View Full Version : 24

12-17-2002, 06:30 PM
Has anyone watched the tv series 24? (I know this has nothing to do with animals, but anyway) I love it, its really interesting and some what atticting :x My dad's friend had disks 1-6 (4 1 hour epi.'s on each) and I'm just starting on 5. I would have finished it today, but he wasn't home so I couldn't get it. If you haven't seen it, you might consider :]

12-17-2002, 06:33 PM
I started watching when my mom came to visit. I hadn't really paid any attention before, but it is a really good show. The only thing I find frustrating, and I know this is really stupid, is that they are always wearing the same outfits, and I like to see what TV people wear. Just a quirk of mine! :D

12-18-2002, 01:57 PM
Its only cause it takes place over a 24 hour period and they we're really in the position ot be able to change :D