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10-01-2014, 04:07 PM
Lately in my spam, I have been getting emails claiming a cure for Alzheimers, which is particularly cruel, as family members of patients of this horrible disease are generally exhausted, stressed and vulnerable.

Also have has subject lines claiming strawberries, water, milk, and various other substances are killing me.

And that I can get rid of my glasses and see fine if I just by into their system.

I do not know the contents of any of these emails, as I delete them unread, every time, but just the fact that spammers are sending them means someone somewhere is paying them to do so, and vulnerable people are getting scammed.


10-01-2014, 04:34 PM
Latest round - just deleted - included dire warnings about tomatoes, bananas, wheat and strawberries again!

10-01-2014, 04:51 PM
I hear you Karen. I generally get offers for "enhancements" of the variety that I do not require. My blocked senders list seems to be getting a longer listing than the phone book.:(
However, I will share my tip for phone scammers, which I believe that I might have posted here before. You just say "Sorry, I don't have a phone". And while scammer tries to fathom this you hang up. It very much works!

10-01-2014, 05:18 PM
Got this a few days ago:

Subject: Warning
From "Comcast Online"

Dear User
You need to verify your email profile to prevent email closure before 24hours.

Then blue hypelink
Click Here (Which I definitely didn't)
Email Service 2014(R)

Nothing seemed to happen.

10-01-2014, 06:41 PM
I was getting calls on my phone recently with no name or number showing. They would just let it ring and ring. I got so fed up the other night I quietly picked the receiver up and screamed as loud as I could into it! It sure frightened the stuffing out of my cats and I have had no more calls! :D

10-01-2014, 07:18 PM
Got this a few days ago:

Subject: Warning
From "Comcast Online"

Dear User
You need to verify your email profile to prevent email closure before 24hours.

Then blue hypelink
Click Here (Which I definitely didn't)
Email Service 2014(R)

Nothing seemed to happen.

Haha! I get ones like this quite often from "AOL" (the real one of which is my e-mail provider).

10-01-2014, 07:44 PM
However, I will share my tip for phone scammers, which I believe that I might have posted here before. You just say "Sorry, I don't have a phone". And while scammer tries to fathom this you hang up. It very much works!
That is hilarious!:D

10-02-2014, 08:06 AM
I hear you Karen. I generally get offers for "enhancements" of the variety that I do not require. My blocked senders list seems to be getting a longer listing than the phone book.:(
However, I will share my tip for phone scammers, which I believe that I might have posted here before. You just say "Sorry, I don't have a phone". And while scammer tries to fathom this you hang up. It very much works!

I love it! Thank you. I'll remember that one for the next call.

smokey the elder
10-02-2014, 09:23 AM
I got a phishing scam confirming that my American Airlines itinerary was ready. Hmm...don't recall purchasing any AA tickets...I wish they had the custom recycle bin on my computer I saw years ago where the contents would "ignite" upon disposal. :D

10-02-2014, 10:22 AM
I still get a lot from different banks, saying that there is suspicious activity on my account, and to login and verify this-that-and the other! Funny - I don't now, or never have had, accounts with ANY of these banks that are sending me this warning. Gee - you don't suppose that there's another ME out there - do you???? Now that in itself, is a scary thought.....:eek::D
I have noticed something strange - but nice - tho. When I used my desktop, I would EASILY get 25+++++ scam mails every day. Since I've been using my laptop, I only get maybe 3 or 4 tops - daily. Nothing has changed - same email - so I don't know what the explanation is there. Don't get me wrong - I'm sure not complaining about it - just puzzled.

10-02-2014, 11:06 AM
Your bank will not email you. Ever.

10-02-2014, 01:27 PM
Your bank will not email you. Ever.

Yes - I know that. I was just using an example of some of the garbage that gets dumped on people by these scammers.

10-02-2014, 02:00 PM
I wish more people knew that! :( Any bank spam I get is often for US banks (though not always) so I KNOW I can't possibly have an account with them!

Lady's Human
10-02-2014, 03:38 PM
I get legit emails form my bank, but they're easily separated from scammers by viewing the full header of the email.

10-02-2014, 04:20 PM
I get legit emails form my bank, but they're easily separated from scammers by viewing the full header of the email.

