View Full Version : This Woman Is Almost 100, But She Is Living Life To The Fullest. She Is Epic.

09-20-2014, 12:10 PM

When her husband passed away eighteen years ago, Mary Lou Mahaney, then 72, found herself with a lot of alone time on her hands. She always wanted to travel, but her husband was never into the idea. "But after his passing," Mahaney, a retiree from Silver Spring, MD, says, "I decided that I had to see the world."


And see the world she did. With a vengeance. Today, at 90, Mahaney has visited every continent and over 100 countries. She also had some amazing adventures along the way. And she's not planning on slowing down anytime soon. "I've gone ATVing in the jungles of Africa, luging in New Zealand, hot air ballooning in Australia, climbed the Tiger's Nest (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paro_Taktsang) in Bhutan, parasailed in Greece and ridden a horse bareback in Argentina," she wrote in an email to BuzzFeed (http://www.buzzfeed.com/tasmaiuppin/who-says-a-95-year-old-cant-go-zip-lining#1fhx3e9). Traveling invigorates and inspires her, she says. "I just wake up every morning, loving life to the fullest."

Serving up some barbecue. Argentina, 2012. http://images.viralnova.com/000/075/144/desktop-1410888612.png

About to perform a traditional dance with some locals. Panama, 2011. http://images.viralnova.com/000/075/142/desktop-1410888610.png

The lions can sense your coolness. Botswana, 2010. http://images.viralnova.com/000/075/143/desktop-1410888609.png

They were taking to long to bring her a glass, and Mary Lou was thirsty. Germany, 2014 http://images.viralnova.com/000/075/140/desktop-1410888606.png

ATVing in Namibia, 2010 http://images.viralnova.com/000/075/139/desktop-1410888604.png

(Images: Mary Lou Mahaney via BuzzFeed (http://www.buzzfeed.com/tasmaiuppin/who-says-a-95-year-old-cant-go-zip-lining#1fhx3e9))
So what's next on the itinerary? Mahaney is planning a cruise to the Caribbean, where she wants to go zip-lining. After that, she's off to explore Burma. Beyond that? Well... anything and anywhere is possible for Mary Lou Mahaney.

09-20-2014, 01:11 PM
Almost 100? No way. She's 90. That's ten more years of exploring.
Maybe it takes some one whose 80 to realize this. :D

09-20-2014, 02:42 PM
Almost 100? No way. She's 90. That's ten more years of exploring.
Maybe it takes some one whose 80 to realize this. :D

Hee hee - I guess it depends on one's perspective! When you are a kid counting to 100 playing hide and seek, 90 is almost 100, but in terms of years, I think "Woman is 90, Living Life to the Fullest" would be just a eye-catching!

09-21-2014, 08:02 AM
Amazing! I hope if I live that long I can be like her!;)