View Full Version : These Graves From Around The World Are Sweet, Strange And Just Bizarre.

11-11-2014, 12:03 PM
Some of these are just stunning and beautiful, and truly heartfelt.

By Michael Cahill NOVEMBER 10, 2014

Graveyards are creepy places to be, there's no way around that. Sometimes though, the gravestones can be so much spookier than the graveyard itself. Takes these 23 graves for example. They're the strangest, most bizarre, and most heartbreaking gravestones we could find.

1.) Weeping at the piano. I wonder if she played... http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/558/desktop-1415303008.jpg
Tumblr (http://41.media.tumblr.com/84256f3b29f941b98bd895cf58c6bbdf/tumblr_mp4csqgUD01rw872io2_500.jpg)

2.) This woman really loved her Micky Mouse. http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/535/desktop-1415302994.jpg
Pinterest (http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/35/5c/92/355c921aab440254977ec53f53876dac.jpg)

3.) I hope this guy didn't die of anything smoking related. http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/538/desktop-1415302995.jpg
Pinterest (http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/40/3d/f7/403df72bd9d552e47d6fbd4793ec3532.jpg)

4.) The grave of a maze maker. Could you solve it? http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/551/desktop-1415303004.jpg
Tumblr (http://41.media.tumblr.com/f2d84e1d305083c400bd7472a050f099/tumblr_mzegkq9ot81rsnmqfo1_500.jpg)

5.) Sleeping forever. http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/547/desktop-1415303002.jpg
Tumblr (http://41.media.tumblr.com/c92568457d6590efed44ab024c167a5f/tumblr_mn9sl9xkmm1rfhsblo1_500.jpg)

6.) A tree taking over an old grave. http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/553/desktop-1415303006.jpg
Tumblr (http://36.media.tumblr.com/1655f3689d844ff4c0defe0a5ccc6db6/tumblr_mnlzdk9AYI1rpb7goo1_400.jpg)

11-11-2014, 12:04 PM
7.) From a graveyard in Paris, France. It's a hauntingly beautiful gravestone. http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/546/desktop-1415303001.jpg
Pinterest (http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/05/6a/ca/056aca63305d39af5313d5b3145f6066.jpg)

8.) A heart broken mother had this grave designed for her deceased 10-year-old daughter in 1871. While she was alive, the daughter was terrified of storms. The grave was constructed with an entrance that descends to the level of the coffin. Her mother would come and enter the tomb during storms to comfort her child. http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/555/desktop-1415303007.jpg
Tumblr (http://36.media.tumblr.com/7a253c1c6e437fb708faccbb76002dc5/tumblr_mkuv38jm1V1s9jkgko1_500.jpg)

9.) This life size girl in the glass box grave was commissioned by the girl's mother. http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/550/desktop-1415303003.jpg
Tumblr (http://40.media.tumblr.com/c3dbf28b623f635e3d431ca308ec4c7a/tumblr_mox2xctClW1s19w34o1_400.jpg)

10.) This is the grave of a 16-year-old girl. Her sister has this life-sized gravestone commissioned for her. http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/557/desktop-1415303008.jpg
Tumblr (http://40.media.tumblr.com/d73a5e2e7db89743d3a6a407d7187be9/tumblr_mp4csqgUD01rw872io6_500.jpg)

11.) Endless love, from Thailand. http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/545/desktop-1415303001.jpg
Pinterest (http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ab/e3/6a/abe36a710e1fcb53ea84bf1cff0a63ab.jpg)

12.) This one is strange, but still manages to be so tragic. That poor little girl... http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/544/desktop-1415302999.jpg
Pinterest (http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8f/49/f3/8f49f39700949a0d315305d893e87b1e.jpg)

11-11-2014, 12:05 PM
13.) I'm not even sure what I should say about this one. http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/540/desktop-1415302996.jpg
Pinterest (http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4d/93/4b/4d934b1609ad1dd8f036caf31926e835.jpg)

14.) A happy couple forever. http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/539/desktop-1415302996.jpg
Pinterest (http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/4a/a2/e5/4aa2e52409b60f6667c5eff1cf8a0609.jpg)

15.) This mega-creepy grave is from a cemetery in Genoa, Italy. http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/537/desktop-1415302995.jpg
Pinterest (http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/51/c9/6b/51c96bd284f0f81505a948b14905b3ca.jpg)

16.) Sealing himself in. http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/559/desktop-1415303010.jpg
Tumblr (http://40.media.tumblr.com/3b78cb1de26721d5e3bba57f551c7f95/tumblr_mp4csqgUD01rw872io1_400.jpg)

17.) This grave design from the Victorian era was meant to prevent the dead from escaping the grave. You know, just in case they were zombies or vampires. http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/542/desktop-1415302998.jpg
Pinterest (http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/d5/da/81/d5da81555664a3d7eae07833d469c34f.jpg)

