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View Full Version : Taggart's New Sister

10-16-2014, 11:07 AM
Yes, we finally got Taggart a new sister. However, he is a little confused that we won't let them play. She was just spayed on Tuesday so she can't jump around right now. Poor Taggart. :(

Her name is Zeplyn and we got her at a Pet Fair on Sunday (couldn't bring her home until yesterday after her spay). The name of the rescue is Herd It Through The Grapevine. She is a Cattle Dog Mix. The shelter papers say cattle/pit. And she does have a bit of a pit head shape. It is so strange because I've never had a dog this small or a short hair dog either. But she is a good girl........so far. :)

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She is great and is interested in the cats, but never tries to chase them. Paizly swatted at her last night, but didn't get her. It was enough to scare Zeplyn, so hopefully she'll stay clear of them until they are ready. Jax is more relaxed. He will roll around on the floor while Zeplyn walks right past him. But he still has to show her who's boss by growling sometimes. Goofy cat.

10-16-2014, 11:57 AM
Yay! Congratulations Zeplyn - you have landed yourself the best kind of home - a Pet Talk home!

She's adorable!

10-16-2014, 12:35 PM
Congrats on the new addition! You can definitely see the pit in her with her face, what a cutie! I am sure she will make herself right at home. :D

10-16-2014, 03:15 PM
Hello, Zeplyn and hello, Taggart, Jax and Paizly! Miss Zeplyn - welcome to your new for ever home!

10-16-2014, 04:15 PM
Congratulations on the newest addition. Of course Zoee can never be replaced, but this new family member can help to fill that empty space in all of the hearts in your household - 2 and 4-legged creatures alike.

Welcome Zeplyn - you will soon learn that you've landed in one of the best homes possible. :love: And tell your Mom - lots of pictures are always welcome here!! :D Oh - she already knows - right????? ;)

10-16-2014, 08:57 PM
What a cute colorful girl you are Zeplyn. :) Congratulations Taz Zoee & Taggart. Zeplyn looks like she may have some Australian Cattle Dog in her? Wait till she heals up from her surgery, watch out Taggart the race will be on. :D

10-17-2014, 05:26 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk Zeplyn!!! What beautiful colors you are! You've ended up in a great home! ;)
I know you and Taggart will end up best buddies!:D

10-17-2014, 06:25 PM
Thank you!! :D

She is settling in well. She is still very curious about the cats and we are a bit uneasy at how she stops and stares at them. So we are very careful with her around them.
I just can't wait until she gets her stitches out and doesn't have to wear the "cone of shame" anymore.

She is definitely a Velcro dog, which is apparently normal for the breed. And that's fine with me because Zoee was also my shadow. :)

Hopefully I can get some more pictures of her this weekend. :D

10-17-2014, 08:18 PM
Oh I love blue merle coats, and Cattle Dogs are known for this. Zeplyn looks like a very pretty girl.

I did not see, did you mention how old she is?

If you are not familiar with the cattle dog, I highly recommend you do some online research and reading. There was a young woman with a cattle dog (not a mix, like Zeplyn) in Willy's Agility class. That dog made the Energizer Bunny look like a slacker! With the dog as 2 years old, the woman would get on her bike and take the dog for a 5 mile run THEN bring her to Agility class. Even then, the dog was ready to zoom about the room a few times before class started. Owner told us she was losing weight, getting in shape, sleeping well, but the dog STILL was not tired. She had the dog in all the obediences classes as well.

They are a working breed, and definitely need a job, or will develop behavior issues. They are easy to train because they love to please their human. You will have to see how her personality is, all cattle, or tempered by the pit mix. Her coat looks all cattle; her head, as you' ve said, you can see some pittie.

We expect lots and lots of photos of the family!

10-17-2014, 08:42 PM
Oh I love blue merle coats, and Cattle Dogs are known for this. Zeplyn looks like a very pretty girl.

I did not see, did you mention how old she is?

If you are not familiar with the cattle dog, I highly recommend you do some online research and reading.

Remember, she has dealt with herding breeds for years! Zooee was fluffy, but all herding breed anyway!

10-18-2014, 08:30 AM
Yes, Karen, but as I am constantly reminded about myself: I am older now! :D

10-18-2014, 11:08 AM
Yes Sandie, we know the breed. :) And we do have a large back yard for her to run as much as she wants. And my friend works at a great dog training place called Zoom Room where we can try different activities like agility and herding. :)
She is super smart. She already knows her name and usually comes when we call her. That's great for only about 3 days.
I do feel she has some relaxed quality of pit or whatever else she is mixed with.

