View Full Version : what are your dogs afraid of?

12-19-2002, 04:58 PM
just curious to ask because today we vacuumed the hallway and mickey got so scared. he did this yesterday also. i'm thinking its the noise but he actually gets in the position to pounce on it and starts growling. today, he didn't run away as much, but did the pouncing thing and started to actually bark. (he has never actually barked. only grumbles or growls a little)

so, what scares or gets your dogs nervous? :)

12-19-2002, 05:18 PM
We have several semi-retired sled dogs. They have all spent their entire lives as outdoor only, working dogs. Being inside to them means they are sick or injured. Most of them are absolutely terrified of doors! Our newest addition, Pingo, will not go through a door on her own. Sleet was the same way two years ago, but now she's a spoiled house dog.

Goldie is afraid of men with anything in their hands. Even my husband, who she sees everyday, can't go near her if he's carrying something. Somebody has beat her in the past!

Delta is just afraid--pretty much anything freaks him out, especially if it's new to him. He's cowering mass of fur outside of the dog pen.

Earle & Muskwa have never had a bad day in their lives and they aren't afraid of anything!

12-19-2002, 06:46 PM
About the only thing Murph and Maddie are afraid of is Fireworks,
but only if they're outside. If they're inside the house with me,
they're fine.

I've really been working with Oz on his lil' phobias, so the ones
he's conquered are: Linoleum, Riding in the Car and Walking
through Doorways. The ones we're still working on, but he's not
near as afraid of as he was are: Washing Machine, Vacuum
Cleaner, and Taking a Bath. He's so funny, because he sits
behind Murph for protection from the evil vacuum cleaner.


12-19-2002, 10:25 PM
Keito is afraid of thunder, lightning and rain.

Most of my dogs are afraid of fireworks.

A couple of my dogs are afraid of the vacuum, but Jack and Wishbone try to "kill" the vacuum instead.

Vanilla is afraid of flyswatters. Obviously, her previous owners hit her with one. :(

Queenie and Basil are afraid of absolutely nothing, period.

My sister's dog, Sage, is afraid of walking on slick floors.

Thunder is afraid of everything, literally. She is a mess. But, we're working on it ...

12-19-2002, 10:40 PM
Smudge is pretty much fearless around the house, if he's out in public he's sort of leary about strangers but it's not really a fear.

Winter is scared of loud noises and it appears horse carriages she saw one last week at the barn and freaked out.

Tama not sure, only had him a day and he seems like a fairly happy dog.

12-19-2002, 11:29 PM
For the most part my dogs aren't scared of stuff. But Felice is so scared of fireworks. When she was a pup and my neighbor owned her, some kids threw firecrackers into her pen:( She also is scarred of vaccumes. Hercules is scarred of stairs. And Zeus is scarred of the T.V sometimes when there is a close up of someones face LOL

12-20-2002, 12:59 AM
Reggie is afraid of...EVERYTHING...thunder, fireworks, balloons, clapping, and basically anything and everything that even looks or sounds the least bit odd. That's just Reggie.

Smokey...nothing really...he can't hear much anymore anyway. Nothing bothers him.

Nebo...VACUUM CLEANER...he is just terrified of it. He's a little shy around strangers and strange places....SOMETIMES...it just depends on the person and the place. I took him for a walk around the church tonight and every time we'd walk by one of the doors he'd start pulling away from it like it was scaring him..:confused:

Sara luvs her Tinky
12-20-2002, 01:20 AM
This thread reminds me of a funny story...
My mom-in-law has a chihuahua named Spanky...
Thanksgiving we were all at her house and Spanky barks everytime someone knocks on the door.... Well Spanky had been barking all day as everyone was arriving... he would run to the door and bark... bark ... bark... He is a real friendly dog...but doesn't like anyone he doesn't know. (I think that is a chihuahua trait) Anyway Eric's cousin came over (he hardly ever visits... he is related through marriage) and when he knocked Spanky ran up to the door barking and when John walked in... Spanky couldn't get out of there fast enough... it was so funny cause he was barking like he was big stuff and when he noticed he didn't recognize the person walking in he tried to turn and run and slipped on the tiles and fell then booked it outta there... we were all laughing soooo hard!!!