Yeah - I get banking updates and notifications that I have requested, but never telling me click on the provided link and yadda-yadda-yadda. It's common sense IMO that something of that nature is phishing and theft of personal data. Too many people just don't think before they click.......:eek:

10-02-2014, 05:22 PM
Yeah - I get banking updates and notifications that I have requested, but never telling me click on the provided link and yadda-yadda-yadda. It's common sense IMO that something of that nature is phishing and theft of personal data. Too many people just don't think before they click.......:eek:

I mis-read Pomtzu's post - I thought it said, "I get barking updates..."! :D

Today I got a spam e-mail offer inviting me to respond to ... uhmmm ... add three inches :eek: I get a lot of weight loss spam (try garcinia cambogia! try hoodia! try guar gum!) too.

10-03-2014, 07:35 AM
I mis-read Pomtzu's post - I thought it said, "I get barking updates..."! :D


LOL. I get those too - but it has nothing to do with emails and spammers. :p

smokey the elder
10-03-2014, 10:54 AM
Your bank will not email you. Ever.

NOT true. My bank will email me. They emailed me that they were giving me a new debit card because of the Home Depot hack. However, I did log on to my secure messaging in my account and sent them a message. They verified it was legit and I did receive a new debit card.

10-03-2014, 05:28 PM
Your bank will email you only if you have given them your email address! The first thousand or so times I got spam for "First Third Bank" I had no idea it was even a real bank!

I also get emails claiming to be from Walgreens, thanking me for me recent visit! And while I drive by 3 different ones on a regular basis, I cannot eve remember the last time I was in one!

11-10-2014, 05:43 PM
It still annoys me when I get those "Cure Diabetes" ones - they are still sneaking through. So many people deal with diabetes, and suffer horribly with it, and the Alzheimers cures - do people really think a cure for Alzheimer's, or a way to reverse its effects would not have made the major news on nearly every outlet available, from print to web to television?

I am also getting so many CVS spam emails, that I have missed a couple legitimate ones! Those are pernicious, as they use similar subject lines ...

smokey the elder
11-11-2014, 03:01 PM
I keep getting dodgy posts on my Facebook feed how you can cure diabetes, etc. They are just cruel; they say pharma is hiding the cure. Grr.

11-11-2014, 03:41 PM
Well, I've recently become a very popular lady. For years now -- according to my e-mail -- African American women and Asian women have been dying to date me. Now, Brazillian babes are wanting to hook up. :D Almost makes me wonder if I should "switch teams". :p

Ever notice the SPAM for men are for products to make them larger and the products for women are to make them smaller? (Well, except in one or 2 areas). ;)

11-12-2014, 12:05 AM
Well, I've recently become a very popular lady. For years now -- according to my e-mail -- African American women and Asian women have been dying to date me. Now, Brazillian babes are wanting to hook up. :D Almost makes me wonder if I should "switch teams". :p

Ever notice the SPAM for men are for products to make them larger and the products for women are to make them smaller? (Well, except in one or 2 areas). ;)

I get a lot of "xyz type woman wants to meet you!" emails too. Funny thing is, I've been married longer than I've had my current email address!
A funny thing happened on my Facebook ad feed before I discovered adblock. On the top, an ad for some sort of dating service. On the bottom, an ad for catheter supplies. Good game, Facebook. Way to make me feel unloved AND self conscious! :rolleyes:

11-19-2014, 12:59 PM
Okay, today is a banner day for the inaccuracy/cluelessness of spammers! Things that made it into my inbox today included:

1. "Burial insurance for the cost of your coffee" - Ya mean it is free? I don't drink coffee 99% of the time!

2. "Repair your Hearing" - um, guys, it's nerve damage. It's permanent. There's no fixing my right ear, and my left ear is perfectly fine, thank!

3. "Glasses are ruining your vision" - Um, guys, if it weren't for my glasses, I couldn't read your stupid spam! Been wearing them since I was 8, and dad noticed I was "reading the funnies with my nose" ... it's genetics, folks!

11-21-2014, 05:39 PM
And, spammers of the world, I do not have a child - so do not need to send him or her a Santa letter, don't need to know who or what out there wants to date, marry or flirt with me - happily married, thanks, and do not care what any celebrity theoretically used to lose weight, or why you think white beans are suddenly magical!

