View Full Version : Help! I just fell in love with a puppy!

09-28-2001, 06:15 PM
Ahh! This can't happen...but it did! I was roaming the Idaho Humane Society webpage (www.idahohumanesociety.com) to see if they had updated, because I have been searching since spring for a puppy/dog that captured my heart.

A few weeks ago I decided that I need to stop
looking so hard for a dog because I'm in school again, and I wouldnt have time to raise a good dog, and potty training in winter... (these are some of the things I would do, I was so desperate for the "right dog": asking everyone of my friends if they knew anyone who had a dog they didnt want, checking every shelter in a 50 mile radious, reading every "pet section" in every newpaper I can get my hands on!) I was kind of holding out for a Saint Bernard rescue pup (puppy because I wanted to get familiar with it before it weighed more than I do ), but so far, all I have come up with is pet store puppies from mills-and I wont go there. :mad: (dont you just feel so sorry for those animals? :( )

Anyway... I went to go get a glass of water while I waited for the pictures on the main page to load, and when I came back, what did I see but the most beautiful, precious, adorable face I ever saw!!!!! I litterly almost choked on my water I was so impressed by this darling puppy! This doesnt happen often...in fact, never. I love dogs-every size, shape, form- but never truely fell in love with one. (unless you count the dog we already have ) But...I think I just did fall in love with one...

My problem is- I am so terribly busy with school. Fall and winter are approaching quick. And the toughest one---MY MOM! :D She knows how BADLY I want a dog, but she thinks like I do- not enough time for a pup.

Well, the silly thing is, all of those problems have answers. Busy with school--but there is always someone at home during the day. Winter/pottytraining--This puppy is already partly pottytrained. And my mom-- Probably could be talked into it. But we have one more problem. Tomorrow is my brother's birthday. (the 29th) He has always felt that I am spoiled more than he is. (I'm the baby...hence "dababy") Well, if I get a dog anytime near the 29th-he'll think that I'm more special than he is.

Okay, I just rambled and rambled on there...but I cant help it! I'm in love with a puppy I virtually can't get!

Oh man, I dont even know why I'm posting this. Will you people please help me with this? Is there some medication you take to "fall out of love"? :D Well, if you guys dont see how I could fall in love with a puppy just by seeing it, I'll post the picture:

http://idahohumanesociety.com/images/FosterAnimals/79879fa.jpg http://idahohumanesociety.com/images/FosterAnimals/79879fb.jpg

See what I mean? Look at those puppy wrinkles! Here is her story:

Boxer mix puppy - 9 weeks old - "Scrappy" - Female. Probably better in a home without little children and does like to be the dominant puppy but like other dogs. Energetic and loving. Partially house trained. Crate trained. Prefer an owner who has had experience raising and training puppies.

I'm not to fond of the name Scrappy, because there is nothing 'scrappy' about her! And it's quite a coinsidence...the dog I have now, 7 year old Brutus, is a boxer mix! Brown with a spot on the chest even.

Okay, like I said before, I dont really know why I'm posting this...maybe for some input by you wonderful people! What should I do? Pursue or forget?

Thanks for all your time it took to read this. I really appraiciate it. ;)


Daisy's Mom
09-28-2001, 06:43 PM
AWWW what a face! I love those wrinkles! I don't think anyone can tell you what to do, but... I got my puppy in November. I was in school and we had to house train her in the winter. It really wasn't a big problem. My parents are always home too so Daisy had someone with her all day. Basically, if you are going to be responsible about it, I think everything would be okay. And I just love her face!

Dixie Belle
09-28-2001, 07:10 PM
Sorry, no medicine to fall out of love with a puppy. And the pup is a cutie. Maybe you and mom could go visit the pup and see if the puppy even likes you. That is always a good way of deciding. And you can always tell your brother that the puppy is for him to enjoy too. As for house training, if there is someone home at all times, then that is just being used as an excuse. My husband was in college, and I was working when we got Belle (St.Bernard) and she has turned out fine. This sounds like something ya'll need to have a family meeting over. But don't take too long...a cutie like that won't be there forever....

09-28-2001, 08:11 PM
Sam, that puppy is adorable, I like that straightforward look she has. At 29 I don't think your brother has to worry any more about who is spoiled more or less. He's a man and he should get over it. I think you should talk it over with your Mom and see if you both can work it out. I can see why you are in love with her. Good luck.

