View Full Version : I'm going to be a foster meowmy. Sophia and now Kim

09-23-2014, 11:21 PM
Sorry to post and step out real quick. I joined Home Free Animal Rescue and I am fostering a kitten. I need to get a small kennel cage to keep her safe for a few days while I fix the back room up.

I've rescued on my own, but never with a group, nor fostered. This should be interesting. :D

Here is Sophia at ACS



09-23-2014, 11:34 PM
OOh , how exciting! This will be an adventure for sure!

09-24-2014, 01:17 AM
Squeeeeee, what a doll!!! Congratulations on your foster baby!! :love::love:

09-24-2014, 09:38 AM
Adorable!! I want to foster, but I'm afraid I'd be the biggest foster failure ever! LOL

I can't foster kitties, but we might foster a dog.

smokey the elder
09-24-2014, 01:09 PM
Aww, what a little cutie! How old is she, about 7 weeks?

09-24-2014, 03:52 PM
Aww, what a little cutie! How old is she, about 7 weeks?

8 weeks maybe. She is 1.8 lbs but the new shelter vet requires the kits weigh at least 3 lbs. She is a feisty little one. She wanted to explore the room. Too much stuff laying about. I have her in a crate in my bedroom. Callie is there also but not in the crate. Rescue was afraid she would be PTS. She was near the top. My back room is messy and the door doesn't secure.

I was hoping Callie would be intrigued. Instead, she is being hissy. So I will work tonight to get her in the back room. I'm not worried about quarantine too much. I'm not exactly faithful to my kitties. I do wash my hands, but I come home with lots of animal smells.

I'll post some current pictures later.

09-24-2014, 04:15 PM
Congratulations, and God Bless!!!

Welcome Home, adorable little baby Sophia!


09-24-2014, 04:22 PM
Oh my goodness! Extreme cuteness warning! What a tiny, darling kitty! :love:

10-05-2014, 06:05 PM
Oh my goodness! Extreme cuteness warning! What a tiny, darling kitty! :love:

Oh, Sophia is a zippy, zoomy totally normal nutcase of a kitten.

News: Sophia is with a different foster. Another foster mom has a job that takes her out of town every other week. No way to rearrange that, and she didn't want her boyfriend to have to deal with syringe feeding a cat. So I now have Kim as a foster.

Some of you have seen Kim on Face book.

This is Kim at the shelter


This is Kim at home with me. (My phone still does not talk to the computer, so a friend took this and PM'd me.


Some story on next post.

10-05-2014, 06:07 PM
This is Kim, the 4-yr Siamese, surrendered at the shelter by her family. She had a bladder stone at the time, but it has since been removed.

She refuses to eat and the other foster parent tried everything. She was eating a bit of kibble at the shelter, but not enough to sustain. She has a feeding tube. This has been an education. She also keeps shaking her head, esp when the syringe is attached to the tube.

She gets the shivers, but I'm not sure if it is anxiety, my place is cold, or hypoglycemia. She loves to be held.

I'm not sure if she sleeps. She's always awake and on her toes when I go into the room. She will sleep in my arms. She has the cutest cry that is mixed with a trill.

Say hello to Kim and any suggestions are welcome.

10-05-2014, 06:08 PM
A Kim tale:

Last night at the 2am feeding, she had settled and was purring away. BTW, she insists on being held. She stopped, looked over my right shoulder at shoulder height and stared. And STARED. And kept staring, turning 90 degrees slowly to look over left shoulder and back again. I looked but could see or feel nothing. Slow, horizontal spider? Imagination?

Or a ghost? Spectral being? That bothers me less than a microscopic spider. I've live in a haunted house before, and have seen cats concentrate on the invisible before, so that idea that they can see spectral beings does not faze me.

10-05-2014, 06:09 PM
Awesome. Success. She is eating the Canidae dry food. The TLC is working!. She also ate some ham deli meat. I took a slice to the back room and starting munching. She was already in my arms and she was interested, but polite. I love this. I gave her some nibbles. She ate three nibbles worth with some gusto. And was making biscuits with claws extended. Nope, didn't really hurt.

I haven't started on the room, but I will tonight. She definitely wants out of the crate.

:love: :D Need a PM smiley here. This will do:


10-05-2014, 07:48 PM
Thats GREAT:D that she is eating .
She is beautiful but she looks so sad in the first picture.
Hopefully she settles in and becomes a happy healthy kitty
being held and spoiled :D:love:

10-06-2014, 07:41 AM
What a lovely kitty you are, Kim! We're joining in welcoming you to your WONDERFUL foster home and mom!

Thank yo so much, Anne, for giving her the love and care she needs and deserves.

God bless you all!


10-06-2014, 02:27 PM
I am officially in love with Kim. If I lived near you, I would so be ready to adopt her, plenty of pets and hugs and lap time at this house. I am looking for a mature female Siamese kitty, so Kim caught my eye. Give Sophia and Kim plenty of loves from me.:love::love::love:

10-06-2014, 03:34 PM
Awesome. Success. She is eating the Canidae dry food. The TLC is working!. She also ate some ham deli meat. I took a slice to the back room and starting munching. She was already in my arms and she was interested, but polite. I love this. I gave her some nibbles. She ate three nibbles worth with some gusto. And was making biscuits with claws extended. Nope, didn't really hurt.

I haven't started on the room, but I will tonight. She definitely wants out of the crate.

:love: :D Need a PM smiley here. This will do:


Good girl, Kim! Your foster meowmy will serve you nutritious, yummy noms and, occasionally, a delicious treat. I hope you will eat LOTS! So you can get rid of the feeding tube. I'm glad you are interested and making biscuits! :love: :love:

10-06-2014, 10:32 PM
I am officially in love with Kim. If I lived near you, I would so be ready to adopt her, plenty of pets and hugs and lap time at this house. I am looking for a mature female Siamese kitty, so Kim caught my eye. Give Sophia and Kim plenty of loves from me.:love::love::love:

ahhhh, no Siamese rescues in the area? If I can clear her for eating and temperament, she goes to NJ, but after today, I don't think that's happening anytime soon.

Good luck with your search.

10-06-2014, 10:48 PM
Good girl, Kim! Your foster meowmy will serve you nutritious, yummy noms and, occasionally, a delicious treat. I hope you will eat LOTS! So you can get rid of the feeding tube. I'm glad you are interested and making biscuits! :love: :love:

Well, that didn't happen this evening, so she got fed through the syringe. :(

I was busy for most of the day. She got a small syringe feeding this morning, but she wouldn't touch the turkey deli meat. I had to get my license renewed (yes, it was late), and then back home for some serious cleaning of that back room. Zoey was here for 8 hours, two of which we ate or goofed off. Both back rooms look a lot better and I have to go through some stuff, but other stuff is gone.

Kim is now in that back room, out of the crate, with a heater, several beds, a cat tree, and she is inconsolable. I thought at first that she liked the other room. I made Several trips back and forth holding her. She really just missed me and lost her faith. :(

Back to her new digs: She may have had low blood sugar, so I fed her through the tube, and after a while she was better. I placed her on the new tree and help her there while I slowly pushed the food through the syringe. Then I just held her. And petted her. She finally calmed down and purred away.

Spunky ws trying to get in, and that did not help her temperament.

When the oil radiating heater started gurgling, she took note. I even left her my t-shirt I was wearing as a woobie. :D I'ts okay, it's hot pink and it clashes with my new hair color. (I like it, but do not ask. It is a long story.)

In short, Kim will be a lot of work. She has lost her self-confidence. She needs frequent check-ins with lots of love. :love: It's a good thing my schedule is flexible this year.

Purrayers and Pawsitive wishes needed. :love:

10-07-2014, 08:10 AM
Loads of prayers and Pawsitive thoughts are coming to you, Anne. What wonderful things you are doing.

Blessings to you all,

10-07-2014, 09:16 AM
II would fail fostering Anne , one look from these tiny eyes and I would melt!!
That is why I took in Sydney ChistinOfur and Empress Josephine Kittens!
Good Luck and MEEEOWS From the Found Hotel Cats and Angels:love::love::love:

10-07-2014, 10:51 AM
Anne, you are such a healing presence to this girl! Poor Kim, all those abandonment frights! Once she knows you will always show up, I hope she will relax. :love::love:

10-07-2014, 02:08 PM
So glad she is gaining confidence, it will go back and forth for a while, so it is good you are patient with her!

10-07-2014, 09:40 PM
Tuesday the 7th:

Not sure what she wants today. I gave her some cat food, and then some tuna. She found a cubby in the bottom of the closet. Held her for a bit. It seems to take some time and deliberate actions to calm her down so she will rest in your arms.

Monday the 6th: Continued success. She ate more albacore! I put out some Fussy Cat tuna and chicken in aspic not long ago. Let's hope for good news.

I believe she is acting totally Siamese. That sweet kitty from Friday night was probably sick, scare, tired, etc. She loves my feet, rolling on the floor, sleeping in my arms, head rubs, and she talks all the time. ALL of the TIME.

Talks even when eating. Nom Nom Nom, etc. She is so funny. She makes me appear terse.

10-07-2014, 10:03 PM
I am officially in love with Kim. If I lived near you, I would so be ready to adopt her, plenty of pets and hugs and lap time at this house. I am looking for a mature female Siamese kitty, so Kim caught my eye. Give Sophia and Kim plenty of loves from me.:love::love::love:

Get ready to get an earful every day. How long have you been looking?

10-08-2014, 01:16 AM
Get ready to get an earful every day. How long have you been looking?

I'm not seriously looking until Christmas time. I'm in the middle of starting my own business and it is starting to take off. This means I don't have as much free time so introducing a new kitty to Kimba would be stressful. He doesn't like other males, so I am looking for a female, I love the kitty girls! As far as getting an earful, I hope so. My RB Ming was a beautiful Siamese boy and I miss having one of them delightful critters around the house.:D

10-08-2014, 08:37 PM
Continued success. She ate more albacore! I put out some Fussy Cat tuna and chicken in aspic not long ago. Let's hope for good news.

I believe she is acting totally Siamese. That sweet kitty from Friday night was probably sick, scare, tired, etc. She loves my feet, rolling on the floor, sleeping in my arms, head rubs, and she talks all the time. ALL of the TIME.

Talks even when eating. Nom Nom Nom, etc. She is so funny. She makes me appear terse.

Good girl, Kim, you ate some albacore! Hurray! Did you try your dry food again today? This is the best news I've had all day!:love:

10-08-2014, 09:40 PM
What wonderful news, dearest Kimmy girl! :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

10-09-2014, 02:59 PM
Oh, I love Siamese kitties; she is so beautiful with those eyes. :love: It's great news she is eating and getting comfortable in her environment. Can't wait to hear more about her!