11-21-2014, 06:54 PM
And spammers, I do not have a garage floor, have not since leaving my parents' house 20+ years ago. So I do not need to protect it, update to or organize it!

11-21-2014, 09:17 PM
It still annoys me when I get those "Cure Diabetes" ones - they are still sneaking through. So many people deal with diabetes, and suffer horribly with it, and the Alzheimers cures - do people really think a cure for Alzheimer's, or a way to reverse its effects would not have made the major news on nearly every outlet available, from print to web to television?

Karen, I think the problem here is that some people will actually fall for these come ons. The greatest thing to me would be to never have to take another insulin shot ever again but the time isn't now. These claims can be so cruel at times.
Recently I posted about a scam phone call I received telling me the Treasury Department chose me to receive a few thousand dollars. I don't recall the specifics but I did report it to the police. A few nights ago I got another call from this group or whatever they are. The woman started with the same Treasury Department speach - my response: "I already got this call. I know you're a scam and you've been reported to the police." All I heard was a click as she hung up the phone.

smokey the elder
11-24-2014, 10:52 AM
I got the court summons one today; replied to say I was onto them. It bounced, surprise, surprise.:rolleyes:

11-24-2014, 03:39 PM
I keep getting one in my email from some chick who clams she saw my pic on Facebook and is dying to know me. This has gone of for years. Odd that she saw my pic since I have no Facebook account and no photo of me anywhere on line.

The other day her email said she was having trouble finding friends. HELLO IT'S BECAUSE YOU ARE BLOOMIN ANNOYING!!! I just keep deleting them hoping she will go away some day or die of old age. sheesh:rolleyes:

11-25-2014, 05:05 PM
My big laugh yesterday, was an email from Barack Obama. Yup - I'm being charged with money laundering (the scam said money laundry - LOL) and terrorism. He has issued an order for me to be arrested Thursday morning if I don't pay the $688 to get my certificate so that my millions can be shipped to me. If I don't, he said I will pay with my life, and I'll really be in SOUP. I haven't deleted that one yet, since I get a good laugh every time I read it.

11-25-2014, 05:10 PM
My big laugh yesterday, was an email from Barack Obama. Yup - I'm being charged with money laundering (the scam said money laundry - LOL) and terrorism. He has issued an order for me to be arrested Thursday morning if I don't pay the $688 to get my certificate so that my millions can be shipped to me. If I don't, he said I will pay with my life, and I'll really be in SOUP. I haven't deleted that one yet, since I get a good laugh every time I read it.

At least they spelled the President's name right? ;)

11-25-2014, 05:22 PM
At least they spelled the President's name right? ;)

Yup !! Maybe they thought that would make the rest of the notification believable. I just chuckle when I think of my president saying that I will be in SOUP! This scammer didn't even bother using a heading on the letter - like "the White House" and the address, like so many others use departments like FBI or Homeland Security to make it look "real".

Not only are they getting more stupid, but lazy to boot.................:mad:

11-25-2014, 05:57 PM
My big laugh yesterday, was an email from Barack Obama. Yup - I'm being charged with money laundering (the scam said money laundry - LOL) and terrorism. He has issued an order for me to be arrested Thursday morning if I don't pay the $688 to get my certificate so that my millions can be shipped to me. If I don't, he said I will pay with my life, and I'll really be in SOUP. I haven't deleted that one yet, since I get a good laugh every time I read it.

I think I would hang onto that one. That is a threat on your life after all!!! I mean pay me or I'll kill you is not Holiday greetings.

11-25-2014, 06:23 PM
And what country did THAT one actually come from? (What is the e-mail address of the sender?)

Amazing, some of the stuff that gets sent out, but the sad thing is that stuff like that gets sent out because the senders must get a lot of money sent to them in response.

11-26-2014, 07:46 AM
[QUOTE=phesina;2511071]And what country did THAT one actually come from? (What is the e-mail address of the sender?)

Can't say for sure, but it was sent by yahoo.pt mail, and I was to respond to a gmail address - united bank of africa to be specific. In the body of the mail, it did say that the Nigerian government has confirmed that it is my money. Doesn't take much to figure out where it came from, and the English was rather poor also. Yeah - I'm going to hang on to that mail for a while - just in case the idiots would be brazen and stupid enough to send another "life threatening" greeting to me. Never know what these scam organizations are capable of...................:eek:

11-26-2014, 10:04 AM
.pt is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Portugal and is managed by the Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional (FCCN).
Thank you, wikipedia!

