View Full Version : Please read! Its about Molly and she needs our help!!! FAST

Aspen and Misty
12-19-2002, 05:02 PM
I have a dog named Molly. I don't know if you have seen me write about her. I brought her home tonight to give her a bath. She is so skinny it hurts when you touch her. Her ribs seem to have some meat over them but you can feel the bones in her back. I'm so worried about her. I don't want to give her back but I'm afried the family will become mad at my friend Michelle. I wish you could see her, her coat is ruff and doesn't look well taken care of. I don't know. Because they said if she eats to much table scraps she throws up, I don't know if that is true with her dog food to. The yalso said she runs alot and works it off so that is why she is skinny, but my friend tells me she is skinny because her sister doesn't feed her. Do you have any suggestions. Think this is a case of neglect? In my heart I know it is. But what should I do? Do I give Molyl back and call my animal controlle? Pleae help me!


12-19-2002, 05:04 PM
i don't know what to suggest. never give her back...:confused: :p

i really hope you can convince her to give her away...poor molly doesn't deserve this treatment. good luck

12-19-2002, 06:28 PM
Im really not sure.....One thing I wouldnt give her back to the owners!Other than that I dont think i can be much help im kinda confused about this....
Good luck though


12-19-2002, 06:53 PM
I really don't know what to tell you either. But whatever you do DO NOT give the dog back to her owners. Its really sad they would treat her this way:( Hopefully someone else here can help you.

12-19-2002, 07:03 PM
I agree with everyone, don't give her back. Maybe your dad will let you take her to the vet. The vet will help you and tell you what needs to be done to make her better.

12-19-2002, 07:05 PM
What do your parents say? Perhpas they could speak with Molly's parents?? It does sound like she is being neglected:( I would definitely speak with the family before returning her. No dog, no matter how active, should be so thin you can feel her backbone:( I would also try talking it over with your friend first so that she understands your concern and are acting out of compassion for the dog. Sometimes sticking up and speaking up for what you believe in is difficult. But if it is so, as you say, that Molly is being neglected, you really should speak up for her well being. See what your friend and the family say first. It would be good to have your family behind you! Thanks for caring Ashley. I know Molly appreciates your love and concern.

Aspen and Misty
12-19-2002, 07:29 PM
My family backs me up 100%. But the only person who will say anything to the parents is my sister, and she is at a movie. I'm afried if I take her with me tomrrow morning, when I agreed to return her, they will take her and we will call the pound and then they will take Molly. I am allowed to keep her, and want to. Her and Chewy seem to be getting along, but just in case there is a baby gate inbetween them, and they are allowed to sniff each other, they will be allowed to see each other later, when I know Molly is comfortabel in her new home. I don't know what to do. I wish I could call them, and tell them, but is that fare to them? But doens't it matter what is fare? They are killing there dog. I'm so confussed, I want to do whats right but don't want anyone to hate my fiiend.

Ash :(

12-19-2002, 08:07 PM
Call animal control! Molly needs some good nourishing... and more importantly LOVE! Please keep us posted on what happens with her. I hate to see animals mistreated like that! Good luck!!!!

Dixieland Dancer
12-20-2002, 08:03 AM
Talk with the family and tell them how much you have fallen in love with Molly and ask them if they would be willing to let you keep her. You may find out that they are just as anxious to get rid of the dog as you are to keep her. You never know unless you ask. I will say a pray for you that this works out and you get to keep Molly. I'm sure she will be forever grateful to you!!

I also like the idea of you taking Molly to the vet to get his opinion on if the dog is neglected. He may also be able to suggest something since he lives in your area and deals with animals routinely.

Cisco's Mom
12-20-2002, 09:37 AM
I would def. get a vet's opinion on wether Molly has been neglected in writing! I would also take a few pics. to show the condition of Molly. I would gather all the info. I could that would support the fact the dog has been neglected. I also agree with Dixieland Dancer as far as talking politely with the owners to see if they will give Molly up. If your parents are supporting you and the people don't want to give Molly up than fight them and keep her! Good Luck!!

12-20-2002, 09:58 AM
Candy gave you great advice! Ask the owners if you can keep her. If she is that skinny, the owners must not be feeding her. That line about running it off is BS. Drake runs 6 miles with me and gets a lot of play and walks everyday. He burns alot of his food off but not to a point that his bones are showing!

Best of luck to you and Molly. Give that sweet girl a hug and kiss from Drake and I.

12-20-2002, 11:14 AM
I'm confused. You said she's yours and you can keep her but you also said you have to give her back tomorrow morning? Sorry if I'm a little slow. Can you explain it to me again? Thanks!