View Full Version : Thursday # 600!!!!!!

08-28-2014, 10:45 AM
Dang, I never ever thought that this would go on this long...

I'll go back and figure out how many years it is?

I'd like to thank all the people who have participated in these threads.

I'd like to think that it's the longest running virtual bar on the planet.......:D

Line up to the bar and let's have a drink.

I would like to propose a toast in Slick's honor.........

To good health and continuing dancing.....I hope your feet hurt!!!!!:p;)


08-28-2014, 10:55 AM
Got my dancing shoes, and an extra pair in case the first pair wears out! :D

Special day....hmmm, barkeep, how about a virgin strawberry margarita? I'll chance the sugar - it'll be danced off in 5 minutes anyway! :D

08-28-2014, 11:28 AM
Got my dancing shoes, and an extra pair in case the first pair wears out! :D

Special day....hmmm, barkeep, how about a virgin strawberry margarita? I'll chance the sugar - it'll be danced off in 5 minutes anyway! :D

How about a 'dirty virgin' strawberry margarita?

It's virtual?;)


08-28-2014, 02:22 PM
And a party will be in order for Monday, too .... the birthday of all three sites, of course!

Lady's Human
08-28-2014, 04:49 PM

(And we've hit 600, which is twice as good as the 300, right?)

08-28-2014, 06:03 PM
Wow! The Thursday 600!!! I'll dance to that!!! and to Slick's great news of course!!! :D:love:

08-28-2014, 06:25 PM
Hooray Hooray!!! Cheers!!!!!


Queen of Poop
08-28-2014, 08:34 PM
600 - awesome!!!! Glad to be part of it.

Slick - so happy you'll be around many more years. Time for another kitty to find you!

The holiday Monday just happens to be Cali and Diego's 7th birthday! Happy early Birthday my babies!

Barkeep, a fruity drink please and thank you!

08-28-2014, 08:45 PM
600????? Holy crap, has it been that long?? I remember way back at the beginning when Gini, Laurie B and I played Jacks and Mario was running around wreaking havoc everywhere...so much fun.

Richard my friend, many thanks for honouring me in this thread. I would also like to honour Georgia L who doesn't come here anymore but hangs out on FB. Her last mammo came back all clear too, so she is still cancer free, and to all the others either going through cancer or who have beaten this terrible disease, I raise a glass. It's life events like this that make us stronger than ever.

Now on to the bevvy.....the usual please Richard - one double BM with a prawn skewer.

Anyone see Orc lately???

Lady's Human
08-28-2014, 10:07 PM

I'm sorry, I had to, please don't beat me!

Queen of Poop
08-30-2014, 07:59 PM
Big News!!! My ex has had my credit tied up for several years now. But today I learned he's listed one of the properties for sale!! When it sells our finances should untangle and I will finally be free of him!!! Happy dance!!! Pray it sells quickly!!! When it does I will finally be able to buy a house for the kitties and I. Drinks all around!

08-30-2014, 08:24 PM
Big News!!! My ex has had my credit tied up for several years now. But today I learned he's listed one of the properties for sale!! When it sells our finances should untangle and I will finally be free of him!!! Happy dance!!! Pray it sells quickly!!! When it does I will finally be able to buy a house for the kitties and I. Drinks all around!

YAY! I pray it sells quickly! Oh wow - new home for you and kitties! WOOHOO!:D

08-30-2014, 09:49 PM
Prayers from us too! Here's to a brighter day VERY soon!


08-31-2014, 04:36 PM
Hot and muggy here - more muggy than hot - anyone want some gazpacho? I think that would hit the spot!

09-01-2014, 06:10 PM
Birthday cake and ice cream? It is PetoftheDay.com's birthday ... and Dog and Cat, too!

09-02-2014, 12:31 AM
Happy Birthday Pet Talk! I'll skip the birthday cake, but are those chocolate truffles I see on the bar??? Yippee. Pass them over my way! :cool:

09-02-2014, 11:15 AM
Happy Birthday Pet Talk! I'll skip the birthday cake, but are those chocolate truffles I see on the bar??? Yippee. Pass them over my way! :cool:

Look at this? The stars have aligned for this Thursday....

Slick, Congrats on the great news....truffles for you! DONE!


I'll take a gazpacho....

The Orc is going to roll out the cake....wait until you see who jumps out!


Here's to brighter days ahead!! And one fruity drink....



As long as we don't end up as Leonidis did.....I am in?;)

Let's all raise a toast for PT....


Lady's Human
09-02-2014, 01:46 PM
Can I borrow Orc?

18 quarts of stewed tomatoes canned, a dining room table full of ripening tomatoes, more tomatoes out on the plants, and sauerkraut, a couple of types of relish, pickled cabbage, pickled beets, and apple canning yet to go.

Need some more help!

09-02-2014, 03:57 PM
Can I borrow Orc?

18 quarts of stewed tomatoes canned, a dining room table full of ripening tomatoes, more tomatoes out on the plants, and sauerkraut, a couple of types of relish, pickled cabbage, pickled beets, and apple canning yet to go.

Need some more help!

Aww, I'd help if I were closer - who has the remote for the Orc? I was explaining to someone today about "pickled 'beeps!'"

09-03-2014, 09:26 AM
Aww, I'd help if I were closer - who has the remote for the Orc? I was explaining to someone today about "pickled 'beeps!'"
I think we can send the ORC over....


After you pickle beeps, do you say, 'Walla'?

I told the story of 'walla' before.

My niece would say that every so often and my sis asked her about it...

She had to explain it was "Voila'"!!!


A round for everyone and more Bday cake!