So President (of the USA) Obama sends official e-mail by way of Portugal, telling you that you will be arrested if you don't send money to an African bank (which has a gmail address)? .. my goodness!

That must be such a relief to know that the Nigerian government has confirmed that it's your money. Now you know it's true!

11-26-2014, 10:38 AM
.pt is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Portugal and is managed by the Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional (FCCN).
Thank you, wikipedia!

So President (of the USA) Obama sends official e-mail by way of Portugal, telling you that you will be arrested if you don't send money to an African bank (which has a gmail address)? .. my goodness!

That must be such a relief to know that the Nigerian government has confirmed that it's your money. Now you know it's true!

Thanks, Pat. Another thing that amazes - or amuses would be more appropriate I suppose - is that our president uses yahoo for his official mail. Maybe the ".gov" is no longer valid?????? :confused: :D

And I'm thinking that maybe I should cook extra for tomorrow's big dinner - just in case when the goons come to drag me off to who-knows-where - that they might want to have a big turkey dinner first. :p

Yeah Pat - it's has been confirmed that it is MY money, but since I won't send them the $688 to get my certificate so they can send me MY money, then I'll never get MY money and I'll be in SOUP and probably pay with my life, or at least be tossed in jail. Hmmm - when did we have to start paying to receive what is rightfully ours????? Oh - I know!!!! - when the scammers came on the scene..................:rolleyes:

I have to admit that this has been probably the funniest piece of spam garbage that I have ever received. What put this one over the top, was Mr President telling me that I would "be in Soup", and that I would "pay with my life" if I didn't cooperate. SOUP????????? :rolleyes::eek::D

11-26-2014, 10:59 AM
Since yahoo mail is free, he probably uses it now as a way to cut back on government waste.

11-26-2014, 11:43 AM
Since yahoo mail is free, he probably uses it now as a way to cut back on government waste.

Good one. Now maybe we can get even a bigger raise on our S.S. checks. Mine is wiped out come April when my supplemental healthcare insurance goes up again. I'll have a LITTLE extra till then - and then it goes "poof" - but I guess I won't need it if I'm in SOUP, or dead! :p

Okay - I'm gonna stop now.........................:D

12-01-2014, 06:56 PM
Dear evil spammers. Santa knows us all, and whether we have been good or bad. You are so gonna get driveway rocks* in your stockings.

Santa knows I do not have any children. You can stop sending me spam to have Santa write my child a letter - if you knew Santa, you would know he does not need your help. Or my money.

*When one grows up as the child of a stationary engineer, one does not get threatened wit coal in one's stocking if one misbehaves.. Coal can be burned for fuel or for power or for heat. It is too valuable to be given a to a naughty child. If you are bad, Santa will just fill your stocking with driveway rocks - from your own driveway even, so you can be sure none of them will be valuable or interesting.

Just though you all ought to know!

12-01-2014, 09:47 PM
My big laugh yesterday, was an email from Barack Obama. Yup - I'm being charged with money laundering (the scam said money laundry - LOL) and terrorism. He has issued an order for me to be arrested Thursday morning if I don't pay the $688 to get my certificate so that my millions can be shipped to me. If I don't, he said I will pay with my life, and I'll really be in SOUP. I haven't deleted that one yet, since I get a good laugh every time I read it.

I mean no disrespect to you, Ellie, but I am laughing like a jerk over here after seeing this. As for the "Pomtzu Soup", with Michele Obama being so obsessed with nutrition I can't help but wonder if she signed off on that one.

12-02-2014, 07:33 AM
I mean no disrespect to you, Ellie, but I am laughing like a jerk over here after seeing this. As for the "Pomtzu Soup", with Michele Obama being so obsessed with nutrition I can't help but wonder if she signed off on that one.

Eileen - laugh till you bust a gut !!! :D I still laugh whenever I think of it. The reference to me being in SOUP (yes-they even capitalized it in their mail), was what put this one over the top. Of course my life has never been threatened before either............but SOUP????? Oh my.....:eek: And of course you noticed the goon squad never showed up last Thursday morning to arrest me and haul me off to who knows where, as they promised they would. Geeze - can't believe anyone anymore - can we??? - not even our President. :rolleyes:

12-08-2014, 11:50 AM
Is this spam? I just got it this morning. Thanksgiving is long over with!!!

"As Thanksgiving nears we want to advise you that our online shop has an order addressed to you. You may pick it in any store of Target.com closest to you within four days.

Please, open the link for full order information.

Always yours,
Target.com "

I have never ordered from Target in my life. Well, I did order some cat food from Amazon.com almost a year ago. It was shipped from a Target store in Texas. The wording of this seems odd to me. Besides we have no Target store here or any where close to here. Sounds phishie to me. sheesh

Not gonna click on the link just in case!

12-08-2014, 11:52 AM
Is this spam? I just got it this morning. Thanksgiving is long over with!!!

"As Thanksgiving nears we want to advise you that our online shop has an order addressed to you. You may pick it in any store of Target.com closest to you within four days.

Please, open the link for full order information.

Always yours,
Target.com "

I have never ordered from Target in my life. Well, I did order some cat food from Amazon.com almost a year ago. It was shipped from a Target store in Texas. The wording of this seems odd to me. Besides we have no Target store here or any where close to here. sheesh

Not gonna click on the link just in case!

Absolutely - I get things like that from the UPS store, and Fedex, and am still getting lots of "Your Recent Walgreens visit" ones!

12-08-2014, 01:35 PM
I get lots of "spam alert" and "over-usage" messages from "AOL" (the real AOL is my e-mail service) sent from gmail accounts and such, complete with bad grammar and spelling.

12-09-2014, 08:35 AM
[QUOTE=momoffuzzyfaces;2511978]Is this spam? I just got it this morning. Thanksgiving is long over with!!!

"As Thanksgiving nears we want to advise you that our online shop has an order addressed to you. You may pick it in any store of Target.com closest to you within four days.

Please, open the link for full order information.

Always yours,
Target.com "

I have never ordered from Target in my life. Well, I did order some cat food from Amazon.com almost a year ago. It was shipped from a Target store in Texas. The wording of this seems odd to me. Besides we have no Target store here or any where close to here. Sounds phishie to me. sheesh

Not gonna click on the link just in case![/QUOT

************************************************** ************************************************** **************

I got one similar to this in my morning mail. It was from Walgreen's, and I had an e-gift waiting at the store. Just click the link for instructions on how to retrieve it.

Yeah - sure. And did you know too, that pigs fly??????????????:rolleyes: I should stop by the W in town next time I go by there, and ask them where my gift is. Gee - wouldn't you think that they would have called my phone, or just snail mailed it to me, since they have that info on file in the pharmacy department?????

12-09-2014, 10:40 AM
To all of you! Whatever great offers you get from ANYONE, don't ever open the link. If you feel unsure about something, look up the company, give them a ring and ask!

Once you click on a link, they'll know the e-mail address is valid.

smokey the elder
12-09-2014, 01:07 PM
Another thing to be cautious of: a link that supposedly comes from someone on your contact list. This is often malware. Contact them with a fresh email and ask if they sent it; if not advise them to change their password. My account gets hacked if I don't change may password often enough and I get email like, "did you send me this real estate link?" and it's a big fat NO. And I go change my password!

12-09-2014, 02:47 PM
I get one every so often, that appears that it is from my granddaughter's other grandmother, since she is on my contact list. It's a strange and bizarre mail and I know it's not from her. I mailed her about it after the first one, but evidently she did nothing about it, since I got another several months later. Oh well... :rolleyes:

And opening links - doesn't happen with me. I'm leery about opening ANY - even ones on here - and definitely ones on FB. :eek:

12-09-2014, 03:14 PM
If something sounds too good to be true - it most likely is not

01-14-2015, 06:11 PM
Okay, spammers are getting more and more creative - American Idol season is beginning - so now there are ones promising to teach you how to sing, or improve your singing!!!! And more evil options - stopping tintinitus, restoring hearing loss - things medical science either does not know how to do much of the time (for the former) or has so many causes, some completely untreatable (the latter). As Baby Boomers age I expect more arthritis spam to begin to appear ...

