View Full Version : 1 Fence down,1 Going Up

08-23-2014, 01:18 PM
Here is what is left of old fence.It has been up for at least 14 years,in April we had a windstorm and it loosened one of the sections and was leaning our way.Our fixed it temporarily.The posts were put up yesterday and the vertical boards are going in.Our neighbor is doing it with the help of his his daughter's male friend,looking good so far,is a cedar color and it is enviromentally friendly.

08-24-2014, 08:05 AM
Aw, fence replacing.:rolleyes: I just had all of the posts replaced on my 6' wooden fence this summer. (they were 19 years old) The fence was moved a bit also. The fencing is seven years old so hopefully I will get a few more years out of it!

Keep us updated Barry.

08-24-2014, 02:02 PM
Here's what the fence looked like late Saturday afternoon.The lattice still has to be installed and the top of the cut off so it will look even.It might be done withing the next 4 days,our neighbor has 4 days of holidays this week.