View Full Version : What the 'Perfect Body' Really Looks Like

11-03-2014, 08:50 PM
<cite class="byline vcard">By Lauren Tuck, Assistant Editor | Yahoo Style</cite>


What the 'Perfect Body' Really Looks Like<cite class="byline vcard"></cite>https://s2.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/TyOmSRoYAHQ6c48ABneLuQ--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7cT04NTt3PTYzMA--/https://s.yimg.com/cd/resizer/2.0/FIT_TO_WIDTH-w800/b0a3e185893acfdc73e69876cda691e7a5472672.jpg

In response to a Victoria’s Secret advertisement (https://www.yahoo.com/style/victorias-secret-is-sending-mixed-messages-the-101266136378.html) that seemed to declare what a “perfect body” is many reacted strongly calling the campaign irresponsible and harmful. Three students in the U.K. even started a Change.org petition (http://www.change.org/p/victoriassecret-apologise-for-your-damaging-perfect-body-campaign-iamperfect) that, to date, has received more than 15,000 signatures and started a hashtag movement with #iamperfect to promote a more positive outlook on body image. To counter the negative message being sent by Victoria’s Secret, Dear Kate, a New York City-based retailer, created a more positive parody of the image. Calling on artists, entrepreneurs, business women, and more “real women,” the underwear company created a photo that is the antithesis of the “Perfect Body” ad. “Through this photo, we showcase women who are often neglected by the media and traditional retailers,” a blog post on the company’s website says (http://www.dearkates.com/blogs/diary/15637197-the-perfect-body). “We show the multitude of shapes perfect bodies can take.

11-03-2014, 09:00 PM
I think the bottom one could have gone even further with more varying heights, and including a little person, a very tall person, a very athletic gal, etc. But is is at least an improvement from the original, with very little difference in height, never mind bone structure or even skin color for the models.