View Full Version : Where are the guinea pig owners?

10-24-2014, 05:55 PM
I know there are plenty of dog (i have a corgi myself) and cat owners on this forum but are there any guinea pig owners as well? Personally, I have an American breed (the most common ones that you probably imagine when you think of guinea pigs) and a more exotic breed: the sheltie guinea pig (http://www.guineapighub.com/silkie-guinea-pig.html).

So to all my guinea pig owners on Pet of the Day, what do you enjoy most about raising a guinea pig? I personally like how vocal and personal these little critters are. Probably the most personal animal in the small pets category. :)

10-24-2014, 05:59 PM
Hee hee - lots of guinea pig folks here! I do not own one, but know what fun, silly, cute little characters they are!

I once knew a lady whose guinea pig Mitzi Michelle liked to run around the living room underneath a washcloth! If a visitor started to comment, Pat would say, "Shhhh - she thinks she's invisible under there!"

10-25-2014, 06:09 PM
Hee hee - lots of guinea pig folks here! I do not own one, but know what fun, silly, cute little characters they are!

I once knew a lady whose guinea pig Mitzi Michelle liked to run around the living room underneath a washcloth! If a visitor started to comment, Pat would say, "Shhhh - she thinks she's invisible under there!"

hahah they are quite interesting and funny animals.

10-28-2014, 05:58 AM
Hi! My name is Sandra. Welcome to Pet Talk!

I've been mom to guinea pigs for years; Squeaker, Moonbeam, Rosie and Ruby ("Americans" and Abyssinians, all rescues), along with dogs, cats and fish! All animals are special, but there's something so extra special, so endearing about guinea pigs! As the saying goes, you can't have just one!:D

I love how gentle they are, how trusting, and their antics keep me laughing all day long! It's hysterical, watching them "redecorate" after just having cleaned their cages, moving their beds around and tipping over their Pigloos and food dishes, then wheeking so loudly when you open the frig that you can hear it in the next room! And when floor time comes, how can you not smile watching them scamper around at breakneck speed, racing each other along the obstacle course! But nothing beats cuddling them on you lap and hearing those soft coos of content, the purrs. And then their are those SWEET faces! Need we say more?:love::love::love:

10-29-2014, 01:03 PM
Hi!! My name is erin and I have a guniea pig as well. :) His name is Lucky and he is about three years old. To be honest, guinea pigs are probably one of my favorite pets I have had! Lucky is such a darling and is very socialable. I always joke and say he reminds me of a dog, because he will start to squeal whenever me or my mom walk through the front door. :p I love how playful and gentle they are. I have an eight year old sister and a guinea pig was a perfect pet for her to learn how to care and handle an animal.

My family and friends actually make fun of me because I treat Lucky like a child. If I am out at the store and I see something he might like, I buy it for him, whether it is fruits or veggies. And he has a specific play time in which I take him out and let him stretch his legs and run around. Haha. Say to say I love my little boy. ;)

10-30-2014, 06:05 PM
you guys are all absolutely right! aren't guinea pigs just the greatest? :D

11-02-2014, 12:04 AM
My next door neighbor came over last evening and knocked on the door. We always talk over the fence 'cuz she's new. She said trick or treat, which I thought was a tad wild cuz she's about 70. Anyhoo, in her arms was the MOST adorable wee guinea pig dressed in a bumble bee costume. She looked so calm and sweet and cute! Turns out she is a volunteer crossing guard near the elementary school near by and she took her little pig there to show the kids for a bit. It was a hit and she decided to bring her over to show me. SO cute, made my day. her name is Pebbles and she is too cute for words!! I'm a guinea pig fan 4 sure now:love:

11-04-2014, 02:43 PM
Mon, i wish you snapped a picture of Pebbles in a bumble bee costume! thank sounds super cute :)

11-04-2014, 03:50 PM
My next door neighbor came over last evening and knocked on the door. We always talk over the fence 'cuz she's new. She said trick or treat, which I thought was a tad wild cuz she's about 70. Anyhoo, in her arms was the MOST adorable wee guinea pig dressed in a bumble bee costume. She looked so calm and sweet and cute! Turns out she is a volunteer crossing guard near the elementary school near by and she took her little pig there to show the kids for a bit. It was a hit and she decided to bring her over to show me. SO cute, made my day. her name is Pebbles and she is too cute for words!! I'm a guinea pig fan 4 sure now:love:

On, mon - you should tell you neighbor about Pet of the Day, she might have a picture of Pebbles in costume, but even if not, she should soooo nominate her for Pet of the Day!