View Full Version : A Timeless Bond: Amazing Cat Tracks Down Elderly Guardian in Nursing Home by Jessica Ramos October 13, 2014

10-14-2014, 10:40 AM

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Cats don’t get enough credit for their loyalty, but the story of a cat named Cleo and her dedication to her person will warm your heart.

Cleo on a Mission
As reported in The Dodo (https://www.thedodo.com/cat-tracks-down-elderly-owner--753476753.html), Nancy Cowen had rescued Cleo from the streets about eight years ago, and in the years since, her bond with the dark-haired, fluffy beauty had blossomed.
But the good days of lounging with Cleo ended when Nancy had to be sent to Bramley House, a nursing facility located in Westcott, England, when she could no longer care for herself or Cleo the same way. Nancy wouldn’t be leaving Cleo to her own fate. The plan was simple: Cleo would stay in the care of Nancy’s neighbor. But Cleo hadn’t cleared that plan, and instead, she went out on her own and retook her old life on the streets.
Cleo had a mission, and it was to find Nancy. Two weeks after Nancy’s arrival, Bramley House staff noticed that they had a new guest: a fluffy stray cat. They also noticed how affectionate and friendly this stray was. They took a liking to Cleo and even fed her. Cleo spent her days sleeping outside of the facility and peering through the windows.
When Nancy met the new resident stray, she immediately noted how much the stray resembled her Cleo. She also mentioned how her Cleo had lost most of her tail during an unfortunate traffic accident. Sure enough, the stray was also missing most of its tail.
Cleo had tracked Nancy down! While no one knows how Cleo did it, the story is a happy surprise. As we’ve seen in other stories, time and distance are nothing for a determined cat on a mission (http://www.care2.com/causes/.%20http://www.care2.com/causes/shelby-the-cat-reunited-with-her-owners-after-being-missing-for-13-years.html). This story’s ending gets even better. Bramley House staff didn’t have the hearts to break this reunion or bond, so they’ve offered Cleo a permanent place to stay. Naturally, Cleo has hardly left Nancy’s side because when it comes down to it: Nancy is Cleo’s home.

But Who Saved Who?
Nancy might have thought she saved Cleo from a hard life on the streets, but they probably both saved each other. According to the American Humane Association (http://www.americanhumane.org/animals/adoption-pet-care/cat-behavior/cats-and-seniors.html), there are many benefits to senior citizens maintaining relationships with cats. Cats are lower maintenance than dogs and easier to care for. Cats can improve moods and get their elderly guardians to talk, interact and smile more. While they aren’t super demanding, cats still require care — like having their water changed or their litter scooped — that will keep their guardians alert and active longer.
And don’t dismiss a cat’s purr as pure relaxation and stress relief. According to Animal Wellness Magazine (http://www.animalwellnessmagazine.com/articles/can-your-cats-purr-heal/), we are still discovering the amazing healing abilities of a cat’s purr. The purr’s vibrations help cats heal their own bones, joints and respiratory problems, and they’re opening the door on how we can use the sound and vibrations of purrs to heal ourselves, too. In the meantime, many swear that a purring cat near their head will help or get rid of their migraines. Science also shows that senior citizens with cats tend to have lower blood pressure and will outlive other seniors without cats.
Has a cat ever helped you heal? Let us know how and if you believe in cat loyalty in the comments below.

10-14-2014, 02:00 PM
That is a WONDERFUL story!! :D :D

10-14-2014, 06:14 PM
I am so glad the facility staff recognized they should not break them up again!

10-16-2014, 09:13 AM
That is such a great feel good story that two Mature Companions are reunited in love!!!:love::love::love::love::love::love: