View Full Version : What do I do??

12-17-2002, 04:27 PM
Well this morning I went for a drive to the mall to do some christmas shopping. As I was driving I saw I little dog come running from a yard and onto the street. I quickly pulled over and coaxed the dog into my arms. He looked like an affenpinsher. Anyway I went to the home and this lady opens the door and I just gasped. The inside of her home was....horrible! There were animals in tiny cages and they were sitting in their own filth! She screamed at the dog and tossed him over a chair! There were many dogs and cats and it stunk horribly. And I nearly smacked that women when I saw a vervet guenon (type of monkey). He looked so sad. She saw me staring at him and said her husband was "in the buisness."

I grabbed my cell phone when I was in my car and so far the police said they'd "check into it" but knowing our police force checking into it will be in a few months! What am i supposed to do!


12-17-2002, 04:40 PM
Doesn't your town have an animal control officer????? That would be the person to call. Or, considering the condition of the inside of the home, you might also try the Board of Health. Grrrrrrrr:mad: Those animals need to be checked on, at least!!! You don't indicate where you live. It's been my experience that the many southern towns do not have animal control officers as such. In the northeast they have a LOT of power over how animals are cared for in their towns and are not hesitant to enter homes, yards, issue fines, etc. I would continue to pester the police if you have no other recourse. You might also try contacting the Humane Society. Do you have an SPCA sanctioned shelter in your area??? You might try contacting them. If I were you, I would knock on HER NEIGHBORS DOORS, asking if they have any info. re: the # and state of care of the animals in the care of the person you speak of. MAKE WAVES!!!!!! This is unconscienable!

12-17-2002, 04:50 PM
One of my friends knows the number of our animal control officer and I am dialing her number right now.

BTW I did talk to her neighbors who've called the police but nothing has happened and advised me to call animal control. they say her husband sells these animals and they *think* he may have some wolf hybrids (wolfs and dog mix) which are illegal in my area. they also said the women has many affenpinshers which come over to their house all the time for some sort of food.

The poor little things. I got the number. i calling right away.


12-17-2002, 04:56 PM
GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!! Hoping for the best for these poor creatures! What a wonderful, brave act!!! Some are not as inclinced to put themselves in the line of fire! Please keep us informed! Yay, Rachel!!!:)

12-17-2002, 05:06 PM
i hope all goes well and they get these poor animals away from thsi awful home. good for you for getting involved. :)

12-17-2002, 05:48 PM
That is so wonderful of you to get involved. I hope every one of these animals is found a better home to live in. That sounds absolutely terrible.

12-17-2002, 09:50 PM
The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Call the police, animal control, the humane society, the health department, social services, etc. Call them all, and call them all again, and again, until they do something.

12-17-2002, 10:01 PM
Heck, we'll all call animal control if you think it will help!

Do let us know how it goes! Those poor animals!

Dixie Belle
12-18-2002, 12:20 AM
Yeah, I live in one of those lovely southern towns that don't have animal control. It sucks. Keep us posted with what happens.