18.) Nature is relentless. This is such a tragic picture. http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/552/desktop-1415303004.jpg
Tumblr (http://36.media.tumblr.com/c10e618f07c3ea8b52c4555e27122b0d/tumblr_nakhy0HJiP1s9jkgko1_500.jpg)

11-11-2014, 12:05 PM
19.) I'm not quite sure what's supposed to be going on here. Talk about creepy. http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/556/desktop-1415303007.jpg
Tumblr (http://36.media.tumblr.com/6dab4b4c8dc0f033c74da8ec9dacf31d/tumblr_mp4csqgUD01rw872io4_500.jpg)

20.) The grave marker of a French journalist from the 18th century. http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/543/desktop-1415302999.jpg
Pinterest (http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/f3/9b/fb/f39bfb8a3d9e117ef01125b82e615e2a.jpg)

21.) Someone really liked playing Scrabble. http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/541/desktop-1415302998.jpg
Hub Pages (http://s2.hubimg.com/u/78897_f496.jpg)

22.) These graves of husband and wife are connected from two adjacent cemeteries. The wife was a protestant and the husband was Catholic. They died at a time when protestants and catholics cemeteries were strictly separated. http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/554/desktop-1415303006.jpg
Tumblr (http://41.media.tumblr.com/83a5b78992f6876248f2ba0b0b607138/tumblr_mopl0iauFl1rw872io1_500.jpg)

23.) This is the last remaining grave from an old cemetery in rural Indiana. Most of the graveyard was moved to make way for the state highway. The grandson of the woman buried there refused to have his grandmother moved. The county eventually gave in and built the road around the grave. http://images.viralnova.com/000/090/549/desktop-1415303003.jpg
Tumblr (http://40.media.tumblr.com/529f0abda46894d76f734ba314f24366/tumblr_n8k09mKdAH1rsnmqfo1_500.jpg)

I really hope my grave is half as exciting and weird as these people's graves when the time comes. I don't understand #13, why would you want a cell phone as a gravestone? To each their own I suppose.

11-11-2014, 12:46 PM
Wow, some of them are beautiful!

11-11-2014, 02:33 PM
I'm being cremated, so no one can comment on any marker for me! I intend to ride the ocean currents, and visit all the wonderful ocean fronts, resorts, and deserted islands that are part of our beautiful oceans, and that I'll never see with my feet planted here. ;):D

Some of these pics are just plain weird ! ! ! ! !

smokey the elder
11-11-2014, 03:00 PM
The Victorian one may have been to prevent grave robbers.

11-11-2014, 03:35 PM
Planning to be cremated also -- otherwise the tombstone would be covered in cats. :)

Very much disagree with the interpretation of #18. "Nature is relentless. This is such a tragic picture."

Instead, I'd caption in -- "Life, in all forms, goes on." I find it a very happy and inspirational picture myself. When I'm gone, I don't want or expect the world to stop.

11-11-2014, 03:52 PM
I don't see #18 as being tragic either. I see nature (the tree), embracing and protecting mother. :love:

11-11-2014, 04:00 PM
I don't see #18 as being tragic either. I see nature (the tree), embracing and protecting mother. :love:
That's a beautiful way to look at it. What a great example of making the choice to see positive instead of negative. :love:

11-11-2014, 05:04 PM
#2 looks Photoshopped to me. The size and shape of the shadow don't match the other shadows in the picture.

11-11-2014, 05:55 PM
I am guessing the "girl in the glass box" one was not originally designed with a glass box, but that was added to protect the marble from acid rain effects.

I think the tree hugging "Mother" is nice, not creepy as well!

11-11-2014, 09:17 PM
#2 looks Photoshopped to me. The size and shape of the shadow don't match the other shadows in the picture.

It is a flat "stone" that has been laser etched with the photo of the woman, which is why it looks odd - those shadows are just part of the image, not actual shadows of a 3-d object. Odd choice for a gravestone, but someone obviously loved her a lot!

And confess - how many of you figured out the maze before you continued scrolling? I did!

11-12-2014, 12:17 AM
This reminds me of something I heard when I was younger: "When I go, I'm going to have myself and all my possessions put into a car and then the car loaded with C4. After the explosion, I'm going to have a marker put at the bottom of the hole so that way I can leave at least ONE impression on the earth."

All of these images are hauntingly beautiful...except for the cell phone, lol.

11-12-2014, 01:05 PM
I loved them all and pay my respects at both grandparents graveyards regularly. I find graveyards fascinating. I was glad #8 was explained, what a sweet mother. I however don't know how I'd feel about creeping down the steps of that tomb in a storm. It is all art to me.