We are working on her getting use to the cats. She makes us nervous when she stands so still and moves very slowly, like herding breeds do. But she is easily distracted and sometimes even distracts herself. This morning Jax rubbed his head on the toy Zeplyn was holding in her mouth. Progress......slowly.

10-18-2014, 12:59 PM
Oh forgot to answer the question of her age. The paperwork said 9 months old. I am waiting until the 25th when she goes to our regular vet for stitch removal to see what age they put her at. But I think it is safe to say under a year.

Scooter's Mom
10-18-2014, 10:50 PM
Congratulations on the new addition! She is a pretty girl!

10-19-2014, 02:58 AM
Hello pretty girl, and welcome home! Be nice to those kitties, they're friends!!

11-10-2014, 03:47 PM
Just now seeing this. shes pretty ^^ hows she settling in now that shes healed up an such from the spay?

11-10-2014, 06:32 PM
Just now seeing this. shes pretty ^^ hows she settling in now that shes healed up an such from the spay?

Aww, thanks for asking! I have been meaning to come update here.
She is doing great! She is not stalking the kitties as bad as she was. She gets into things and finds things we didn't even realize we had. LOL Funny thing is, she doesn't chew up a lot of things. She brings them out of hiding, but that's it. However, she did chew up one remote control to the TV. And she has dug a few holes in the backyard.
But she is a ball dog!!! Every time I take them out she looks at me to throw a ball. So I've started going out without a ball first to let her go potty and to try and get her to play with Taggart. Then maybe I'll get a ball and play with her. I have video of it. I'll have to see if I can get it on here. I also have some pictures I need to share here as well.
I'll try to get those uploaded this week. :D
This weekend she gets to go to "Camp Daniel" which is my brothers house and play with all his dogs. We shall see how that plays out. There is another young dog about a year older than her, so hopefully they get along well and can tire each other out. :)

11-10-2014, 06:53 PM
LOL i know what you mean about them finding things you didnt know you own. Pixies pulled out many bottle caps an other things from in behind my computer desk. i set up a blockade to keep from getting back there as i worry about her chewing on wires or stepping on a surge switch button for turning on/off things an poof. my PC goes off when i dont want/need it to.

glad to hear shes settling in quite nicely an giving everyone a run for their money ^^ i wish Pixie had a little play partner to wear her out,, but us humans all she has so i try an take her out for extra walks when shes over an let run on the retractable lead i got her. she loves the thing. i have a video of her running around like a wild woman on it but havent gotten around to uploading it yet.

does your dogs tuck their tail/butt in an take off like a rocket too? LOL

11-11-2014, 10:10 AM
LOL i know what you mean about them finding things you didnt know you own. Pixies pulled out many bottle caps an other things from in behind my computer desk. i set up a blockade to keep from getting back there as i worry about her chewing on wires or stepping on a surge switch button for turning on/off things an poof. my PC goes off when i dont want/need it to.

glad to hear shes settling in quite nicely an giving everyone a run for their money ^^ i wish Pixie had a little play partner to wear her out,, but us humans all she has so i try an take her out for extra walks when shes over an let run on the retractable lead i got her. she loves the thing. i have a video of her running around like a wild woman on it but havent gotten around to uploading it yet.

does your dogs tuck their tail/butt in an take off like a rocket too? LOL

LOL! It makes me laugh about the tucking the tail and running. When I was young we had a St Bernard mix and he would do this all around our HUGE backyard.
I guess Taggart does sort of tuck his tail when he is running and playing with Zeplyn. I haven't really noticed if Zep does it or not. She is just so fast and focused on the darn ball. She once jumped up before I threw the ball and landed on her back. Ouch! And several times she's been chasing the ball and does a flip, not always landing correctly. Silly girl!

11-12-2014, 04:20 PM
Kirby used to do the butt tuck an run too. always made me laugh. im sure its a ton more funny when a big dog does it. LOL Pixie does it now an than. its sure weird how a tiny dog can sound like a danged freight train. maybe Zeplyn has been watching cats on TV or whatever land their feet one too many times an thinks she can do the same graceful landings LOL