspix / Rex Features

Everyone was anxious as the tide drew in nearer and nearer. http://images.viralnova.com/000/092/508/desktop-1415911694.jpg
Newspix / Rex Features

Luck finally came with their combined efforts and Astro made his way out of the mire. http://images.viralnova.com/000/092/509/desktop-1415911695.jpg
Newspix / Rex Features

11-18-2014, 11:05 AM
The tractor really came in handy. http://images.viralnova.com/000/092/511/desktop-1415911696.jpg
Newspix / Rex Features

Once he was 100% free, the poor guy collapsed in fatigue. http://images.viralnova.com/000/092/510/desktop-1415911695.jpg
Newspix / Rex Features

After a much needed rest, everyone was cleaned up and able to make their way back home. http://images.viralnova.com/000/092/512/desktop-1415911697.jpg
Newspix / Rex Features

The horse only suffered mild dehydration and will make a full recovery. http://images.viralnova.com/000/092/513/desktop-1415911697.jpg
Newspix / Rex Features

(via Daily Mail (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2107521/Nicole-Graham-Astro-Mother-stayed-horses-3-hours-getting-trapped.html).)
Graham, who runs an equine dentistry business, owns over 10 horses. She says she's never had any issues like this arise over the 20 years she's been a horse owner. I'm just glad it turned out well for Graham and Astro.

11-18-2014, 01:08 PM
Well that was one hell of a bloody ordeal! What a nightmare, it's so wonderful they both wound up safe and sound. Takes a lotta heart, everyone involved in that rescue is awesome. Especially mom and the horse!!

11-18-2014, 05:36 PM
Awesome, heart-warming story. Wonderful that both eventually made it to safety unscathed.Kudos to all involved in rescue! :)

11-20-2014, 05:20 AM
Wow! What a story that is! Thank goodness they got Astro out!