View Full Version : What happened after I called animal control...

12-18-2002, 02:49 PM
Well i called and they said they'd be right on it. Becuase I had experience with primates and I had told them I saw a monkey they said I should come to help with the primates.

Those people made me sick! They said they hadn't done anything wrong. When one of the officers said "Do you have any Wolf Hybrids?" The guy kinda was mumbling. The officers went down into the basement and god this made my stomuch sick! Animals were in the tiniest cages. Some were alive and making the saddest sounds. Others were barely breathing. Animals were dead! There were many wolf hybrids (illegal in my state). One officer told me they would look for a new home out of state. Those wolves just looked like they thought all hope was lost.

Oh and down in thebasement there were many primates shoved in the tiniest cages. Besides the vervet guenon there was a baby spider monkey. A macaque who was nearly dead. An adult Java. A marmoset. And a rhesus. It was incredibly sad looking at these poor creatures. There were many more besides the wolves and primates but it's very upsetting to think of these poor things.

All the dogs and cats were imcridbly skinny but they are gone too. They went to the animal hospital and hopfully will be adopted really soon.

Why these people did this...I wish I knew.


12-18-2002, 03:00 PM
OMG!!!!!!! And I mean that literally!!! God works in mysterious ways, it is said, and I don't believe for a minute that it was coincidence that you were brought to that house! I am SO grateful to you as I am sure are all of the animals! How revolting!!:mad: Were some creatures really "gone??":( Oh, no!!! Thankfully, hopefully, many will surive. Now, however did these people get away with this for so long??????? Were they taken to jail??? I hope the book gets thrown at them!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

12-18-2002, 03:19 PM
I would be curious to know if any publicity follows this story. Can you send us any links to local papers? And let us know what happens to the people who are responsible for this repulsive act? :(

12-18-2002, 03:59 PM
Ugh .... some people are just disgusting.

How awful for you to have to see that. I missed the thread where you must've explained the first part of this story. How did you find out about these people?

12-18-2002, 04:24 PM
Aly, here's the link to the thread Rachel posted yesterday...


12-18-2002, 04:38 PM
Yes many animals were "gone." The Animal Control officers were aboslutly disgusted.

The couple was hand-cuffed and taken in the car but I don't know what happened next. I didn't ask. I was in so much shock.

How did these people go on so long doing this? I'd really like to know.

The primates are being sent to a sanctuary. Actually I will be flying with them. They asked me to. Right now the primates are with me because the Animal Pound doesn't have the right facilities for primates.


12-18-2002, 04:52 PM
You really are a Christmas angel sent to save these creatures! Where are you flying too???? How wonderful that you will see them to their sanctuary! As for the couple, I hope they spend Xmas in jail, with plenty of time to ponder their horrific acts. HOW could anyone live in a home with deceased animals in front of their noses!!!!!:mad: Oh, how disgusted this makes me! Again, thank you so much and safe journey to you and the monkeys!

12-18-2002, 05:34 PM
Thank You very much. I am flying to Florida tomorow night and will be back on Saturday. As far as I have seen these primates are so sweet and very lovable to me.

I hope the spend XMAS in jail too. I think that's were they are going from the looks on the officers faces. They had to put down a lot of animals because they were already beyond hope. Those poor animals. I was crying when they took the macaque away. It was soo sad.

Thank You again. I am going to feed the little spider monkey now. He is regaining his strength nicely. Abby actually thinks he's her baby!


12-18-2002, 05:43 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

omg!! these people are so disgusting!!

thank God for you, who saved some of these animals. glad action was taken. you should be very propud of yourself. :D it was meant for you to find this place and save these animals..:)

12-18-2002, 07:17 PM
Those poor animals,
I wish more people were like you.

Have a safe flight and I hope you have a smile
on your face for all the animals you help saved.

12-18-2002, 08:35 PM
Thank You from all of us and all the animals who now have hope. That must have been one of the most awful things you've evn gone through, bless you for being able and willing to help, those poor, poor, poor animals. Once the monkeys are safe in sanctuary, if the place has a website, maybe they can keep us in touch with them as they progress.

12-18-2002, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
Aly, here's the link to the thread Rachel posted yesterday...


Thanks Sandra!!

I'm gonna go read about it now.

12-18-2002, 10:21 PM
so sad :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

12-18-2002, 11:29 PM
This is so sad :( :( i just hope that this couple gets the punishment that they deserve!!! :mad: :mad:

Rachel - Where in Florida will you be flying to ? I live in Miami, so if you'll be going anywhere in this area, let me know if you need any help....

Thank you so much for being an "angel" to these animals... You must have been God sent :)

12-19-2002, 12:21 AM
Thank you for what you have done. You are a wonderful person...I'm sure you know that Pet Talk appreciates it, and the animals do even more.

I would have just bawled to see those wolves/hybrids. :( I love wolves. I think wolf hybrids *can* make good pets with the *right owner* (like Drake) but I really wish people would stop breeding them.....and no animal deserves to be cramped in tiny cages and treated like all of those pets. :(

12-19-2002, 01:09 AM
What a wonderful person you are to have gotten involved. The animals that you have managed to save obvioulsy owe their lives to you.... and we know animals never, ever forget.

Imagine if you had not seen that little dog running out ...... how many more animals would have had to live in that hell-hole.

I hope they rot in jail ......:mad: :mad: :mad:

I cannot understand WHY people do this to animals ......

You are truly amazing.