01-16-2015, 01:46 PM
My dad has been getting weird phone calls from someone saying "you have a criminal investigation against you. if you do not call back its a federal crime and we will not be able to help you" something to that extent anyway. yet my dad hasnt received an summons. hmmm :rolleyes:

01-16-2015, 06:03 PM
What is really funny is, we do still sometimes get junk mail in the "snail mail" form, and Paul got one yesterday that we knew was junk mail before he even opened it, as it was addressed to his actual first name, instead of Paul - which he has used his whole life. But inside the very plain envelope, without any return address, was a piece of paper that clammed they sent it "registered mail, return receipt requested" and was in a badly designed typewriter type font, it look official, I guess.

01-28-2015, 02:36 AM
Okay, lately, I have been getting a lot of "iPhone tracking Ap" and similar spam emails, claiming to be able to help people find lost items using their phone. But the person I know who most often loses things loses his phone more often than anything else! An Ap ain't gonna help!

02-11-2015, 04:09 PM
Big in spam the past couple weeks - solar panel/solar energy promotions.

Do they not do any geographic targeting? With the wether we have had lately, solar panels would be not terribly effective, and if you didn;t install them at a steep angel, you'd have to shovel/brush the snow off every storm!

smokey the elder
02-12-2015, 03:00 PM
Be careful filing your taxes using Turbo Tax. Apparently there have been fraudulent refunds claimed through their web site. Also the hoary old call from the IRS.

02-23-2015, 04:34 PM
I think spammers have started using Pet talk to reach us! I got the following in my email:


Dear momoffuzzyfaces,

You have received a new private message at Pet Talk from Supermom21, entitled "Hi!".

To read the original version, respond to, or delete this message, you must log in here:

This is the message that was sent:
We've turned over every rock and reveal the easy-to-follow secret tactics that will guarantee you fetch your own share of the $65 billion dollar pet industry... Starting from scratch on a shoe-string budget. Get to know more on the http://make-money-pets.net.tf

Again, please do not reply to this email. You must go to the following page to reply to this private message:

All the best,
Pet Talk

I do not know this person and for sure will not open any messages from them. I read this in my email but will delete it off my private messages unopened!!!

02-23-2015, 09:23 PM
Hi MoFF - I got the same one this morning, reported it to Karen immediately.

02-23-2015, 10:15 PM
Hi MoFF - I got the same one this morning, reported it to Karen immediately.

And I blocked the user as soon as I saw it, but obviously it was done programatically, so hundreds were done before I could ban him/her.

smokey the elder
02-24-2015, 02:42 PM
Hit them with your ban hammer!:D

02-24-2015, 03:05 PM
Hit them with your ban hammer!:D

Already done!

02-25-2015, 02:05 PM
I haven't even had the computer turned on in the past couple of weeks or so, so imagine my surprise when I checked my Google emails this a.m., and there was a mail sent to me from my Dad. Yup - the sender was "Dad J--------" with even the last name - a rather long and not at all common Italian name beginning with "J", being spelled correctly. He asked how i was doing, and provided a link for me to view.

WOW - just amazing - considering that my Dad passed away in 1973 - which itself was years before the age of a computer in every home- and my Dad wouldn't have known one end of a computer from the other anyway.

Don't these idiots EVER quit????????????? :rolleyes:

smokey the elder
02-25-2015, 03:05 PM
A new low...

02-25-2015, 08:13 PM
Now this is one very different one-- disgusting to go that far. How low do these spammers crawl I wonder?

03-12-2015, 05:00 PM
Okay, one of the newest subjects of spam coming to my email - "Your auto warranty is expiring ..." uh, folks, my car is 12+ years old. It has over 186,000 miles on it. Its warrantee expired probably before you learned to type, never mind send spam!

smokey the elder
03-13-2015, 01:26 PM
I get all kinds of paper spam (junk mail) about that. Even my newer car: I bought the extended motor/tranny warrantee (it's a hybrid), and still get mails from faux Toyota dealerships.

03-18-2015, 10:02 PM
I got one in the mail yesterday, a note from Grandma Rosa saying she chose me because I'm a good person with a good heart and I was born good but someone or something took my luck away. But she will get my luck back for free. To get 7 lucky numbers, an old time magic money charm, a few surprise gifts, and an additional $1000 to my social security check all I have to do is send $9.99 to a P.O. box in Denver. By the way, the note I got is postmarked Romania.

03-18-2015, 11:34 PM
Guess creeps consider ripping people off their job. Guess they are too lazy to get a real one.

