View Full Version : Our outing to Pets Mart to see Santa!

12-18-2002, 08:07 AM
Well, one thing I can say for sure, it was interesting this year:D
First off, I had to drive 30 minutes, no biggie.
I wanted to get there early so we wouldn't have to wait, which I did.
But guess what? Santa had a flat:rolleyes: So he was 30 minutes late! Can you imagine standing in line with 2 big dogs who are trying to *play* with all these tiny little dogs?! I must say, they did a very good job listening to me, I was very proud of them, but ready to go when we were done!
When we finally got to see Santa, they were both tired and ready to go (or play, that would have been fine with them too!). Roxey was pretty good sitting beside santa, she only jumped down once, but Huney scooched so far away from him that she fell! The only way I could get her to stay there was to hold her, so I had to be in the picture too:rolleyes: But I guess it didn't turn out too bad.

This is the best part of the story:
When we first got in there were 2 little boys, they run up to us and say "IS THAT A SNOW DOG?!!" So of course I say yes & they were sooo excited! They asked me if her name was Demon (:D ) and I said no it's Roxey. So of course they kept calling her Rocky, but I didn't care, & neither did Roxey, she was getting some lovin'! Then, when we were in line to see Santa they were right behind us & they had another brother, but younger than they were, maybe 2 or 3. He also asked if her name was Demon & I said no....But the best thing was, he looked around to make sure noone was watching, then looked at Roxey and said "Hi Demon!" in a low whisper:D I think he was just pretending and he kept calling her Demon, it was just the cutest thing I've ever seen! I would have loved to have it on video!
Anyway, here is the picture, sorry it's not better!

12-18-2002, 08:22 AM
aw love the story! great pic too!

12-18-2002, 08:44 AM
LOL!!! Nice pic Anna!

And we know that Roxey isn't a "Demon".... ;) :D

*hugs and smooches to your fur kids*

Dixieland Dancer
12-18-2002, 09:02 AM
Cute picture! Your three are so lucky to have you for their mommy!!!!

12-18-2002, 09:29 AM
Great pictures Anna! :) :) You and your "doghters" are absolutely gorgeous! :)

Give your furbabies hugs and kisses from Me and Missy ;)

12-18-2002, 09:34 AM
What a cute story:) And what a great picture:D

12-18-2002, 10:00 AM
LOL Huney sounds like Lady! Well, she loved Santa all right (kissed his face, bit at his beard) but she didn't want to stay there! She even knocked the background over because she wouldn't stay still. I don't know HOW they got a good pic of her. Actually, we were going to try for a pic of Nebo and Lady together with Santa....but uhh...figured there was no way Santa could hold them both!

That story about Roxey is SO cute!!!! Hehe, I hear that ALL the time.....all all all the time! "Is that a SNOW DOG?" When I tell them yes, sometimes they are like "Oh wow he was in the movie??" I'm thinking..."Err...noo...he's just the same type of dog..." He wasn't even born when that movie was made. :D I've also had kids ask me if his name was Demon, although Roxey looks more like Demon than Nebo does! I bet that little boy thought he was really meeting a movie star! That would be so cute to see!

Actually, I think the most of the time kid's response to Nebo is either "Is that a snow dog?" or "Does he bite?" Apparently he looks mean or something....if only they knew what a big BABY he is. ;)

12-18-2002, 10:27 AM
Wow, Roxey looks right at home in that setting. Both girls look simply stunnig. The photo is breathtaking. Thanks for sharing it! The only thing that would make it better is if Angus was in there too! I know you probably couldn't bring him because he doesn't like other dogs though.

12-18-2002, 10:41 AM
Nice pic!!! err...... where's Angus? ;)

12-18-2002, 01:23 PM
What a great pic., Anna!! The girls are gorgeous, as usual!!! And so are you!:) Santa had a broken blade, errr...flat tire!:D I'll bet he was a little stressed! Was Angus not feeling up to the trip? Please share some Angus Xmas pics with us!

12-18-2002, 02:57 PM
how cute :D what great picture! :)

12-18-2002, 03:30 PM
Awww, that is a such a cute picture, love it! :)

Such a nice story about the children and snow dog Roxey! lol. I can relate to it a bit because not long after Dannielle, my 7 year old grandaughter had seen the film I told her I would show her some snow dogs right here on Pet Talk and we looked at pictures of Roxey, (and Nebo, Amy) and she was so impressed! Of course the similataties to Demon was mentioned, but she does realise they are real life dogs and nothing to do with the film. Oh, how I would love her to meet Roxey like those children did, she would be over the moon! :) :)

12-18-2002, 04:55 PM
Wow what an awesome picture & story!! I just watched Snowdogs less than 2 weeks ago & I thought about Nebo & Roxey the whole thing through. Anna, did you tell Santa what you wanted???? :D

Sara luvs her Tinky
12-18-2002, 07:32 PM
What a great picture!! Kids are so funny. He probably thought Roxey really was Demon.... That is my favorite trait about huskies... their friendliness!!!

12-18-2002, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
Anna, did you tell Santa what you wanted???? :D
Well of course I did, I told these Santa's though:D

And you were right Aly, Angus with all those other dogs....wouldn't have been a good time:eek:
But he did get to see Santa last year, so he said he
didn't mind staying home!

12-19-2002, 12:34 AM
OMG!! That is the best picture and story!!
I am glad the girls did 'good', did you take them by yourself? If so, boy are your brave!! It was all I could do to take Keegan!!!
You look gorgeous in the pic and I love the Santa pics of the dogs. They all look great, but Roxey's really stole my heart. :) But I love them all!!

12-19-2002, 04:57 AM
Oh, Anna, those three Santas :) :) :) how absolutely GORGEOUS they are! :) :) :) I love them! all three!

12-19-2002, 07:17 AM
They were quite a handful by myself, but overall they did pretty good. I bought a coupler a while back & they do really good with it.
When we were standing in line though, Roxey was getting kind of aggervated and would growl at Huney a little, so I had to seperate them. Just like grumpy kids:p

12-19-2002, 09:14 AM
I always enjoy your pictures Anna! Those are some good looking girls in the Pet Smart Picture!! And love the ones of all three in their santa hats!

12-21-2002, 08:49 AM
What great pictures!!! Roxey looks like such a lady in her Santa hat!!! I think maybe Santa should trade in his reindeer for a pack of sled dogs!!!

Our girls's didn't get to see Santa this year :( Just not enough hours in the day, and since we got Family pics done and they saw him last year, we thought maybe we'd wait a year...