View Full Version : George is 7 mos. old-pics

09-25-2014, 11:56 AM
Little Georgie is 7 months old today... can't believe it. Here are some pics and a video.

The closeup pic was taken with no flash because he now knows what flash is and he hates it.

The penguin pics in front of tv were with flash (George is not looking at camera) because it was too dark without it. Sorry for the flash glare. We were watching PBS Nature-Penguins and George found it fascinating and jumped up close to tv and tried to catch the penguins. At one time I had to change channels and get him down because I thought he might scratch the tv screen or jump at penguins and perhaps knock tv over.

He was neutered several weeks ago but I can't really tell much difference in his active behavior. I had forgotten how much "fun" it is to have a growing kitten in the house but I wouldn't trade him for anything. Love my little Georgie!

George video on 9.9.14

09-25-2014, 12:16 PM
George is so darn cute, and he is looking more like a young cat, rather than a baby kitten, too. Love him showing interest in the penguins - that's adorable. And Sissy and LilGirl in the same bed???? - priceless. :love: Smooches all around - and for Annie too. :love:

09-25-2014, 12:48 PM
oh yes, George is practically a cat, sure is big enough. The little girls at times do share the SAME BED.

09-25-2014, 01:03 PM
How cute and sweet! All of them! :love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

09-25-2014, 02:22 PM
George, what a beautiful kitty guy you are! Hello, Lil Girl and Sissy! I'm with Pomtzu- smooches all around and for Annie too :love:

09-25-2014, 02:31 PM
Wow Georgie sure is a big boy! He sure loves his toys, so fulla beans he is, very cute! So are the other 2 most definitely!

09-25-2014, 10:39 PM
Oh what a cutie pie. :love: As far as the TV, it's amazing what some of them will take an interest in. I can't have kittens meowing on the computer. Bob goes nuts. :D

09-26-2014, 02:03 AM
You are indeed a very handsome dude dear Georgie :).

09-26-2014, 02:19 AM
But Mooooom! I wanna pet the penguins!!!!

09-26-2014, 09:18 AM
A great Owesome Orange MMMEEEEEOOOOOOOOOW From Michael Angel, My Orange Porch Angels and my Found Hotel Cats for our New Friends , George your Cat of the Future and Friends . We bet that they make great Pet Piles.:love::love::love:

09-26-2014, 03:36 PM
AW!!! Smoochies for sweet Georgie and his pals!!! :love:

09-26-2014, 08:57 PM
George is just so HANDSOME!!! SMOOCHES and chin rubs to him from me. Love the second photo, with his back legs out, lol. And cute seeing Lilgirl and Sissy snuggled together. So, it took GEORGE for them to bond? Ha haaa.

Look at him GO with that toy! That gives him a good work out. Kay, you ended this post with your love for him. Well, I read tonight's thread FIRST (honey and cheerios!). I'm sure you still love him, but for a minute there, I bet you were ready to put him in a time out!

09-27-2014, 11:51 AM
Thanks everybody for your kind comments.

Sandy, (regarding honey and Cheerios) I was more than ready to put him somewhere other than timeout LOL. I must say I yelled "ugly words" at him.. can't repeat here. I must remember he is a CAT and doing CAT things. My RB Luke was big, slow and not very curious and he rarely got into trouble. This boy George though is a "wide open into everything" CAT.

09-27-2014, 06:54 PM
George is a cutie! I'm really starting to like these orange kitties!;)