View Full Version : Ryder's First Snowfall - Two Years Later!

11-14-2014, 05:18 PM
Just wanted to share a picture of Ryder from when he was between 8-12 weeks old & at 2 years from today as a comparison to show how much he has grown and how he has matured. He is a great dog - very loving and loyal. Extremely smart! Hope everyone's doing well. I've been extremely busy with my personal life as I am getting married in three weeks! :)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1969129_755688214479041_946976404261848289_n.jpg?o h=4364bc851dffdd4955befa36a0d51829&oe=54D1D6E2&__gda__=1424402659_84661e6b4e64e152528d2be3ab944c0 6

11-14-2014, 05:35 PM
Hee hee - still adorable, now he's just hug, that's all! How exciting, is Ryder getting caught up in the wedding preparations, too? I do think he needs a bow tie to fit the day! ;)

11-14-2014, 05:50 PM
Hee hee - still adorable, now he's just hug, that's all! How exciting, is Ryder getting caught up in the wedding preparations, too? I do think he needs a bow tie to fit the day! ;)

Unfortunately, he will not be involved with the wedding stuff. He is still a hyper, crazy dog when it comes to being around people. We will either have someone come to our house and stay with him and watch him OR we will board him. Not too sure about boarding, though.

11-14-2014, 06:04 PM
Unfortunately, he will not be involved with the wedding stuff. He is still a hyper, crazy dog when it comes to being around people. We will either have someone come to our house and stay with him and watch him OR we will board him. Not too sure about boarding, though.

Aww, do have someone come to watch him! That's what we did with our Saint Bernard, Freckles, when my sister got married, and one of her favorite picture from the whole day was one after the wedding and reception were over, she and her husband came back to my parent's house and took a picture with Freckles and they sitting on either side of her on the porch steps. All three are smiling for the camera nicely!

Having someone there at the house is a good idea anyway, that day, as thieves have been known to target homes when they know - because of wedding announcements, etc - the residents will all be away that day!

11-14-2014, 06:21 PM
Aww, do have someone come to watch him! That's what we did with our Saint Bernard, Freckles, when my sister got married, and one of her favorite picture from the whole day was one after the wedding and reception were over, she and her husband came back to my parent's house and took a picture with Freckles and they sitting on either side of her on the porch steps. All three are smiling for the camera nicely!

Having someone there at the house is a good idea anyway, that day, as thieves have been known to target homes when they know - because of wedding announcements, etc - the residents will all be away that day!

It would be really nice if it worked out somehow - but I don't think it's doable. Crazy morning - hair salon - make up - limo comes - wedding in the early afternoon - it's just too much. I am sure we will do a photo session after the wedding sometime. We will do our best to find someone to watch him and stay at our house overnight for 4-5 days. Hopefully it works out!

11-14-2014, 06:33 PM
It would be really nice if it worked out somehow - but I don't think it's doable. Crazy morning - hair salon - make up - limo comes - wedding in the early afternoon - it's just too much. I am sure we will do a photo session after the wedding sometime. We will do our best to find someone to watch him and stay at our house overnight for 4-5 days. Hopefully it works out!

Hopefully it does! Maybe one of you has a cousin who does not like parties or crowds, so would be fine with not being at the wedding!

Ryder has grown up to be such a handsome boy! We are so glad you persisted through his initial puppyhood!

11-14-2014, 10:22 PM
Hello, handsome Ryder! ((((HUGS))) You are such a hunky, beautiful guy! Congratulations to your people for their wedding, coming up very soon!

11-15-2014, 10:03 AM
Ryder sure has grown up to be fine looking! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding, all the very best to you!

11-16-2014, 07:18 PM
Ryder turned to be a handsome & sweet young boy. I love those eyes. :)

Steve Wisley
11-17-2014, 03:32 PM
I like that dog. Congrats on the wedding. Hope you will always be happy...as happy as a dog in the snow.