09-28-2001, 09:20 PM
i dont think you can even fall out of love with a dog, or animal of any kind when you have fallen in love. But, if you find somehow
please tell me. i have deepley fallen in love with a dog that used to be at my shelter near me.. but he got adopted.. in a way, im happy for him, but im also sad... id go every saturday with my mother to visit him. His name was Blink. heres his pic..

that was befor we left.. the last time i saw him.. and i found myself grabbing onto his fence.. because i did not want to go
God Bless Blinky Boy, i pray alot that he is in a good home, doesnt he resemble Sim?
Ill ive go to say, get the dog while you can.... The puppies go fast...and the cutest ones,,, Blink was cute, just hyper and very playful.

09-29-2001, 09:26 PM
Hey everyone. Thanks for the advice, and sorry I was so slow to reply. I a lot going on.

By the way, I think I made a mistake, my brother's birthday is ON the 29th, he's only 15. ;)

Okay, update on puppy: The picture wont work now because they updated the site and deleted her picture. I was almost in tears when I told my mom I thought she was adopted. We called the shelter this morning, and they said that they arent sure 'where' she is at, or is she is adopted, and the only person who does know wont be back until Monday. So...my mom and I had a talk, and we disscussed it with my grandma and brother, and decided if she is still available, we'll adpot her. But-Brutus (our current dog) has to like her for us to keep her. He's old, and it would be cruel for him to half to spend his 'senior' years living with a dominant pup. Now I have the horribly difficult task of trying to handle the next 2 days!!! Lets hope I make it :D

Thanks again for all your advice, I had already pretty much made my decision, but all of your comments backed it up.
Thanks again,

Daisy's Mom
09-29-2001, 11:19 PM
That is exciting! I hope she is still there and that you can adopt her. Keep us posted!

09-30-2001, 01:53 AM
"And they call it Puppy-loveeeeeeeee"

Keeping my fingers crossed that the wrinkly-bundle of joy is awaiting YOUR arrival!!! (and Brutus's approval!)

09-30-2001, 10:57 AM
This puppy is too precious for words and from all you've told us, I think he sound perfect for you. We've got all our fingers and paws crossed that he is still there waiting for you. Please let us know as soon as you do.

10-05-2001, 04:50 PM
Hey everyone! I'm sooo sorry I havent gotten back earlier, I've been rather busy with school lately.

Okay..this is the sad but true story:
We called and called, and called again...and got no answer. But we had to go to a doctor's office that was nearby to the shelter, so we decided if we showed up and demanded to know, they would have to tell us.

Well, the woman who was fostering her was actually there, and she said that she had been adopted two days before I saw her picture. I pretty much was heart broken. I was sure this dog was for me. At least she has a home.

We went on to the doctors appointment, and my mom and grandma saw how heart broken I was, and I had wanted to get a hamster for a while too, so they decided we would go 'looking' for hamsters, not get one. (I dissagree with pet mills and pet stores mistreating animals, but the petstore we went to we knew how well the animals were cared for) So we got to the store, and the instant my mom actually saw a hamster-she said a big fat whopping "NO". She hates rodents, but I thought since a hammy has very little tail, it would be okay. So that didnt really help my broken heart, but we went on looking at the other animals they had. I saw this one lonely little guinea pig in his own tiny cage. It was high up, so we had to get a pet store worker to get a ladder to retrieve the little guy. She picked him up and laid him in my arms ...I never wanted to let go. I couldnt believe that me-of all people, a person completely against just getting a pet because you saw it (like without doing any reasearch about the animal) and I was going to him. So, needless to say, I talked my mom into it. Now I am the proud mamma to a 4 month old 'Buster' the guinea piggy.

A sad end to one story, and happen ending on on another. I'm still upset about not getting that puppy...but Buster is helping me through it! :D

Just to clearify one more time: I felt stupid getting a pet like that- just getting him without knowing or preparing or anything, but I just couldnt help leaving him there. So, again...dont think of me as a bad person- but I just fall in love with adorable and wonderful animals easily! :rolleyes:

-Sam and Buster

Daisy's Mom
10-05-2001, 08:28 PM
Sam I think it's great that you got a pet to love! Buster sounds like a sweetie. Don't worry, we understand about "pet chemistry." If you just "click", there's nothing you can do about it! It's fate and you can't stop it. Enjoy Buster!

10-05-2001, 11:30 PM
I say, Congratulations on Buster!! And you quit worrying about that puppy. Thank goodness it was adopted, and another puppy will be out there waiting for you one day. Just love your new "piggie". They demand a lot of love and attention too!! :D

10-08-2001, 07:02 PM
Thanks everyone! I'm so happy with Buster. And I'm almost glad I didnt get a puppy, my hands are full enough with the 'piggy'!

oh, and of course:Buster and Brutus :rolleyes: