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View Full Version : 15 Real Vintage Ads That Were Really, Really Sexist. Jeez, How Was This Okay?

09-23-2014, 12:14 PM

Commercials can be annoying today, but they're nothing compared to the incredibly offensive stuff ads used to get away with in the early days of consumerism.
Ads from the 40s, 50s, and 60s were notoriously sexist, but it isn't until you actually see some of them when you realize how bad it really was. Nearly every product, even those that have nothing to do with domestic duties or beauty ideals, was an excuse to demean women everywhere. Wow. See for yourself...

1.) Just what she always wanted: chores. http://images.viralnova.com/000/076/589/desktop-1411157639.png
Piximus (http://piximus.net/others/vintage-ads-that-are-totally-sexist)

2.) Something tells me there was something more in these vitamins than B-12. http://images.viralnova.com/000/076/597/desktop-1411157654.png
Piximus (http://piximus.net/others/vintage-ads-that-are-totally-sexist)

3.) "Women are soft and gentle, but they hit things." http://images.viralnova.com/000/076/590/desktop-1411157642.png
Piximus (http://piximus.net/others/vintage-ads-that-are-totally-sexist)

4.) Simple, silly, soft... So many ways to call women dumb. http://images.viralnova.com/000/076/592/desktop-1411157645.png
Piximus (http://piximus.net/others/vintage-ads-that-are-totally-sexist)

5.) It could have easily just been the cigarette box, guys. http://images.viralnova.com/000/076/588/desktop-1411157637.png
Piximus (http://piximus.net/others/vintage-ads-that-are-totally-sexist)

6.) Wait, what? This is just rude. http://images.viralnova.com/000/076/601/desktop-1411157671.png
Piximus (http://piximus.net/others/vintage-ads-that-are-totally-sexist)

7.) But... He's a chef! http://images.viralnova.com/000/076/598/desktop-1411157654.png
Piximus (http://piximus.net/others/vintage-ads-that-are-totally-sexist)

09-23-2014, 12:15 PM
8.) Domestic abuse because of... coffee. What. http://images.viralnova.com/000/076/593/desktop-1411157647.png
Piximus (http://piximus.net/others/vintage-ads-that-are-totally-sexist)

9.) At least she gets a beer, too. http://images.viralnova.com/000/076/599/desktop-1411157659.png
Piximus (http://piximus.net/others/vintage-ads-that-are-totally-sexist)

10.) According to this, women are only useful indoors. "Even pleasant." http://images.viralnova.com/000/076/594/desktop-1411157647.png
Piximus (http://piximus.net/others/vintage-ads-that-are-totally-sexist)

11.) There's nothing nice about this. http://images.viralnova.com/000/076/595/desktop-1411157651.png
Piximus (http://piximus.net/others/vintage-ads-that-are-totally-sexist)

12.) No, pedophiles aren't sexy, move along. http://images.viralnova.com/000/076/591/desktop-1411157643.png
Piximus (http://piximus.net/others/vintage-ads-that-are-totally-sexist)

13.) And we wonder why there are so many girls with body issues... http://images.viralnova.com/000/076/600/desktop-1411157659.png
Piximus (http://piximus.net/others/vintage-ads-that-are-totally-sexist)

14.) Do you get extra jerk points for wearing a suit to bed? http://images.viralnova.com/000/076/602/desktop-1411157678.png
Piximus (http://piximus.net/others/vintage-ads-that-are-totally-sexist)

15.) Anyone wearing this is probably only getting it for themselves. http://images.viralnova.com/000/076/596/desktop-1411157650.png
Piximus (http://piximus.net/others/vintage-ads-that-are-totally-sexist)

I'm glad things have changed. There's no way these could exist in the present. Can you believe people actually thought like this?

smokey the elder
09-23-2014, 12:24 PM
In the late 80's when I had my first job, they use to send these bingo cards in the mail advertising various pieces of equipment. Many of these had a scantily-clad well-built woman on display. We got a laugh about it at work, even though it was becoming inappropriate even them.

09-23-2014, 02:51 PM
Is #4 Goldie Hawn? Who's the Love's Baby Soft girl? I like vintage ads...

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT8nLdSyYj6AtGkV9_AjKvjiHYyrT6_v V5XMtF-jURkLph2Z40Y
Why Dad can't cook breakfast, I don't know... Mornidine was a drug prescribed for morning sickness.

09-23-2014, 03:35 PM
Is #4 Goldie Hawn? Who's the Love's Baby Soft girl? I like vintage ads...

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT8nLdSyYj6AtGkV9_AjKvjiHYyrT6_v V5XMtF-jURkLph2Z40Y
Why Dad can't cook breakfast, I don't know... Mornidine was a drug prescribed for morning sickness.

The drug was ultimately withdrawn from the market for causing hepatic lesions in patients.

Pipamazine: All drug products containing pipamazine. Pipamazine, formerly marketed as Mornidine tablets and injection, was associated with hepatic lesions. Approval of the NDA for Mornidine tablets andinjection was withdrawn on July 17, 1969 (see the Federal Register of July 17, 1969 (34 FR 12051)).

Not as bad as Thalidomide but not good either!

09-23-2014, 08:57 PM
I think every high-school aged girl nowadays should look at these so they realize how far the idea of equality has come. It's amazing how much attitudes have shifted even in 50-60 years!

09-25-2014, 10:17 AM
Re Number 1?

I have been gifted with Christmas gifts that sucked......

Number 9?

My mom had a 'thing' about women who drank beer from a bottle, she'd see them and say, 'They look cheap when they do that'.....

Everytime I see a woman with a beer in her hand, I think about momma!

Number 14? With all the talk about 50 shades of gray? Those ties can be used as props?

09-25-2014, 10:48 AM
I wasn't offended by them, and I actually got a chuckle at remembering how things used to be. Yup - "we've come a long way, baby" - and of course none of what was posted, should ever be accepted as the way life should be.