12-20-2002, 01:50 AM
Lolly is afraid of thunder, fireworks, vaccuums, kids, people she doesn't know, and large dogs.

Reece is afraid of .... hmmm ... I don't think he's really afraid of anything. He did get scared of my three year old cousin a couple weeks ago when she ran at him waving her arms and screaming at the top of her lungs calling him "BAD DOG" :eek: (I stopped her right away - don't know why she did that)

Cisco's Mom
12-20-2002, 09:47 AM
Cisco, is def. afraid of fireworks!! He will run to the first blanket and bury himself as far as he can!:)

12-20-2002, 01:47 PM
lol :D

thanks for sharing :) i just have to add a new one. my mom has these santa and frosty puppets that sing and dance once you press a button. mickey was going crazy last night when we turned them on. my mom also made this christmas sled that is filled with acorns and holly and christmas stuff and i was trying to use it as decorations for a christmas pic i was gonna send to his breeder, and he got so scared of it, he was running away. too funny :D

12-20-2002, 03:51 PM
Kia was afraid of water that was over her head but now she loves to go swimming.

She's nervous around the vaccum cleaner but can be in the same room when I'm cleaning, it just has to be from up high, like the couch.

12-20-2002, 04:07 PM
Eli (our alpha) is afraid of water, "bath" is a four-letter word and Eli knows it is. :D

Sassee isn't afraid of much, well rather, she is so laidback, she doesn't care about anything. :)

Ginger is afraid she won't be fed (even while eating :rolleyes: ), afraid of shots, afraid of not being in charge (she has major dominance issues:().

12-20-2002, 04:13 PM
Kito is an absolute nutcase with the vacuum. Even if it's not on, and it goes down the hall he starts barking and biting at it and trying to attack it--same with the dustbuster. Abbey does whatever he does, so she barks at it now too.
Kito does not like my father, unless he is giving him treats--in general he doesn't like men--we are his third owners, so we don't really know why.
Abbey is scared to death of 2 funny things: sleds and guitars. We saw a sled outside the other night, and she ran away from it whining, and when my husband plays the guitar she freaks out, but when it's sitting in the corner of the room, she lays beside it, as if to protect us from the evil guitar monster. Abbey also hates the car, when we go for walks she won't even walk by it.
And they are both scared when I get under the comforter and they can't figure out where I am or how I got there.
They're pretty funny though--when we first lit the fireplace, Kito stood there and barked at it for a while, now it's his favorite place to sleep

12-21-2002, 12:17 PM
Malone isn't really afraid of very much. I think the vaccuum cleaner & having water sprayed at him (as from an outdoor hose). But it's really hard to say with the vaccuum because sometimes I think that he is just trying to pounce & play with this loud moving object, and not so much a fear.

12-22-2002, 12:34 AM
Gandy is afraid of fireworks and thunderstorms. At the first sound of thunder, he heads down into the basement.

Rocky acts brave, but he is afraid of the vacuum cleaner.

Bandit is afraid of strangers, especially children. He hides behind me if there are strangers or kids around. He's also afraid of honking geese. :D He lets me vacuum him and he doesn't mind storms.

12-22-2002, 06:38 AM
Bella is pretty fearless for the most part. The only times I have really seen her cower a little are when I have taken her to my daughter's. The neighbor on the one side has two scottish terriers that bark up a storm when they see her coming up the driveway. Bella's tail goes way down and she avoids looking at them. On the other hand, when I take her for walks if we should pass a rottweiler or german shepherd her tail wags right off her body. I think it's the barking that she finds intimidating. :rolleyes:

12-22-2002, 09:12 AM
duke my senior golden is terrified of thunderstorms. when i brought him home from his rescuers, they warned me, so if i know a storm is coming, i give him melatonin and keep him in the bedroom with me, with the radio or tv on. i have come home to tipped human bed(trying to get behind/under it) and a knocked over card table. poor dog. alex was spooked one time by an outside overly filled trash can, he kept circling and growling since it wasn't in it's usual space.