View Full Version : RIP Robin Williams

08-11-2014, 08:36 PM
While watching tv tonight, I was absolutely shocked to hear of Robin Williams' passing. Even though I remember him most from Mork & Mindy, he appeared in several movies and tv shows including a few roles on the "Law and Order" franchise. The roles he played to perfection were varied - comedy, drama, thrillers. Sometimes he was a villian, sometimes the hero, and at times he was the psycho.

Robin, you have given us so much in the name of valued entertainment. Thank you and rest in peace. You'll never be forgotten.

08-11-2014, 08:39 PM
Rest in peace, sir. Your struggles with depression and addiction are over at last, but the laughter and comfort and joy and tears you brought to us all will be your most lasting legacy. I hope you find peace indeed.

08-11-2014, 09:50 PM
I just heard this story on the news- how incredibly sad. 63 is not old. My first experiences with Robin Williams were on "Happy Days" and then "Mork and Mindy". That was when every kid I knew was running around saying "Shuzzbutt" and "Nanoo, nanoo". In college my roommate had a copy of his "Reality What a Concept" album that we listened to over and over again. "Aladdin" is one of my all-time favorite Disney movies and I think "Mrs. Doubtfire" is my favorite of his films. RIP Mr. Williams.

"You're only given one little spark of madness; you mustn't lose it." -- Robin Williams

08-11-2014, 10:07 PM
I was just stunned. His poor family! He gave us all so much to laugh about, and so much to admire in the different roles he played in films.

Here is a photo gallery of some of his roles: http://www.ctvnews.ca/entertainment/entertainment-photos/remembering-the-life-of-robin-williams-1.1955497

08-12-2014, 09:41 AM
Thinking back, there are TONS of characters he played.....

I wasn't a fan fan, but I really enjoyed him in the World According to Garp. He was perfectly cast in the movie.


He made me 'nervous' when I saw him do talk shows. I wanted to hear him talk about his upcoming roles or projects, but he would always drift into some kind of character/voices during the interview.

Years ago someone said that comedians use comedy to deflect the pain in their lives - I saw that in RW and wondered what kind of demons he fought during his life.

He was one of a kind.

08-12-2014, 09:56 AM
The shelter where I volunteer does a calendar each year with photos of celebrities with their animals, or just a rescued animal for the photo shoot.
Ironically, this month featured Mr Robin Williams. Usually, it will state the person occupation (eg. actor, race car driver). If you'll notice what it says next to Robin Williams name. :)
I hope the pic isn't as large as it appears in my preview after I post it.

smokey the elder
08-12-2014, 10:10 AM
What a shame. Depression is such a cruel thing. You are with your mentor, Jonathan Winters, yukking it up for the angels, with a whole mind.

08-12-2014, 11:31 AM
Taz, what a wonderful picture! It IS big, but Robin was larger than life! :)

I think you know this, but a "bunch" of pugs is called a grumble. ;)

08-12-2014, 12:21 PM
Taz, what a wonderful picture! It IS big, but Robin was larger than life! :)

I think you know this, but a "bunch" of pugs is called a grumble. ;)

Yes he was larger than life!

I guess he has two Boston Terriers and a Pug of his own. Apparently, Leonard Bean was just a rescued pup used for the photo.

08-12-2014, 03:09 PM
I was sorry to hear that Robin Willilams had died. No doubt his depression got the best of him and he must have been very miserable in his life to commit suicide. I sure wish he could have gotten the necessary help and/or meds to fight his depression and alcoholism. Too bad he couldn't cope with whatever was bothering him. I'm old enough to remember Mork & Mindy and his other characters. Sad.

08-12-2014, 03:09 PM
Such a shame that he is gone. He had everything to live for - such a great talent - funny, compassionate, serious, generous. So sad that he couldn't find peace of mind, for he was relatively young and had so much left to share with the world. My favorites ~~~ Mork & Mindy, Mrs Doubtfire, Good Morning Viet Nam.

Rest in peace Robin Williams. You made the world laugh, and now they cry at your sad demise.

08-12-2014, 06:13 PM
kaycountrygal - Robin went through medical treatment - rehab, medications, the lot - for his whole life. Depression is like any chronic disease - for some people, it is manageable. For others, it gets very serious and sometimes medication-resistant.

08-12-2014, 06:34 PM
I was sorry to hear that Robin Willilams had died. No doubt his depression got the best of him and he must have been very miserable in his life to commit suicide. I sure wish he could have gotten the necessary help and/or meds to fight his depression and alcoholism. Too bad he couldn't cope with whatever was bothering him. I'm old enough to remember Mork & Mindy and his other characters. Sad.

kaycountrygal - Robin went through medical treatment - rehab, medications, the lot - for his whole life. Depression is like any chronic disease - for some people, it is manageable. For others, it gets very serious and sometimes medication-resistant.

His death is tragic, but I hope it will take some of the stigma off of depression and other mental health conditions. He's a man who spent much of his career making people laugh. I agree with Pomtzu, so sad he could not find peace of mind. What a way for his life to end.

08-13-2014, 02:41 PM
So sad. :cry:

08-18-2014, 01:46 PM
Im not what one could consider a fan-fan of his but did love his characters in a few roles. he was a very talented man.
i had no idea he was struggling with depression so i too was shocked to see see his passing on the news. he always seemed so bubbly when ever i watched any interviews he was involved in.

RIP dude

08-18-2014, 02:08 PM
Many years ago, I had a pastor who was struggling with debilitating depression, myasthenia gravis, and then got a Parkinson's diagnosis. We nearly lost him, but I am happy to say we didn't, and he is still alive today, got medications and therapies that helped the Parkinson's enough so he was able to hold and baptize his infant grand twins. Those twins are now strong, growing elementary school kids, and have grown up knowing their grandfather, which Robin William's death just points out, is a huge blessing compared to what might have been.

Depression and Parkinsons are closely linked oftentimes, and it can be a mentally overwhelming diagnosis.