View Full Version : Yellow Jackets like Pink Socks?

09-30-2014, 04:47 PM
Having never been sting by a bee or a wasp ever in my life, I have now been stung twice in the past week, despite steering clear of their nest. I just occurred to ne both time I was wearing my favorite hot pink socks! I am pretty sure bees see color in some fashion ... no fair!

09-30-2014, 05:55 PM
Having never been sting by a bee or a wasp ever in my life, I have now been stung twice in the past week, despite steering clear of their nest. I just occurred to ne both time I was wearing my favorite hot pink socks! I am pretty sure bees see color in some fashion ... no fair!

Ouch! That's no fun.

Apparently you are not steering clear ENOUGH for them, lol. Also, I believe they are attracted to bright colors, so the socks could well play a factor in this.

09-30-2014, 05:59 PM
Ouch! That's no fun. Apparently you are not steering clear ENOUGH for them, lol. Also, I believe they are attracted to bright colors, so the socks could well play a factor in this.

It's a small space - they live in a column about 4 feet from my sliding glass doors. It's MY portent - I moved here before they did!

10-02-2014, 10:50 PM
My poor foot it still itching and also swollen from the yellow jacket bite 2 days ago. Methinks I will never wear my pink socks going out that door until heavy freeze sets in. I have absurdly sensitive skin, I know this ....

10-03-2014, 06:47 AM
Oh, ouch! We are sending our good wishes and healing energies that this is all better very soon!


10-03-2014, 07:32 AM
Yellow jackets are brutal. Some years ago, we were doing some cleanup around the yard before winter set in, and I unknowingly disturbed a nest in some landscaping timbers. I had dozens of those suckers actually chase me, and was stung numerous times on my leg (I had shorts on). The next morning it was off to the doctor for a shot, since my leg was horribly swollen. I learned my lesson about walking barefoot in the grass too, since previous to that incident, I got stung by stepping on one - all too often. And I now watch the railing on the porch before I put my hand on it, after a wasp got me when I plunked my hand down on the railing that he was occupying!.

Feel better, Karen. I know that itching lasts a long time. Oh - put some toothpaste on it - that helps calm the itch. Make sure it's something like Crest paste - not a gel.

10-03-2014, 09:13 AM
Feel better, Karen. I know that itching lasts a long time. Oh - put some toothpaste on it - that helps calm the itch. Make sure it's something like Crest paste - not a gel.

Hmm, when it first happened I did apply a paste of baking soda and water, which helped. if the itching starts up again, I'll try that!