View Full Version : Deworming cats

10-29-2014, 10:36 PM
Okay, It's the frustrating end to a frustrating day. I have a question about Pyrantel or Strongid. I have a cat with roundworms. I was instructed to get pyrantel. It can be used in cats and kittens but is not marketed for felines at all.
So I bought the large dog version. It is 4.54 mg per ml to be dosed at 5 ml for every 10 lbs. Which is almost your normal cat. Problem that is too weak a dose for cats, if the drugs.com website is correct. That site says the dose for cats in 2.5 - 5 mg per lb. This means that the cat would need to take 5 to 10 ml of this stuff. I have trouble getting 1 ml in a mouth.
I'm wondering if I should have picked up the horse dose.
I'm thinking of giving the cat 1 ml of the dog dose and hope for the best. It will be weak from what I've read and probably just give the worms a good buzz and not paralyze them.
Any help here would be appreciated.
I am so about to cry. This is like 1 of 10 things to go wrong today.

I did give her 5 ml of the dog dose, which is a half dose for kitties. I'll dose again but maybe 2x day.