03-19-2015, 12:57 AM
Guess creeps consider ripping people off their job. Guess they are too lazy to get a real one.

Not to give them an excuse, in some places, jobs can be hard to find. Not that that is an excuse, but I do understand that part.

smokey the elder
03-19-2015, 01:27 PM
I got a "prize" card in the mail..."You've won two plane tickets!" Oh really? I don't remember entering any contest: straight into the recycle with you.

03-19-2015, 01:34 PM
By the way, the note I got is postmarked Romania.

That part is neat - I'd save the postmark! How much postage did it take to get to you from Romania?

03-19-2015, 02:12 PM
I keep getting e-mails to my AOL e-mail account saying my inbox is full or some such, and to click on such-and-such link to "fix" that. Uh-huh. And it's "signed" something like AOL Security Team.

One thing I wonder is, how come so many of these message from "AOL's Security Team" or whatever come from yahoo.com or gmail.com addresses? And there are a lot that come from shaw.ca.

03-19-2015, 03:22 PM
I keep getting e-mails to my AOL e-mail account saying my inbox is full or some such, and to click on such-and-such link to "fix" that. Uh-huh. And it's "signed" something like AOL Security Team.

One thing I wonder is, how come so many of these message from "AOL's Security Team" or whatever come from yahoo.com or gmail.com addresses? And there are a lot that come from shaw.ca.

If you look at the actual headers, most do not originate from those addresses, but they spoof it to make it look like something you would find credible, and so click to open! That is also why you will sometimes see things in your mailbox that look like they are coming from someone you know, but are not actually from them!

03-19-2015, 03:30 PM
Okay - no lie!

I just in my email, two in a row that read:

A little Hanky Panky / Want to Have a Secret Affair? Per....
Email Lookup / Are You Being Cheated on?


04-15-2015, 04:17 PM
Okay, next target seems to be hearing loss - I actually am now getting spam that not only claims to have the cure for tintinnitus - but "reverse your hearing loss" and one subject line even said, "Learn how Marlee Matin restored her hearing ..." Hello? Like it would have made scientific headlines AND entertainment ones if the only well-known deaf actress could suddenly hear?

Let's see, we've ticked off
eye trouble
Weight loss has been a perennial one, as had
Hearing loss ....

What's next? Yes, we know the Baby Boomers are aging ...

04-15-2015, 04:47 PM
Oh, and lest I forget - even when I owned a house, I did not have a garage, never mind a garage floor! Quit trying to sell me stuff to beautify that which does not exist!

smokey the elder
04-16-2015, 10:46 AM
Facebook is another tasty target. I've been getting "friend" requests from folks I don't know from Adam's off ox, so into the delete bin they go! Be careful clicking videos or links in FB; they can harbor malware, too.

04-18-2015, 03:41 PM
Oh, and lately I have also been getting Adoption spam. I think of families desperate for a child who might fall for it, and are very sad for them!

04-18-2015, 08:07 PM
Apparently these jokers never give up. I've been getting emails two or three times a week telling me I have millions of dollars from a relative in Romania or Zimbabwe or London and a number of other exotic locations who passed away without a will and I'm the only relative to be located. Yeah, right. Mom's family is from Poland and Dad's is from Ireland. A friend on the police force says there really isn't anything they can do about it. These things aren't even funny anymore.

Lady's Human
04-27-2015, 09:07 AM
Evidently I left Diplomatic luggage on a flight...

Funny, I'm not a diplo and haven't flown anywhere in a dog's age.

04-27-2015, 11:36 AM
Evidently I left Diplomatic luggage on a flight...

Funny, I'm not a diplo and haven't flown anywhere in a dog's age.

That's a funny thought - my brudder, a diplomat??? ;)

Lately the variety of brides who "want to be mine" has been changing - Philippines, Vietnam, Ukraine, Russian (of course) even lonely housewives apparently nearby ....

Lady's Human
04-27-2015, 11:54 AM
That's a funny thought - my brudder, a diplomat??? ;)

Lately the variety of brides who "want to be mine" has been changing - Philippines, Vietnam, Ukraine, Russian (of course) even lonely housewives apparently nearby ....

Maybe 100 years ago, I think in the present times I'd be a bit too blunt for most of the delicate ones running the world at the moment.